The manuscript of survival ~ part 79~ A Sneak Peak Behind the Veils~

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The manuscript of survival ~ part 79~ A Sneak Peak Behind the Veils~



 27 January 2012 | 
Galactic Love Reporter Aisha North

Our mission today is to give you further insight into your very near future, in other words, give you a sneak preview behind the veils as it were. You do not have long to wait now, sweet souls, as your call for freedom have been heard. We are all eagerly awaiting the day when we meet again face to face, for of course we have met before on so many happy occasions. You do not perhaps have any clear memories of these previous meetings, and rightly so, because if you did, you would indeed have a hard time returning to your physical bodies and rejoin this mortail coil as it were.


The Holographic Universe and The Passion

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The Holographic Universe and The Passion

by Galactic Love Reporter Lisa Gawlas




When I first started this path my bible, that which I read front to back and refered to over and over again was the book written by Michael Talbot called The Holographic Universe.  It was quite heady, filled with quantum science information that made my eyes and mind blur... yet, I was digesting it like I understood it.


Waiting for Our Cosmic Family (Part 1/3) 2012 January 27

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Waiting for Our Cosmic Family (Part 1/3)

2012 January 27
Commentary from Galactic Love Reporter Steve Beckow

Hui Sun has recently put out a three-part review of Disclosure and contact with our star family. We’ll publish the three parts over the next three days. The first was put out last December; the last Jan. 23, 2012.


Waiting for Our Cosmic Family (Part 1/3): Review of News Events Relevant to Disclosure and Open Contact, 2011


Posted on December 19, 2011 |


Salusa~ 1~27~12 ~Planet Wide Peace is Coming~

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~Galactic Leporter Mike Quinsey~

Salusa~ 1~27~12

~Planet Wide Peace is Coming~



 If as you say, you keep your ear to the ground, you will realize that matters are heading for a resounding victory for the Light. There is such a strong momentum towards it that it is going to be unstoppable, and means that positive signs of it will be there for all to see. You only get know of a small fraction of the developments that are taking place, and the dark Ones would naturally prefer that you were kept in the dark. However, brave souls continue to step forward at some risk to themselves, and are prepared to inform you of the hidden activities of the Illuminati. They are in fact helping to get the truth out in such a way that it does not immediately overwhelm people. That will create the right circumstances so that when the media can fully report the news, it will not cause too much of a shock which would otherwise surely be the case. You can for example look at the way that the truth about 9/11 has slowly been released, and has now reached a time when few people would not have come across it. The truth is ready to fully come out and it is no longer questionable, as it is supported by hundreds of experts whose evidence is professionally given.


Space Weather Update~ Solar Wind Stream Arriving on the 28th~ Solar wind 505!

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ASTEROID FLYBY: Newly-discovered asteroid 2012 BX34 is flying past Earth today only 77,000 km (0.2 lunar distances) away. There is no danger of a collision with the 14-meter wide space rock. Advanced amateur astronomers might be able to observe the flyby as the bus-sized asteroid brightens to 14th magnitude just before closest approach on Jan. 27th at 1530 UT. [3D orbit] [ephemeris] [images: #1]


CORONA CONJUNCTION: "Last night I went outside to photograph the Venus-Moon conjunction, and I got more than I bargained for," reports Robert Arn of Fort Collins, Colorado. "The Moon and Venus both had an incredible corona surrounding them. The sight was beyond words (but not beyond pictures)." He recorded the scene in this 5-second exposure @ ISO 400:


A show of appreciation

Rebeccaa's picture



As I sit here flicking through different news and blogs I cant help but notice how there are 49 guests online! This is absolutely fantastic for GFP and its carers. I find the GFP amazing and sometimes mind-blowing at the same time. To have most information available in one place is awesome, it is obvious the creators are totally dedicated to shining the light in a positive direction. Although this information is free I would like to urge people reading this if they havent already done so; to create a profile and give a tiny bit, even an insy weeny little bit would help I'm sure. xx love to all

~Special Edition Of The Galactic Free Press~ 1~26~12 Why Are WE Here?

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~Special Edition Of The Galactic Free Press~ Why Are WE Here?




~ We do understand that many of our Readers, have little funds to share and are also needing relief. We only ask those that Can share, share with us. Even if that is a simple 5$ or 10$. When Everyone shares we make our Funding Goals. AS of January 26th, 2012. We are Currently 521$ Short for this Month, and We begin again in February!!


These Funds support the Press, so that we can be here everyday with all of You. Without Funding right now, this would not be impossible. This is exactly what those wanting Humanity to remain dumb have  attempted to do to us for the last 4 years, to try to make it impossible for us to Be here for you.


Obviously this did not succeed cause Here we are. We Thank you and Honor Each of You for Month after Month for Continuing to Make this So.


~Why are WE Here?~



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