Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-09-2012...

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Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-09-2012... not seen on the mainstreem media



by ANdReA




Incoming LOVE & CONSCOIUSNESS have met today in perfect Harmonic Balance with the New Energy of Truth & Freedom of GaiLighAstaRa. This Perfect conjunction has already started to Create the New Consciousness. Release your seatblet folks, they’re no more needed!

Humanity is FREE!


The Council Of Twelve – We Are Blessed by Ann Anderson

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  The Council Of Twelve – We Are Blessed – 9 March 2012


by Galactic Love Reporter  Ann Anderson

We are the Council of Twelve. We are here to say hello to you and to greet you with smiles and happiness on this beautiful, spring-like day. Isn’t it a good time to be alive? We hope that you appreciate and enjoy your life. We hear you asking about your purpose, wondering about the meaning of life, why are you here, what is it for?

Do God and Sports mix? ~ by: Neale Donald Walsch

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Do God and Sports mix?

Written by: Galactic Love Reporter Neale Donald Walsch

The Mirror Effect

Our world and what it tells us about ourselves





We don’t have to look far to see what kind of world we are living in…and what kind of world we have collectively created. The only question we might want to ask is: Why aren’t we doing anything to stop it? Or are we trying…but simply (and sadly) unable?

Enlightened Beings – How To Be Unstoppably Happy – 9 March 2012

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 Enlightened Beings – How To Be Unstoppably Happy

 9 March 2012

Posted on March 9, 2012 by lucas2012infos 


by Galactic Love Reporter Jafree Ozwald

There are many people who have spent lifetimes striving to reach their dreams and goals which they believe will one day make them happy. Yet, most find themselves addicted to the pursuit of their vision, and the fantasy of what may come, instead of actually enjoying being happy in their lives today. The truth is there are as many distractions inside us as there are on the outside of us, and they are ALL excuses that say it’s not possible to be happy right now. The secret we have discovered to becoming unstoppably happy is simply to see how happiness is not far away at all. It is always a choice readily available to you in each new moment.

Do You Hear the Sound of the New Light?? - by Lisa

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Do You Hear the Sound of the New Light??


Dog Whistle


by Galactic Love Reporter Lisa Gawlas 

 March 9, 2012

There are days, often any more, I feel like a super computer constantly downloading and integrating new software.  By the end of my day… which starts and ends very early… I have no functioning brains to work with.  Yesterday, I really got to see what is happening within me thru my daily process of reading people.  My own personal molecules expand.  I become so loaded with Light energy that to do anything else.. impossible.

3/9/2012 - TO THE DAY, TO THE HOUR = One year ago 7.2M west Pacific ( Japan )

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I hope this is not a repeat -- last year -- one year ago to the day and TO THE HOUR roughly 1am CST on 3/9/2011 a 7.2M struck the W. Pacific in Japan...

Move forward one year .. and at approx 1am CST on 3/9/2012 a 7.1M struck the W. Pacific near Vanuatu.

The global earthquake swarm MATCHES last years movement (only a bit greater).. 

Below -- see my video from LAST YEAR.. .same date and same time video shot as this video today.. approx 130am CST !!!

Again, lets hope we do NOT see a repeat of last year -- but the volcano activity matches last years unrest .. and the earthquakes actually show a bit MORE than last year... so we should be ON ALERT at this point for a repeat event ...... JUST IN CASE.....

Pacific Ring of fire should be ready and waiting for it.. anywhere from Japan / Kuril Islands.. south through Philippines, all the way south through Vanuatu .. into New Zealand.


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