Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 2/24/12

Greg_ Giles's picture

by Galactic Love Reporter Greg Giles



Of what numbers are the factors of 33? Our answer is 1, 3, 11, and 33. These numbers hold a special place within the structure of your world, and these numbers have been used by the light as well as the dark for many ages, not just in recent times. As you as a collective reach certain points along your journey, you will find you will begin to recognize many signs and symbols that have been placed before you either by the light or the dark. Just because a symbol has been inserted into your environment by agents of the dark, it does not necessarily denote an evil attempt to control you or manipulate you.


The Angel Within Unleashed by Galactic Love Reporter Lucas

glr_Andrea's picture


 – The Angel Within Unleashed – 



Posted on February 24, 2012

by Galactic Love Reporter lucas2012infos 



In these last moments on our timeline towards ascension s0 much is happening around us all. We see or not yet see what the bigger picture for ourselves is. The roles you have played on this earthly playing field of 3 dimensional being are still hazy.


We came here as we have chosen to be part of the experiment in duality. As most of us already lived multiple lives on earth and in others realms. As you know the stars and planets are many on our celestial night sky. We have longed back, did not know who we were and where  we have come from. We have sought the deeper meaning of life in our own ways.


John Ward – Bankers Given Explicit Timetable For Athens Default (Likely Date for Greek Timetable Default: 23rd March 2012) – 24 February 2012

AnaShyNa's picture


Galactic Love Reporter John Ward

Bankers Given Explicit Timetable For Athens Default (Likely Date for Greek Timetable Default: 23rd March 2012)  

24 February 2012







A written document giving firm dates and detailed actions for a planned Greek default has been in the possession of two top Wall Street bank currency trading bosses since the second week in January. The Slog has separate but corroborative sources affirming the existence of the document, and a conviction among senior bank staff that – at least at the time – the plan represented “a timetable, not a contingency”. The plan gives a firm date of March 23rd for default to be announced after the close of business.

The Galactic Free Press ~2~24~12~ Energy and Event Update~ The Pressure is ON~

Lia's picture

~ The Galactic Free Press~ Daily Update~ 2~24~12


~Bringing Humanity Home~

~Energy and Event Update~ The Pressure is ON~


 "Love does not wait for change, Love is the Change, sometimes with Ruthless Compassion."



Painting By Father God Amon Ra


Greetings Love Beings, Welcome to Another Day Closer to all Inevitable Events. AS of Right Now, there is no denying that the Light, has arrived in full force energy and causing upheavals across the Planet. The illusion is crumbling before everyone, who has eyes to see. Belief systems are flying out the window, as Love becomes more and More Real for those Ready to Step completely into 5d Living.


"Cosmic Law, Source Energy"

Lia's picture

~ Galactic Love Reporter Ponder Cory ~



"Cosmic Law, Source Energy"


The days of the Dark are numbered. The Light of Truth is NOW
breaking over Mother Earth, and WE are waking up to our
true potential. The lies spread by the Dark were
designed to trick us into thinking that WE were not held
responsible for our 'evil' actions, that someone else would "pay" for our misdeeds. Such thinking is nonsense because it runs counter
Cosmic Law.


Cosmic Law is designed by Creator Source for all of creation to maintain harmony and balance. No part of creation is exempt from such law.
Cosmic Law is unchanging and irrefutable. No one can change it. It is
absolute! No matter how you may want to interpret it or apply it,
there is only one interpretation, one application..that of the
author, Creator Source.


May we all connect to our spirit within. Full of light, vibrating on the frequencies of love, joy and truth. And may we all feel the power and wisdom of that
Spirit. The power to use the wisdom and the wisdom to know how to use
the power. For that is within us all, it is our divine birthright as
creators and one with God Source.....light and love.."


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