Sheldan Nidle 2~7~12 ~ Heaven has authorized us to help direct what is now happening on your planet!

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Sheldan Nidle 2~7~12 ~ Heaven has authorized us to help direct what is now happening on your planet.



9 Akbal, 16 Yax, 8 Manik


Dratzo! We return! We come to tell you that Earth’s secret sacred societies are very close to success. Both the Eastern and Western branches of these societies recently signed off on a number of documents confirming that the dark no longer has any input regarding the running of the world’s finances. A good many minor details remain outstanding and are currently being resolved. This means that the dark is no longer an insuperable impediment to change, and the Light, fully in the ascendant, now dictates what will happen in your world. We watch as the various secret sacred societies consult with the appropriate Ascended Masters regarding the timing of your next steps to full consciousness. Your current reality is to be wiped away in accordance with the divine decrees issued by Heaven, and this inevitability has forced the dark finally to see that its resistance is pointless. Nevertheless, each individual is still imbued with a form of madness which longs for an imposed, external object of veneration. It is time for each to understand that a new way of relating and functioning within this reality is needed.


Message from James of the Galactic Federation of Light 2~7~12 ~We will move swiftly and strongly at the signal of our commanders

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Message from James of the Galactic Federation of Light 2~7~12


At this time we have pressing matters before us as we must remove the cabal from the ranks of power, as they are the old masters of your world. These dark ones have systematically destroyed your planet's ecosystems and have plundered your natural resources to sell back to you at exuberant rates, leaving so many either destitute in order to heat or light their homes, and for so many others, to perish in the freezing temperatures of poverty.

Horus ~ Wake Up Call ~ 7 February 2012 Filling You in on a Few Matters on Earth~

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Nancy Tate~ Horus ~ Wake Up Call ~ 7 February 2012 Filling You in on a Few Matters on Earth~


When I come to you this day and bring you the news that you have been asking for, I do so with the thought that it is about time. You have been seeing what it is to wait for things to happen and to be in remission for the coming times. Now you see that it is time to demand what it is that you wish to hear about. I am going to fill you in on a few matters that are taking place around the planet.


First I will tell you that in the inner earth there is a movement to come forth and be recognized. When the timing is right for that, it will take place, and not before. As you all know it is all about timing and what comes about because of it. I use the word and idea about timing in a way that is evolving to a point where it will be far from what it means now, for the timing will be in the moment and that is all there will be. The rest will be recognized as experience and creation of the moment.


HEAVEN #4092 Time in the World, February 7, 2012 God said:...

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 Gloria~Time in the World



HEAVEN #4092


Time in the World,


February 7, 2012


God said:


You have been such a servant of time. You want something now, right now, or you will do something later or maybe never. Time seems to be your commander. You are obedient, or you are wayward. You are assigned a rating according to your use of non-existent time.

Remote Viewing Monks See 2012 ET Intervention |

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Remote Viewing Monks See 2012 ET Intervention |


Remote Viewing Monks See 2012 ET Intervention
Remote viewing is nothing new in Tibetan monasteries. For thousands of years remote viewing in the middle of other spiritual activities have dominated Tibetan culture. What some Indian tourists came to learn from a few Tibetan monasteries under the current Chinese rule is extremely alarming and fascinating.


According to these tourists remote viewers are seeing world powers in the course of self-destruction. They also see that the world will not be destroyed. Between now and 2012 the world super powers will continue to engage in regional wars. Terrorism and covert war will be the main problem. In world politics something will happen in and around 2010. At that time the world powers will threaten to destroy each other.


Between 2010 and 2012, the whole world will get polarized and prepare for the ultimate dooms day. Heavy political maneuvers and negotiations will take place with little progress.

On Discernment, Disclosure And The Failed Boarding Of ET Spacecraft Another Perspective on The Trip on Starship Neptune~~

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On Discernment


Commentary  by Ari Jeshurun:, Disclosure And The Failed Boarding Of ET Spacecraft Another Perspective on the Trip on Starship Neptune~




Cmdr Ashtar-Athena

BY: El Ari AN

Orion-Jerusalem Command

Commander Ashtar-Athena emailed me in reference to my conversation with her about those claiming to have a "joy ride" on a Spaceship this Saturday, Feb 4th. She knew I would post this here, so I have her permission to do so in this venue, as she was also addressing me in this conversation; but, before she addresses this issue, I would like to address it as well.


~Mother Galaxy, Mother Sun, Mother Earth, Mother Goddess, Divine Mother Within~

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~Mother Galaxy, Mother Sun, Mother Earth, Mother Goddess, Divine Mother Within~


many goddesses . One Divine Feminine The Divine Mother exists in all cultures, all races, and lives within the heart and soul of every woman and man.
She embodies the qualities of power, strength, courage, love, compassion, beauty, and forgiveness. She is the Universal Mother, the co~creator of the Universe, and the Giver of All Life. ~ The Covenant of the Divine Mother.


God is not only fatherly, God is also mother who lifts her loved child from the ground to her knee. Mechtild of Magdeburg // Milky Way, Sun, Earth, the pantheon of goddesses, and the Inner Temple – The Divine Feminine permeates all of Creation. She is simply the impulse in all people - male and female, as well as in the Animal Kingdom -  to love, nurture and care, the embodiment of tenderness and gentle compassion.


~Truth Eagles~ Truth Angels…. Let Me Upgrade Ya!~

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Now that the gate has widen…and the abundance of misinformation is beginning to minimized (because light barriers have moved on; ain't no stopping them now)….A opening has been made for us to look the other way....Our lenses are being cleaned…We are seeing with more clarity…than we use to…


The packets of information is available to all who have aligned themselves with the higher vibration….It ‘s there…It is ready to be released to those who want to receive it…You no longer have to look beyond yourself to receive the information you need…The wave is rushing through us…It is affecting us simultaneously ….


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