Power Path Full Moon Update 2~7~12 with Pat Liles~ Portal of The Heart~

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Power Path Full Moon Update 2~7~12 with Pat Liles~ Portal of The Heart~

 7 February 2012

Dear Friends,

The Full Moon is Tuesday, February 7 at 2:57 PM Mountain Standard Time. If anything is really stuck in your life right now it will show up in its full glory. Use the influence of the full moon to identify what it is and to move something that will begin a shift in the situation. It could be more communication in a stagnant relationship, it could be changing something in your work or it could be finally making a decision you have been putting off. Honor this movement with moving something around in your immediate environment. At the least get some fresh flowers for your home and maybe clean out your fridge. Most of all, have a little humor regarding all the seductive drama around you and practice some neutrality even if what is up for you in your life is difficult. See this time as an opportunity instead of something you must put up with and survive. Enjoy!



~Freedom And Love, Both Work Together As One ~

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Freedom And Love, Both Work Together As One by  Galactic Love Reporter M.N. Hopkins


 Love of man, love of woman, love of things, love of thy neighbour, love of thy country, love of animals, love of humanity are all the love of God reflected in these living images. So love and grow mighty to enjoy all, to help all and to love for ever.

 Sri Aurobino

Freedom And Love, Both Work Together As One.

Freedom and love, both work together as one.  For slavery comes from fear and love comes out of freedom from that slavery.

Most of your world's population lives within the realm of fear, enslaved to images that frighten and persuade  one to betray oneself and their fellow Man.

One of love comes along and there is a collective effort to derail or destroy the good works left behind.

Love is viewed with suspicion and doubt.  Love is seen as a weakness since it lies outside the realm of fear.

Benjamin Fulford: The Takedown of the Satanic Cabal Is Proceeding Smoothly, Feb. 7, 2012

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Benjamin Fulford: The Takedown of the Satanic Cabal Is Proceeding Smoothly, Feb. 7, 2012




Despite widespread pessimism on the part of many truth seekers about the situation in the G5 terrorist states, behind the scenes the satanic cabalists in control of the Western central banks are in a state of extreme fear.


One reason is that US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta told a White Dragon Society representative last week that the Pentagon and the US agencies were in no mood to let off the cabalists with a truth and reconciliation committee.


“We have been watching these guys for a long time,” he said and the conclusion reached was that Federal Reserve Board needs to be dismantled and the cabalists jailed.


~Energy Report for February 2012 Giant Leaps in Consciousness~

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For many the past few months have been a struggled and a challenge to maintain a positive attitude when being faced with seemingly overwhelming experiences. It may help to understand that you are moving through a period of transition and as such we are all facing a process of deep inner purification. Your experiences will be forcing you to deeply and radically change. In the process of change you are being offered the opportunity to take giant leaps in consciousness and thereby gain access to a higher more sacred vibration. For people who don't get it, it may seem that the world is ending. For others it is the beginning of a new way of being. It is essentail that you conciously choose the side from which you wish to view the shifts and changes.


~ Love Rain Down~

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"Grace has been given to Everyone on Planet Earth=Heart. All Karmic debt is completely erased as you let go of all illusion and ignorance. We are all Here To Be Free, Together AS ONE, Nothing else matters, except the Present Moment of Now." Decreed, and Granted Mother and Father God AMon RA and All of Creation

February 2012 Energy Forecast ~ Resolutions and Solar Balance

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The theme of Trust will run through the month of February. As you build not only greater but new trust in yourself, the world and life itself, the past will rear it's head from time to time so that you can move forward once more. Many of you will revisit past places and relationships where the expansion of trust was challenged for you, rather than nurtured.


This may happen in reality, and you will find yourself making contact with (or being contacted by) people from your past. But for the most part, it will take place in dreams and daydreams, as you filter things through your minds, hearts and energy bodies. This filtering process allows you to identify then heal the bruises some more, so you can move forward with less weight.


I know I have arrived.... ~A Lightworker shares their experience of letting go of the old world and embracing the Unknown of Love~

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I know I have arrived....



~A Lightworker shares their experience of letting go of the old world and embracing the Unknown of Love~


 7 February 2012

The difference between the old world and the new is so clear to me that I wonder that no others around me can identify the difference. I have made a complete disconnect from the old world, [ with considerable assistance from the Universe, of course. LOL] and stepped with gusto into the new. I have found that although the old ways continue to tug at my shirttails I cannot bring myself to go back. The thought of having to return to the old ways, the old world is absolutely unacceptable. I refuse!!!!


~ Brilliant Quote from James of Wingmakers~2012 is a single page in the “book” called the Era of Transparency and Expansion.

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~ Brilliant Quote from James of Wingmakers~2012 is a single page in the “book” called the Era of Transparency and Expansion.




"Each individual is a portal unto themselves, and this portal is the access point to the interdimensional worlds of the Sovereign Integral, where the human instrument, like a space suit, is finally removed and the individual realizes their true, infinite nature. And in this realization, understands that everyone – EVERYONE ~ is equal in this state, and in this equality we are ONE. The Grand Portal is when humanity stands-up as ONE BEING to this all~encompassing realization and then we transcend the suppression framework and express as Sovereigns.


2012 is a single page in the “book” called the Era of Transparency and Expansion. The life of deception – the era of veils over veils over veils – is dissipating, provided enough people rise up within themselves and honor the Sovereign Integral within by expressing its truth. But to do this, people must become attuned to its consciousness apart from the HMS, and this is the course of action that people must engage in.


Summary and Link to An Hour with an Angel with Grener, Feb. 6, 2012

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Summary and Link to An Hour with an Angel with Grener, Feb. 6, 2012

Posted by Graham

Linda Dillon channels Grener and Jesus with questions from Steve Beckow.


The program aired Monday, 6:00 p.m. Pacific time, 9:00 p.m. Eastern time. The URL for the audiofile is:



Linda shares comments regarding the experience around the Neptune trip and speaks to the growth and clearing among thousands of people.  She reminds us that this is a journey of love and to let the love and support from the universe come into our hearts and anchor us.


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