Montague Keen ~ 19 February 2012 We are Watching Over Your Planet

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Montague Keen ~ 19 February 2012


My dear Veronica, as I told you this week, the Sword of Truth is cutting through all the corruption and exposing it. You received a copy of David Icke’s new book, REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE. This book covers everything you need to know, to help you to see and understand the prison you are living in and the methods used to keep you in this hypnotic prison that you had accepted as your lot in life. It is good to see many breaking free of it, finding their voice to say “NO MORE! We will no longer tolerate your domination.” The people of Europe will lead the way in this, quite soon. It will spread world wide. There is total support for this on this side of life, plus your extended family from other planets.

We watched your excitement, last evening, as the Andromedan spaceship responded to you. It completed some interesting manoeuvres to greet you. They will physically visit soon. They watch over your planet. They are doing much to restore balance. They need you to understand and accept that you need to learn how to re-establish and use your own power and energy. We look forward to Earth’s reunion with her fellow planets and your Universe being restored.


Enlightened Beings ~ The Blue Room Revisited ~ by Jafree Ozwald

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Enlightened Beings ~ The Blue Room Revisited
Posted on February 19, 2012
by Galactic Love Reporter Gillian
Jafree Ozwald  | Enlightened Beings
“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.” ~Albert Einstein
Most people don’t understand how powerful they are.  Often they think that everything in their world happens “to them” and not “for them”.  They don’t realize how the things in their life simply “show up” from their own creative thinking.  Some people believe that when something miraculous or unexplainable occurs, that they had no apparent say in the manifestation of it at all. The bigger truth is far from it, and now science is backing it up.  We are constantly having an impact on our world and the situations and things we manifest through the ideas we choose to visualize and hold our attention upon.  We are perpetual participants in the co-creation of our everyday realities.  Every thought you are thinking is like a magnet, pulling towards you that which you want or what you don’t want to occur.

Etheric Visualization ~ The Universal Torus

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Etheric Visualization ~ The Universal Torus




Thomas Pafe | Science Of Ascension | February 17 2012


Ether (scientifically-speaking) is known to be the stuff between spaces – a hypothetical substance supposed to occupy all space. Some traditions have called it the God Particle – the underlining infinite universal force (spiritual energy), the substance/intelligence that keeps things in harmony/balance in all of creation hence responsible for all ESP phenomena. We are permanently immersed/surrounded by an infinite encompassing field called the God wave aka the Universal Torus.


New Energetic "Structures" Forming Out of the Void

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With the increased cleaning and clearing of our perceptions, beliefs and physical bodies that so many are performing on themselves lately, there is also an increased change taking place in the foundational structure of energy itself.


By taking a look deeply into energy itself, you’ll see that there is something akin a net or mesh that sort of exists in and around everything we consider to be our reality. It could resemble a fishing net in how it’s woven together. It holds the information and structure together for our existence and I’m sure has been doing so since the beginning of existence as we understand it.


Spacemuffin ~ More Of What We Already Know But Must Keep Talking About ~ 19 February 2012

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Spacemuffin ~ More Of What We Already Know But Must Keep Talking About ~ 19 February 2012



Humanity as a collective cannot stop or halt in this process of awakening, neither should they hesitate to reveal vital information, nor hinder its release and distribution.  The truths have been hidden for long enough and they can be found hidden in the vaulted chambers of the Vatican, from sacred Astrological texts, to Mayan calendars, to the wealth of plundered nations.  Hello beings of planet earth: that’s why they have vaulted rooms, and secret libraries, so that nobody knows what they’ve got hidden in there.  And guess what?  You and I don’t get to go in.


Thirty years ago when I began to study Astrology, I asked my teacher, Brent Henderson, which books I should buy.  He gave me a list and laughed, and said ‘But if you want the really good stuff, try the Vatican.’  I was young and impressionable, and he would never know how many times his offhand comment would echo in my head over the balance of my years.


Volcano ~ Earthquake Watch Feb 20-25, 2012

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Targeting Coronal Hole (CH501). With associated solar disturbance and significant Pc3 spike indicate a strong seismic event in the coming days. After analysis I have isolated (1-9°N Latitude). Solar symmetry to earth indicates best fit regions for a possible 6.5-6.8 Magnitude Earthquake are:

Nicobar Islands-India Region, Northern Sumatra-Indonesia, Molucca Sea, Moro Gulf-Philippines, Mindanao-Philippines, Costa Rica, Panama or Colombia . Likely Time Frame Feb 20-22

Targeting Coronal Hole (CH502) indicates a strong seismic event for the end of this watch period Feb 24-25. After analysis I have isolated (22-27°S Latitude). Solar symmetry to earth indicates best fit regions for a possible 6.8 Magnitude Earthquake are:

Loyalty Islands, South Of Fiji, South Of Tonga or the Kermadec Islands Region.

Realtime Ionospheric Anomalies this week are: Fiji, Tonga, Samoa in the Pacific Islands, Hawaii, South West Indonesia and the Ryukyu Islands Japan.

Excellent information websites for solar watchers and researchers
Earthquake Reporting Channel

~The Galactic Free Press~ The Breaking Point~

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