~The Galactic Free Press~ Closer and Closer~

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The manuscript of survival ~ part 89 This Period is the Most Challenging~

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Let us begin this missive by confirming that although on the outside much seems to be very quiet, underneath there is much turmoil at the moment, and we think you have all picked up on this one way or the other. You see, you are so connected to everything now, you cannot help but be exposed to all that is transpiring not only in your realm, but also in the rest of creation. For many, this will take the form of a deep unease, a feeling of disconnection and a feeling of longing. This longing may be very unspecific, but it will be strong, and the reason for this is easy to explain.


Visionkeeper ~ It’s Not Always About What You Give To Others (It’s About What You Allow Self To Receive)

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Visionkeeper ~ It’s Not Always About What You Give To Others (It’s About What You Allow Self To Receive)


One World Rising | February 20 2012


I am going to repeat a picture again in this post.  I find it so beautiful and so touching it truly makes tears come to my eyes. It shows the act of giving I want to explain.


I am finding tears occurring more and more these days as my heart softens and seems to grow arms of its own with which to embrace the world. It seems to shoot out of me in an attempt to embrace whatever it is I am being moved by (which is a lot these days). I feel like a giant heart walking around thudding like a drum and dripping with emotion. It is a strange feeling because it is new to me. It is also a wonderful feeling.


Soul Group Connection to Manifest Love by the Celestial White Being

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Soul Group Connection to Manifest Love by the Celestial White Beings

through Natalie Glasson- 20-02-12


Much love flows from our consciousness and source of light into your being and reality as you exist on the Earth. We wish to honour you as you exist on the Earth and thank you for the wonderful achievements and wisdom that you are collecting and creating through your incarnation. We feel it is most wonderful for you to contemplate this often during your life time upon the Earth, realising that you are achieving so very much for your soul group.
You are an extension of your soul group, it doesn't matter whether you are aware of the name or energy of your soul group as you simply need to be aware that there is an energy source that you extend from and belong to, that loves you unconditionally. This source of light is an expression of the Creator. If we understand energy sources as separated energy from the Creator, we see that your soul group is a separated energy from the Creator and you are a separated energy from your soul group. Of course separation doesn't truly exist only when understanding is needed.

Oracle Report ~ Monday February 20 2012

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Oracle Report ~ Monday February 20 2012


Oracle Report


Balsamic Moon Phase



Remember that we are are now working on honing our skill of going with the flow of the Universe (see Saturday and Sunday’s posts in the Archives for more information). To do this, today, we need to get out of our own way. Under this energy, the best sides of ourselves are able to come out if we come out.


The dominant undercurrent of the energy tempts us into feeling insecure or threatened in some way or by something that happens, prompting us to want to hide away. But we are not here to hide our light and doing so will lead to missed opportunities today.

Private Message SaLuSa to Me ~ Light Quotient

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Private Message SaLuSa to Me – 15 Feb 2012 - Light Quotient



Laura: Please read all channeled messages with discernment, all messages can be interfered with by the channelers’ mind or by lower dimension entities.

Message channeled by Laura


There is a great deal of concern at the moment within the great human soul. Those of you who are awakening, are beginning to realize how easy it is to be one. There are literally no barriers between you by now. You are all within each other’s reach no matter what the distance is. The internet has made it possible for many of you to come together, but also as Ascended Beings, you are beginning to become aware of your own place and role within the universe. You are exploring new possibilities for you individually and also collectively, as part of the bigger picture. You are also beginning to realize the implications of your coming together at this time.


~Synergy within the Garden!~

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~Synergy within the Garden!~





Every single day seems to be so energetically different than the previous one.  For the last several weeks the “field” seems to be in a constant state of change.  Granted, life is always changing… but not this fast!!  No where near this fast.


I know for me personally (and I share it because I am sure many of you are feeling this too,) I feel like internally I am changing to beat the band.  Externally tho, it is as if the world has come to a stand still.  I think instantly of the gyroscope energy.  I cannot say I understand it, but it feels so purposeful.



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