The Coming Energies March thru October 2012

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The Coming Energies March thru October 2012




I swear to god it seems for the last two nights someone is taking every strand of my physical body and rearranging it!!  I am feeling it must be the new intensity of the magnetic field emerging.  Not to mention the full clearing of the digestive tract… ugh!


The duration is very different for everyone.  The more work you need to get your DNA up to speed, the longer the process, often the more intense.  Bless every single minute of it!  It is truly your divinity being poured directly into your human vessel!!


Astrology March 13, 2012: A Grand Earth Trine

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Astrology March 13, 2012: A Grand Earth Trine

13 Tuesday Mar 2012



The “optimistic” Sagittarius Moon may find us wishing upon a star. It could be, too, that many of our wishes do come true now with a Grand Earth Trine, today through Thursday. Abundant Jupiter, romantic Venus, courageous Mars and reforming Pluto may serve as an auspicious springboard to help us manifest our financial and pleasurable intentions for ourselves.


This rare grand trine is potentially very transforming energy that can help to dramatically reshape our world in all sorts of wondrous ways, and also hopefully allow us to simultaneously spread our sphere of influence in a positive manner upon those whose lives are interconnected with ours.


General Ricardo Bermúdez presenting evidence from an official UFO investigation

glr_Andrea's picture

This is an excerpt from Gen. Ricardo Bermúdez's presentation at the 2012 International UFO Congress, detailing the "Pelican Case," a UFO encounter that involved two airliners and a navy plane called Pelican.

Ricardo Bermúdez is the director of CEFAA (Committee of Studies of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena), which is part of DGAC, Chile's Civil Aviation Agency, the equivalent to the U.S. FAA.

Read more about Gen. Bermúdez's 2012 IUFOC presentation at

Visonkeeper ~ Good Times Ahead! ~ 13 March 2012

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Visonkeeper ~ Good Times Ahead! ~ 13 March 2012


Instead of listening to the drama and dread on television, why not concentrate on dreaming about the good times slowly making their way back into our reality. Soon we will be free to rest, play, laugh and be free to be whomever we wish to be. Life can’t get any better than that. The main stream media is not covering any of the changes quietly unraveling before us. All people hear about is war and death, control, environmental destruction, and the demise of America and her liberty and freedom. How ghastly! Wouldn’t you rather hear about the 254 Banker Resignations from banks all around the world, the beginning procedures for impeachment for crimes against President Obama or perhaps about all of the money that has been set aside to pull this country out of debt once the corrupt financial system finally crashes and burns? This is honest reality, not what you are hearing on television.


~Space Weather Update~ Growing quiet~ Wind speed at 564

Lia's picture

GROWING QUIET: The chance of another strong flare is decreasing as big sunspot AR1429 decays and turns away from Earth. Our planet's magnetic field is still reverberating from the impact of a CME on March 12th. High-latitude sky watchers should remain alert for "aftershock auroras" as the storms subside. Aurora alerts: text, phone.


VENUS-JUPITER CONJUNCTION: This is a great week to admire the sunset. Venus and Jupiter are side-by-side only 3o apart in the western sky, beaming through the twilight as soon as the sun goes down. Photographer Marek Nikodem of Szubin, Poland, recorded the scene at nightfall on March 12th:


"Venus and Jupiter are like two lanterns illuminating the darkness," says Nikodem. "It's a wonderful sight."



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