LOVE IS ALL THERE IS... by Ascended Master Predrag

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by Love Reporter Predrag 



How to link extraterrestrials’, conspiracies, missed appointments, our fears and failures, faith, and FatherMotherGod in one single post?...

I think I have small idea... If we observe ourselves, our Sisters from channeling, our Brothers doing all this diligent work on beautiful sites for awakening of US all, we all have same thread... we want to serve OTHERS.... Yes, this is the secret of Awakening... not some proof from Neptune, or photos of other galaxies, or armpit strips from on-ship supplies....


Awakening happened as soon you started serving others, even if you have doubts that what you are doing is not sufficient, or pictures beautiful enough, or your words are not profound enough...

Who really cares... You think that Galactics care?... or That other light workers care?... Or that Obama Cares?... [this is funny, is it?... Obama CARE...]


Steve Beckow ~ Until We Meet Again…. ~ 7 February 2012

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Steve Beckow – Until We Meet Again…. – 7 February 2012

~Commentary from Lucas~

(Lucas:”Steve refers also to my article in him resigning. I have already explained that the article Steve wrote for me had no other conclusion. He has explained himself in this new article. He is saying not to resign or leave. That is good to hear from him now. Welcome Back then. It had been easier if he wrote this all before posting an article on his decision to leave or stay that for me and others only was to interpret as him leaving or resigning. This I’ve  been saying also in a comment on Wes Annac’s blog and mine about the comment by Wes he only was away for a while.  Now Steve for me is clear. What others think of his article  or reasons they have to decide for themselves. But please do not comment on it as I will not post it!  Steve thanks.  And greetings to Geoff West who I have been speaking to recent. Love and Light, Lucas” )



Now following the article by Steve Beckow  : Until We Meet Again…. 

Where you can find me (the photo above)


~Message from AA Michael~ 2012 is no longer knocking on your doorsteps

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Archangel Michael~ On a serious note~ 2012 is no longer knocking on your doorsteps


By awakenedhearts


I come to you today to speak my mind about some events that are troubling to not only me, but to others whom I consider to be my brothers and sisters. I am, we are, pleased that so many of you are beginning to renew your telepathic connections and are seeing firsthand the benefit to utilizing this Universally accepted form of communication. However, many of you are wandering into unknown territory and falsely believing that you can surf the Spiritual eddies with “the best of them” without first learning the basics. Although everyone has this ability, few among you have chosen to freely exercise this option in your current lifetime. Those that have, well let’s just say that more than not they are not using discernment and are being active participants in the promotion of the very things they despise. YOU CAN NOT COMMUNICATE WITH HIGHER SOURCES UNLESS YOU KNOW HOW TO CHECK YOUR SOURCES FIRST.


SAUL ~ Do not focus on the suffering and misery within the illusion

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SAUL ~ Do not focus on the suffering and misery within the illusion~



 Original Post 02~06~2011

Galactic Love Reporter John Smallman


Humanity is well on the way to awakening, and evidence of this can be seen all across the world as concern for the down-trodden, the impoverished, and the planet herself intensifies.  It truly is a marvelous time as kindness, compassion, and generosity start to blossom.  The number of you giving your lives in service has expanded phenomenally in just the last ten years, and the effect that is having is apparent everywhere.


~Live HIGH~ Live Mighty.... Take it Easy~

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~True Reality is Far Grander than imagination, because True Reality is Alive. Alive Means True Reality can Be Made Real, Alive and Real are not a dream. Love, True Reality, is a Constant Growth into More Beauty, Changing, Embracing, and Experiencing all The Changes as It Grows, Expands, and Is Created, More Brilliant than the Moment Before~



Love The Galactic Free Press Staff



~Staying Calm Within, within all the Changes~ ~Insights for Remaining in Your Center in the Midst of Chaos~

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~Staying Calm Within by Love Reporter Anahata~




~Staying Calm Within, within all the Changes~



~Insights for Remaining in Your Center

in the Midst of Chaos~ 

More than ever it seems there is chaos happening all around us and at times within us. Whether it is in the global economy, a loved one suffering, unexpected health changes, a shift in personal relationships or environmental disasters, there is intense energy moving all around. Your energy can either add to the chaos or act as a stabilizing force. Your ability to stay centered is vital to your own survival and happiness. From this centered space you are more capable of providing assistance to others as well. No real sustainable peace or happiness can come from decisions made from a chaotic space. It is within your calm center, where you connect to the still point of consciousness and the Divine, that true answers, unwavering support and crystal clarity are found.


~ INNER LIGHT ~ Goldring of Enlightenment ~

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~ INNER LIGHT ~ Goldring of Enlightenment ~




_ ^ _ Rysa Perisanna ~



~ * ~ Wayshowers you have gone through the changes necessary to awaken to your own inner Light through the guidance of your inner teachers.


Be encouraged by the changes within your world and see reality shift before your eyes.


In every step of trust you are brought forth into closer alignment with the real.


It is the real that calls for you to come out of your shell of fear and walk into the line of sight and the space of time where the galaxy opens up into a multi-Dimensional array of spectral variety and contrast.

~Follow Your Heart~

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~Follow Your Heart~

by Rebecca Cherry



“Recently, Neurophysicists have been astonished to discover that the Heart is more an organ of intelligence, than (merely) the bodies’ main pumping station. More than half of the Heart is actually composed of neurons of the very same nature as those that make up the cerebral system. Joseph Chilton-Pearce, author of The Biology of Transcendence, calls it “the major biological apparatus within us and the seat of our greatest intelligence.”


The Heart is also the source of the body’s strongest electromagnetic field. Each heart cell is unique in that it not only pulsates in synchrony with all the other heart cells, but also produces an electromagnetic signal that radiates out beyond the cell. An EEG that measures brain waves shows that the electromagnetic signals from the heart are so much stronger than brain waves, that a reading of the heart’s frequency spectrum can be taken from three feet away from the body…without placing electrodes on it!



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