~AA METATRON on Earth Ascension~

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~AA METATRON on Earth Ascension~



Archangel Metatron on Earth Ascension

through Beth Trutwin Original Posting 12/1/10


Greetings. This is Lord Metatron. All of you reading this are Members of the Ground Crew of the Ashtar Command. You are witnessing the vast wide sweeping Ascension of Planet Earth. It is unfolding before your eyes.


~Greetings from Alpha Spaceship!~

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~Greetings from Alpha Spaceship!~


Artwork By Father God Amon Ra


Inner peace is fundamental in a human being, be it of this planet or of whatever other inhabited planet. Calm, inoffensiveness or non-violence, tranquility are common qualities in evolved souls of illumined planes, but difficult to see in terrestrial beings.


You have been conditioned to live a life full of strong emotions, aggressive sports where what counts is to win, when what is important should be to play and have fun doing it well without that concept of competition, which is so widespread in everything you do, be it practicing sports or also in the work world between some commercial enterprises.


They don’t look towards the common good, they don’t make an effort to achieve the welfare of their community; rather, primarily they compete with one another so that, that which they represent will be what brings them the most benefit.


But it is not your fault; it is the system you live and were raised in which is at fault and is preventing you today from enjoying inner peace.

Rats Leaving the Ship: Banking Families Are Disappearing

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Rats Leaving the Ship: Banking Families Are Disappearing


Rats Leaving the Ship: Banking Families Are Disappearing | in5d News











At the 52 minute mark in this February 8, 2012 interview from Project Camelot of Jay Weidner, Kerry Cassidy states, “One thing, which is we got word, is that the contractors in the Boston area are exchanging among themselves that houses are starting to be emptied, and what are in essence banking families are just disappearing, altogether, they’re just abandoning their houses…”

Kerry also mentions John Kettler, who has been making some accurate predictions.

John Kettler’s website

Wes Annac: Purging and Cleansing Update~ Day One

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Wes Annac: Purging and Cleansing Update~ Day One


It's a New Beginning! Thanks to Lisa (Wolfke74) for the Image


February 27, 2012: Day one of attempted purging

1:17 PM – This is day one and the purging has begun, and as anticipated it is difficult. Been feeling really strong urges to do exactly what I am purging myself from, which was anticipated as I knew there would be those parts of myself who want only to continue the old paradigm; and in this case ‘continuing the old paradigm’ means indulging in exactly what I wish to get away from.


Oneism - Oneness fundamentals of Oneism and Noetic Science at Oneism.org

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This Oneism film clip is a collection of extracts of quotes from many famous authors, scholars and spiritual personalities and the first film clip ever to putt ALL of Oneism oneness in a true clear perspective. It is an open source video so please do a good deed and copy and duplicate this movie on your own youtube account.

Oneism Author of The Hidden Records who cracked the Solomon Key cipher code, Wayne Herschel confirms the source of his human origins theory and it is not of this Earth!

In an out of body experience he believes he has literally seen the Cosmic Tree of Life and what can only be explained as the place of God!

He presents the source of all his evidence not only for his book's Hidden Records Solomon Key theory that humanity originated from celestial visitors from the stars, but for proof of his experience with The Creation... the nucleus at the centre of the universe, the cosmic Tree of Life. He has spent the last 20 years finding all the hidden records proving his life-altering experience.

Apart from showing that all religions carry separate pieces of one big puzzle, his experience also shows what humanity is doing drastically wrong, and that we will soon face something very catastrophic we do not change our ways urgently. See the full story on the Cosmic Tree of Life and the UFO visitation evidence and the oneness of Oneism at...



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