~I Give Up. Can’t Wait for the End of the Ice Age~

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~I Give Up. Can’t Wait for the End of the Ice Age~


2012 January 12
Posted by Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Steve Beckow

I give up. I can’t wait any longer to ascend or transform or shift or whatever.

Can’t fit into someone else’s schedule or agenda, even a divine agenda. Have to do it now.

This is such a rich learning time. I may not have ascended, at least not this time around, but there’s a part of me that’s busting out to behave that way even if I haven’t crossed the bridge yet. Who cares if I look silly?

Everywhere I look are people, and teams of people, awakening, taking their places, doing what they came to do.  Communications are straightening out, things are getting done. In an almost unconscious way, as if someone were ironing out the wrinkles, things are working and ways of being that confused us since forever are dropping away.


Transcript of NESARA Message Contained in James Martinez Video

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Transcript of NESARA Message Contained in James Martinez Video

2012 January 12
Posted by and Commentary from Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Steve Beckow

Ellen has made a transcript of the portion of James Martinez’s video that we hold delivers the “message” from folks who are quietly bringing in NESARA. I haven’t checked Ellen’s transcript against the video itself and won’t have time to do so either. But anyone is free to send along any corrections that may need to be made. Thanks to Ellen for her ever-willing service on our behalf.

The message starts after the 10-minute mark:


Neither banks nor public authorities (or mainstream academics, for that matter) calculated the economy’s realistic ability to pay – that is, to pay without shrinking the economy. Through their media and think tanks, they have convinced populations that the way to get rich most rapidly is to borrow money to buy real estate, stocks and bonds rising in price – being inflated by bank credit – and to reverse the past century’s progressive taxation of wealth.


As Above ~ So Below ~ We Are the Sun and the Earth!

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As Above ~ So Below ~ We Are the Sun and the Earth!



~Galactic Love Reporter Lisa Gawlas~


This has indeed become a very interesting, high potent adventure.  Everything has become different… at least from what I was familiar with even a week ago.  Readings for instance… jeepers creepers!!  I can only hang out in this field… the energy place we are now connecting to thru the readings for a short period of time before my own wiring within my brain begins to melt.  I suppose day by day, reading by reading, I will adjust and be able to maintain longer time periods… but yesterday by the close of the 2nd hour I was done for the day.  I mean to the point I couldn’t even formulate a whole coherent sentence.


I even tried to work on my website… wasn’t happening.  Altho, this morning with fresh brains to use, I finally got my readings page and new packages complete.  Hurray!!  I do feel accomplished with that!


~Smile Often, Laugh Daily~

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~Smile Often, Laugh Daily~

Message from Ascended Master, Lord Maitreya
Galactic Love Reporter Julie Miller


Love is our discussion today as Love is forever a part of your existence and journey that is leading you to constant discovery of yourself in all you do and your eternal link with God.

To love God precious hearts, is to love life. The love for your life is the intensification of your diligent efforts to maintain your course of love action on the path of your journey of spiritual life that equivocally effects ALL aspects of your everyday life. And this includes loving the job that you are currently occupying.


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~A Letter from The Creators with Love For Humanity, as Humanity ends this cycle of duality~



~ All Find the Light, and all enter Heaven~



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