What is “Ascension”?

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What is “Ascension”?

2012 February 19
Posted by BZ Riger

Reposted from Oct. 23, 2009



As we near 2012 and the end of the present cycle of duality, “the stage is set for a grand finale,” according to Atmos of Sirius, “a glorious time of enlightenment, and the spreading of much love and harmony. The Light is reaching into people’s heart centers and awakening them to greater possibilities than they have [ever] previously considered.” (1)


Hilarion's Weekly Message, February 19 2012

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February 19-26, 2012
Beloved Ones,
Many of you are finding yourselves with a feeling of sleepiness that comes on in the early evening and you have no choice but to go to sleep, for the feeling is so strong. This is a period when we are working on adjusting your energy fields and this is best accomplished while your physical body is at a deep rest. If you are experiencing this symptom then know that it is your turn to be attuned and adjusted. Each and everyone of our Lightworking Family is being given this personal attention in order to accelerate the process of transformation.

I Surrender My Soul...to the GREAT I AM By unknownlightworker

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I am no longer able to straddle two worlds…to ground two worlds…I read the same information…going in circles…There are some great changes that are going to happen(month or two) I see it…I can’t explain it…This blog (statement) is for my advisors or my “invisible assistance” they have been with me before I came to this world…and they will be here until I leave…They ask me to write something…I told them I didn’t want to because…”Actions speak louder than words”…They say but you wish to say something…I say “yes”…but what I am is beyond words…what I know is beyond words…They say…just write….So I did…This is my declaration of independence…I am no longer a soul that dwells in the 3rd density…The longer I hold on to it the more it strains me…I am no longer a soul of the 4th density…The longer I remain the louder my souls screams…I make pea

Twelve Insight ~ Why Would You Avoid Anything At All?

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Twelve Insight ~ Why Would You Avoid Anything At All?


Photo by http://jeffschauss.com/5.html


Posted on


February 19, 2012

by Gillian

Twelve Insight | February 18 2012


Guest: On this topic of accepting what is, I have a question. I see other people trying to avoid things they don’t want. So if it’s really all for the good, why do I avoid things I don’t want? If everything is well, as you say, then why would I avoid anything?


Kauilapele ~ Is Any Of That “Stuff”That’s Supposed To Happen Really Happening Out There? Look At These Bank Resignations… ~ 18 February 2012

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Kauilapele ~ Is Any Of That “Stuff”That’s Supposed To Happen Really Happening Out There? Look At These Bank Resignations… ~ 18 February 2012


I[UPDATED 2-18-12 2000 HST] I found this on an “unrelated” site (seemingly unrelated, but thanks to that person who uncovered this in-the-public-domain news). I did verify the links. Now, I absolutely spend extremely NO time watching banks. And the most I’ve ever read about the “banking system”, is with David Wilcock’s Financial Tyranny articles (article 1, article 2). But this series of articles, none of which I fully read, but the titles give the gist, indicates to me that there really is a lot happening along the lines that David (and others) have talked about. Whether it’s arrests or resignations, it appears to be a pulling apart at the seams of the old (cabal) system.


So I am just going to list these articles. No particular order. Date of publication, then the title (with link). So here goes. (I’m leaving comments open 2 days on this one; feel free to add your own links and comments)


Below the Surface ~ Finding Deep Strength

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Below the Surface ~ Finding Deep Strength



When we look back on our lives we see that we have survived many trials and often to our own amazement.


We have all faced moments in our lives when the pressure mounts beyond what we feel we can handle, and we find ourselves thinking that we do not have the strength to carry on. Sometimes we have just gotten through a major obstacle or illness only to find another one waiting for us the moment we finally catch our breath. Sometimes we endure one loss after another, wondering when we will get a break from life’s travails. It does not seem fair or right that life should demand more of us when we feel we have given all we can, but sometimes this is the way life works.


John Smallman ~ Saul ~ You Truly Are Greatly Honored ~ 19 February 2012

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John Smallman ~ Saul ~ You Truly Are Greatly Honored ~ 19 February 2012


Photo By http://jeffschauss.com/9.html


Humanity’s intention to awaken is intensifying as the divine energy field enveloping the planet continues to spread its loving influence among all nations, all races, and all religious persuasions.  The rhetoric that is reported on the mainstream media does not reflect what is really happening, nor does the constant attention being paid to the areas where war is being waged.  Wars are obviously ongoing and extremely painful for those involved in them, but the growth in love planetwide far outweighs the negative energies that wars support and encourage.  Focus your attention on the growing influence that this love field is having on humanity, intend that it continue to spread its influence, and make a point of being loving yourselves at all times.  You cannot see how effective you are when you do this, but I assure you that the effect you have when you behave lovingly is huge, and it is felt by and influences everyone on Planet Earth.


Blossom Goodchild ~ 19 February 2012

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Blossom Goodchild ~ 19 February 2012


Greetings! I FEEL its fine just to let you go straight ahead. So … off you go … full steam …


We choose in this excerpt to willingly acknowledge that which has come to pass over the communications that we have had with you, to be something that is allowing ones calibre of knowledge within themselves to be opened up and brought forth … so that the constant vibration of Love that has always been within the self , can now be considered to be that which shines out on a Higher frequency. This naturally prevents measured undertakings to pull this vibration under, from achieving its purpose. This is of such great value to the Earth and those upon and within it.


If we may point out … stimulations to the soul are activating such rapid progress. We would ask you to ‘take on board’ also the fact that the energy that is now emitting from each individual that has ‘seen the light’ is coercing in a magical dance with Higher energies that our coming through . This, added to the mysteries of what unseen energies are capable of … that are now merging with your particular energies … is indeed causing an effect that is nothing short of Enlightening.



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