The manuscript of survival ~ part 102

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The manuscript of survival ~ part 102

 12 March 2012 ~ 7:58am |  Aisha North
Artwork By Father God Amon Ra

For now, things will seem to quieten down a bit as you all start to assimilate all of those doses of high voltage energy you have been receiving during these last days. It was no mean feat, let us tell you that, and we venture to guess that they certainly left their mark on you at impact. That is not strange, as they were of a magnitude hitherto unseen on your shores, and we all applaud your efforts in this sweet ones.

~ How To Create A Deeper Connection Of Love With Mother Earth

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~ How To Create A Deeper Connection Of Love With Mother Earth

by GLR Natalie Glasson 

Sacred School of Om Na | March 12 2012

AA Raphael - Each of you are angelic beings upon the Earth, selflessly giving of our light and love from the depths of your soul. I honour your realisation of this within your being. It is your purpose at this time and all times to share your light and love from the very depths and origins of your soul. This is the time of empowerment for the soul of the Creator and for the aspects of the Creator you hold within you. It is a time to empower your soul knowing that this action and intention is a catalyst that will positively influence the entire universe of the Creator. Love your soul and love loving your soul. Empower your soul by placing your focus upon your soul’s expression at all times. Know that this will allow your truth to expand and develop free from boundaries.


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A magnitude 5.7 earthquake has struck the Kuril Islands at a depth of 131.6 km (81.8 miles), the quake hit at 12:32:49 UTC Monday 12th March 2012
The epicenter was 16 km (10 miles) West from Kuril'sk, Kuril Islands
No Tsunami Warning Issued - No Reports of Damage or Injuries at this time

Angela Peregoff ~ The Week Ahead (March 12 2012) Mercury Goes Retrograde Today~

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Angela Peregoff ~ The Week Ahead (March 12 2012)


The Week Ahead | March 12 2012

I hope that you didn’t stress out as the March winds blew in some magnetic instability last week. It was yet another reminder from the solar brain of our galaxy that we still have an incredible amount of information to integrate into our DNA codes as we ride this Ascension train of change. The sun will play a very active role in 2012 and 2013 emitting magnetically charged particles called coronal mass ejections that soar through space with compelling force to assist us at this pivotal time. The Ascension has movement and since I last wrote the velocity of light increased 17% establishing new growing pains that will lead to great new horizons of harmony and peace.


~Space Weather Update~ GEOMAGNETIC STORM UNDERWAY~ Active Sunspots

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GEOMAGNETIC STORM UNDERWAY: A moderate G2-class geomagnetic storm is underway following the arrival of a CME on March 12th at ~0930 UT. The CME's impact caused strong ground currents in Norway. At the same time, photographic Southern Lights were recorded over New Zealand and Tasmania. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras. Aurora alerts: text, phone.


WEEKEND SOLAR FLARE: Sunspot AR1429 erupted again over the weekend. On Saturday, March 10th, it produced a powerful M8-class flare that almost crossed the threshold into X-territory. During the flare, New Mexico amateur astronomer Thomas Ashcraft recorded a series of radio bursts at 21 and 28 MHz:

Heavenletter #4126 A Ghost from the Past

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Heavenletter #4126 A Ghost from the Past, March 12, 2012 


God said: 


Let go of past error. Let go of that which you see as error, and let it be over and done with. If you made a mistake, do not compound it with guilt. Free yourself from guilt. Guilt is not good for you. Guilt is a stamp you put on yourself. With a hot iron, you brand yourself guilty again and again. When you don't have something new to feel guilty about, you find something from an old reservoir to plague yourself with. The one to forgive is yourself. The best is yet to come. Guilt is a self-lashing that deters the good to come.

Guilt is self-recrimination.

Guilt is a ghost from the past.


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