Lisa Gawlas ~ The Last Of The Muck Coming Up! ~ 19 February 2012

Lia's picture

Lisa Gawlas ~ The Last Of The Muck Coming Up! ~ 19 February 2012


It seems, since the moment my rock man Jorge came to shake me awake, I have been deep within my own processes… ummm… gunk ever since.  For the last couple days I have been flipping between just crying (yes those sad tears) and then moving into a place of melancholy until the next wave of tears came.


Those fears and worries laying deep at my ocean floor, completely disturbed and moved up to the surface!


Funny how we don’t notice the sediment at the bottom.  Those tiny specks that fell to the bottom of the emotional ocean thru all the clearings.


Yesterday within me was the most intense, I suppose.  My own energy field must have been pinging to beat the band, my computer kept completely turning off.  Finally, I checked the plug to see if something was the matter, it was so freakin hot.  I decided, not going near the computer for the day.  I took myself to the couch, put on Netflix, picked up solitare on my phone… and purged for the entire day (well, after my appointments of course…smile.)

John Smallman ~ Jesus ~ Intend To Accept That All Humans Are The Divine OffSpring Of God ~ 19 February 2012

Lia's picture

John Smallman ~ Jesus ~ Intend To Accept That All Humans Are The Divine OffSpring Of God ~ 19 February 2012


Photo by Dawn Christine~


Love binds us together, gently, sweetly, and eternally, because it is the field in which all of creation has its existence – at one with God.  In the illusion hate, violence, conflict, suffering, and disagreement are endemic – a consequence of the choice to be separate from God.  Choosing to be separate from God is also a choice to be separate from one another, and that is why those experiences occur; they could not occur if you were at one.  But, of course, you are all one, and so choosing to engage in those damaging behaviors directed at others is inevitably a choice to damage yourselves.  You think that by attacking or defending you are protecting yourselves against the attacks of others, but it is really only you attempting to protect yourselves from yourselves by attacking yourselves.  It makes absolutely no sense at all!


~Space Weather Update~ Grand Filament Growing~ wind Speed 433~

Lia's picture


AURORAS OVER THE USA: A solar wind stream hit Earth's magnetic field during the waning hours of Saturday, Feb. 18th. Although the stream was expected, the bright auroras it produced were not. Northern Lights spilled across the Canadian border into several US states including Wisconsin, Michigan, North Dakota, and Minnesota:


Travis Novitsky took this picture from Grand Portage, MN. "Last night, my girlfriend and I were just settling in to watch a movie when the auroras made a surprise appearance," he says. "A quick look out the back door of my house revealed that, yes indeed, the lights were out! We jumped in the truck and drove a few miles inland from Lake Superior. For the next hour and a half we were treated to a green glow peppered with dancing curtains of green, purple and red. It was a spectacular night."


Message from Wanderer of the Skies - February 18, 2012

AnaShyNa's picture
Message from Wanderer of the Skies - February 18, 2012

Date: Sunday, 19-Feb-2012 02:40:16


Message from Wanderer of the Skies - February 18, 2012

Greetings from the Federation:
Today we speak of a quickening which is occurring at every level of your reality. It is not a “quickening” of time as you may believe occurs. Sometimes, this is just the way of your perceptions, and not of the “reality” of time itself. Rather, we speak of a quickening of all that underlies the reality fabric of your world.

Great noises are being heard in your skies. They are real, they are happening, and they are part of this quickening process. It is becoming abundantly clear to those in power that all they have seen in their time technologies is becoming a reality around them.


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