SaLuSa 08~February~2012~ Planet Wide Peace, Here We Come~

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SaLuSa 08~February~2012~ Planet Wide Peace, Here We Come~




The waiting game will have to be played a little bit longer, but all of the time progress is being made. No amount of interference from the dark Ones will have any lasting effect, as our plans are now too far advanced for them to be prevented from being successful. Our activities are being speeded up as are our Allies, as it has reached a point when certain dates are being projected for finalization. The outer signs mainly from your Internet sources are the most reliable for accurate and up to date information. By doing your best to stay focussed upon the Light, you are keeping a steady path to Ascension. Whatever happens you may be sure that the same result will be achieved, and it will see you released from the controls of the dark Ones.

~It will be like an awakening before the awakening~

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~It will be like an awakening before the awakening~

02~08~2012 by Galactic Love Reporter John Smallman



We are one. There is no separation. Everyone’s attitudes and behaviors have far-reaching effects way beyond their immediate physical placement. Consequently, as humanity engages lovingly with itself with increasing intentionality, great changes are occurring all across the world that are having wonderful and most profound effects which are enormously beneficial to all on the planet.


~SPace Weather Update~ Melting Moon~ and Inside a Solar Wind Stream 477~

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SOLAR WIND: A medium-velocity (450-500 km/s) solar wind stream is blowing past Earth and sparking auroras around the Arctic Circle. NOAA forecasters estimate a 30% chance of polar geomagnetic storms during the next 24 hours. Aurora alerts: text, voice.


MELTING SNOW MOON: According to folklore, last night's full Moon was the "Snow Moon." John Stetson watched it melt, apparently, as it rose through a layer of relatively warm air over the waters of Cape Elizabeth, Maine:



~Love as The Teacher of ALL!~

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~Galactic Love Reporter Timothy Craig~



Heaven Letters Quote


"If you wish to teach others, then love them and don't teach them anything. Love will take over. It is the only teaching that amounts to anything. Do not hold yourself up as a teacher. Beloveds, I am the Teacher. I teach love. Love is the only teacher. Serve love, and you will inspire the world.

You are well aware that others need to give out more love. You have seen stinginess of love in others. Never mind, give your love rampantly. Be generous with love, and you will no longer judge anyone. Let it be easier to love than it is to judge. Let criticism go by the wayside. Ride a go-cart of love. Speed down the highway. Ride a trolley of love. Love Me. Love you. Love your neighbor. All are your neighbors."

"The Reality"


COMPTE DE SAINT GERMAIN ~ Clearing Contractions to Anchor More Light ~ 6.02.12 ~ by Aruna

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by Love Reporter Aruna


Monday, February 6, 2012

Clearing Contractions to Anchor More Light

Children of God need to become their own teachers. Never before have as many conscious beings lived as mentors and guides. Never before have the Masters and Angels been as available. But neither of these conditions is what we want. We want each of those asking to be guided, to lighten up their need, and discover that ample awareness is available within themselves.

Master Kuthumi and Lord Hilarion ~ Into The New Energetic Levels

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Integrating Into The New Energetic Levels

Master Kuthumi and Lord Hilarion


I Kuthumi and Lord Hilarion come to share with you knowledge, peace and love. We here are all aware of the stirrings of the great energy Gaia ( Earth) as she seeks to cleanse old energies, and prepare for the new. This is similar to what mankind must also undertake. Some have begun, some are merely thinking about the whole idea, others have completed, let go and are ready and waiting to step into the new energy fields almost upon you. Lord Hilarion will continue.


HEAVEN #4093 ~ YOUR NEAREST NEIGHBOR ~ 8.02.2012 ~ by Gloria Wendroff

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Galactic Love Reporter Gloria Wendroff


Your Nearest Neighbor

Heavenletter #4093 Published on: February 8, 2012

God said:


Come right up. Enter My heart here. Here is where I AM, and here is where you ARE. You belong in My heart. Indeed, you have never been anywhere else. Ask Me to mentor you. Ask Me anything you want. Tell Me anything you want. It is all music to My ears.


You love to hear from those you love. So do I. Tell me anything. Say hello. It doesn't have to be newsworthy what you say to Me. Say, "God, God, God," and I am happy. I love to hear you say My Name. I love to hear your voice. I love to hear you talk to Me.


Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Desires

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What do you do desire?


Angel wisdom suggests that you spend some time alone, preferably in nature, meditating about your desires and intentions. Ask the angels to help you gain a positive perspective. What do you desire right now? Visualize it, hold the vision without any doubt, and it will come.

~The Galactic Free Press~ Love Energy Update~ 2012~ Full Consciousness~ Welcome to the Fire Energy of February!~ CHANGE, Guaranteed to Light you Up one way or the other~

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~Love Energy Update~



~2012~ Full Consciousness~ Welcome to the Fire Energy of February!~ CHANGE, Guaranteed to Light you Up one way or the other~




~Love is the Highest and Deepest Understanding of Energy and is the Huge Paradigm Shift for Humanity's Consciousness that's underway. Today, Humanity has entered into a specific energy of The Full Moon in Leo=Heart Connection. A Field of Light containing Significant amounts of energy is being released, that will spiral everyone collectively upwards into the next Vibrational Frequency. This is a Huge Shift for everyone's energetic systems and moves them deeper within the understanding of True Love and the Real Truth.



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