~ A Lightworker Asks The Galactic Free Press For Some Guidance~ ~Am I Really Connecting with My Heart?

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~ A Lightworker Asks The Galactic Free Press For Some Guidance~ ~Am I Really Connecting with My Heart?




Hi to all the team,
I have been reading the various messages on this site for a few months now, just awakened last year. Thank you for them all, very inspirational and even make me weep sometimes!

I was wondering if anyone could advice me of the reason why I just cant seem to connect with my heart. I think its because i am only awake from my mind side of things, so sorting through information intellectually[ego]. Then I think, well maybe its not in my divine timing to connect to this sacred heart(still unsure of its location)at this time. But I get a feeling that my life depends on it.


All I want to do is talk with my higher self (not anyone else)and take things from there. Every guided mediatation i have done, i have felt nothing,seen nothing. I guess am feeling lost now. I so want to connect, I have loads of ideas for disclosure like getting printed t'shirts done with I AM on the front and on the back a big heart with the words I am that I am, go within or go without.


~Sounds of Ascension~ Alignment

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Sounds for Ascension. These sounds have been downloaded by Sheila Kennedy to assist those who are experiencing difficulty due to the energetic shifts occurring on the earth plane due to humanities ascension. These sounds will help with your energetic alignment due to the flux which some may experience.


The Alignment sounds were specifically created to be a gift to humanity. There are many people speaking of changes in their physical mental spiritual and emotional beings at this time and often these changes are linked to the Ascension process which humanity believes it is going through.

As the Sounds from Source vibrational sound programs are gifted to us, we specifically requested a sound which would be of assistance in these instances. The Alignment sound is what we were given.
May it assist you in the alignment of your body and its processes.

Peace Love and Light

Sheila and Susan

~Galactic Love Reporter Terri Newlon “Multiverse” Update~

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“Multiverse” Update~
February 9, 2012


Djwhal Khul here. Tashi delek.



I want to begin with a violet flame, a very beautiful purple color and any shade of purple that seems to suit you, so it could be a very, very, pale violet or all the way into a deep purple color.

We have so many things going on in the planet now: Neptune having moved into Pisces, we have Saturn retrograde in Libra. We have Venus in Aries. We’re still under the influence of a very strong Full Moon and we are in between Chinese New Year and Tibetan New Year, which is called Losar.

So there is a lot of running of interference, as I might say, such as Syria, and many other things going in the world that are quite serious. We are still in that time period and it will continue to escalate where people are not able to hold themselves together. They are contemplating suicide, or homicide/suicide or other ways of harming large numbers of people in some instances.


DL Zeta~ ~Lightworkers and Ascension Timelines~

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Angel Tree of Energy, by Catelee2u
Excerpt from Timeline and Identity Shifts: the New Science of Reality Creation

During this time of rapid change and new possibilities, many lightworkers have moved to advanced timelines based on themes of oneness, ascension, service and transformation. The broader the timeline, the more expansive the identity options available.

A Lesson in Seeing Inter~Dimensionally with God & AA Gabriel ~ By Suzanne Spooner of TAUK 2/10/12

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A Lesson in Seeing Inter~Dimensionally with God & AA Gabriel ~ By Suzanne Spooner of TAUK 2/10/12 February 10, 2012


February 10, 2012

God & Gabriel

[Hi God.] Hi Suzy, how are you today? [Well, all in all I would say quite good! Thank you for asking. How are you today, God?] I AM, but you know that. [Giggles]


Let’s have a moment of opening a portal to your park. [Lovely, I am on it. (I stop to meditate)] Good.


You noticed while driving today that the clouds had hues of colors emanating from them. [Yes! I was looking at some clouds, close to the sun and especially with my sunglasses on I noticed shades of pinks and blues on some clouds and as I pulled over to watch them I noticed other colors like green and yellow, very, very pretty! I even took some pictures with my phone. I think I got some of the colors but not as bright and crisp as they were with my eyes.] 

Lucas ~ Time For Unity And Oneness As Timeline 1 Progresses ~ Make It All Happen ~

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Lucas ~ Time For Unity And Oneness As Timeline 1 Progresses ~ Make It All Happen ~


I hear still the voice of Jean-Luc Picard telling his crew when starting a new voyage: Engage!  I believe we are again on our way after learning processes in the now and near past finding ourselves on our timeline 1 towards our ascension of earth and humankind.


Bill Wood in his last interview with Lisa told us about that what we really already should know by now: If we fight dark with dark or negativity  and not with light we will be taking a longer side road to our ascension. If we stay in the light without judgements and other negative actions and ego power based shouting, we will be sooner overcoming the last hurdles on our path.


I think whatever has happened people who still play the negative cards out will have a problem as the shedding of duality will be much more intense.


A format like see things as they are (.)  without filling in the ……….. and judge or  disapprove, like, dislike, agree or call it lies, etc., will be giving you a new balance. Oneness and Unity are easier to find in this format. We have to make an effort in whatever happens to visualize  that we are One even if we agree to disagree or have other paths chosen.


Jack Armstrong ~ Miracles

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Jack Armstrong ~ Miracles




February 10 2012


“Hear what I have to say this morning. All is well. Lift up your eyes and let joy sparkle through them. Expect nothing but the best. Be at peace.

Each day is a journey, an adventure. Each day is a mini-version of your life’s journey. It has a beginning and an ending, but you cannot know with certainty where your path will take you during that adventure.


Look forward to your day with joyous anticipation, for you know not what will transpire. Do not expect dullness or boredom, for they will be your reward. Do not expect stress or negativity unless that is your desired outcome for the day.

You have set out your desires for the remainder of your life on earth. Anticipate their arrival/their manifestation. Expect what you call miracles.

© Jack Armstrong 2012


~The Message is the Focus, not The Messenger~

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~The Message is the Focus, not The Messenger~



Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member World~Bridger


It is has alway's been about the message, this is something that humans have a hard time with. Those that promote ignorance have always made it about the messenger. In most cases the messenger has come in a body that is not all that attractive, they through their outward apperance would make ignorance disgusted. Poor, dirty, nappy hair etc. etc. Only to be Idolized, beautified and institutionalized. One needs only to look through the eye of Love to see the inner beauty in all.


The messenger is always doing the same thing, trying to awaken the others to the understanding of who they are and what they are a part of! Sheading Light on the path laeding all to Oneness <3 Love! God! Their true Self! This is what matters. Nothing matters more.


It is the same song sung countless way's and it was for humanity to figure it out, the path was hard, very few found their way out of the wilderness of duality.



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