Message from Archangel Michael ~ 1.12.12 ~ CREATE!

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 Through Galactic Love Reporter Fran Zepeda



All who are of the Light are preparing for the momentous event of Ascension of Mother Earth. She is on her way at this very moment.  All who are ready will make this shift with her. Many have already made the shift, as you know. You are lifting yourselves daily as you allow the light to infiltrate and absorb your very being, dear ones. Every minute now you have a choice whether to allow this light to be your focus or to make illusion your focus.


As you let go of the old ways of thinking that no longer work for you, you are embracing new concepts of Reality and are discovering that you have so many possibilities to make Reality just by focusing your intention and light energy upon them. You all know this dear friends, so now is the time to ramp it up a couple of notches!

Consider each moment what you are focusing on. Is it what you are afraid will happen? If that is so, immediately infuse those thoughts with the light and love in your hearts and wash the fear away with your new perspective and inherent knowing that you are now leaving that illusion behind you. Bless it and fill the space with an abundance of love energy. Take it one step further and create in that newly cleared space your image of what is burning in your heart to be a Reality.


Setting a STRONG Foundation ~ from Ascended Master Djwal Khul ~ by: Julie Miller ~ January 12, 2012

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Setting a STRONG Foundation
Message from Ascended Master Djwal Khul
 by Love Reporter Julie Miller
January 12, 2012



It has been a long time beloved ones since I spoke though our vessel. I already proclaim it to be a wonderful experience for both me and for all of you. How deeply you are loved by so many that are with you as we speak.

~The End Of Suffering And The Alchemy Of Quantum Love~

Lia's picture

~The End Of Suffering And The Alchemy Of Quantum Love~





The winds of change in the synchronistic wheel of change blow out the old and give death to the old bearing blood of life again as never known before. a door is opening , the door of truth is open and you have opened yourself up to the blood of life and let flow blood like a river of rubies . The river of life's stream is strong as are you. follow this divine flow. for it is the path of eternal summer and within every river of life there is a lesson and answer to what is by asking what isn't?. the answer is in front of you. it is what it is. it is true and real as are you. what you have chosen to be with you on this journey this incarnation is your divine answer in persons and experience .


~ You are Love's Miracle~ As Love is Growing Inside YOU~

Lia's picture

WE are here to ReHeart you, of How Truly Powerful, How Truly Brilliant, HOW AMAZING, How Truly Bright, How Truly Loved, How Truly You Are LOVE, and the Power you have within, is the Love you are. You are each as a Brilliant Star.


A Star that shines Brilliantly in the Night Sky, continuously. Everything else you have ever been told, that depicts you less then How Grand you Really are, was a lie.


The Love that you are is the Same Love we all Are, for we Truly are ALL ONE. ALL one Family, One Team.


By Serving the Love you are, you Serve the Team, You Serve the Family, you Serve the Oneness that we are all Together, and most of ALL, by recognizing this, you Become the Truth of Who you Really are, which is GOD. God is the same as Love, Love is the same as Truth, Truth is the same as Light. Within this Understanding, there is only ONE GOD, which is ALL of Our Love Shared together, as ONE.





Within All Love is, Love Mother and Father God and The Entire Galactic Free Press Staff

Message from the Galactic Federation 1/12/12~After calm and order is restored, we will immediately proceed with the next phase

Greg_ Giles's picture


The revelation soon to befall your world will alter your course of history, there is no doubt of this. The revelation that a world is not alone in the universe will have vast sweeping effects of change everywhere, and not a soul incarnate in your world will not be affected in one way or another by these changes.


We see upheavals in the early stages after our disclosure announcements begin to reach the ears of your planet’s citizens, but we also see the calming effects our Lightworkers are already having on your people’s collective consciousness.


This is our task today. There will be others when this task is complete, but today the most important work involves the taming of the fear that some already are experiencing as more and more once concealed information makes its way to the masses. Do your best to soften the blow of our announcements that will begin shortly.


Your knowledge in this area will be much sought after, and many will seek the guidance of those friends and family who have taken the time to inform themselves of their world and universe around them. You are those that have done your homework. You are the ones who have made the effort to learn what was not forced upon you through your television sets.


HEAVEN #4066 ~ Chewy Caramels ~ 12.01.12

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Heaven #4066

By Love Reporter  Gloria Wendroff


Chewy Caramels

Heavenletter #4066 Published on: January 12, 2012

God said:

To all a good day. And why not? What trappings of the world do you allow to keep you back from having a good day?

So, you're in a bad mood? Should a bad mood keep you from having a good day, a glorious day, an illustrious shining beautiful day? Why would you allow this?

~Compassion is the Eyes of the Universe~

Lia's picture



~Compassion is the Eyes of the Universe~




I was looking for a picture to depict 'Compassion'
for the article below and immediately came to this site.
Note the name of this newly (re)discovered Crystal Skull..... 
"COMPASSION".  She wanted to be here....
Looking at Entity's Struggle to Go Home


What is Compassion?


~ I am Sorry~ I Love You~ I Love Me~ I awakened and I Learned and Have Understood~

Lia's picture

~Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Andrea~



For all the time I spent listening to the ego.

For all the times I did not see, understand, Be.
For not believing.
For believing in an illusion.
For believing I had limits.
For believing people had limits.
For believing the Earth had limits.
For believing I was separate from anything else.
For believing I could create alone.
For believing I could not create.
For trying to believe in what I am not.
For believing in my mind.
For not believing in my Heart.
For forgetting WHO I AM and THAT I AM=ME=YOU=US.


I'm sorry for my thoughts, for my fears, for my loneliness.

I'm sorry for not believing in YOU=ME=US
I am so sorry I can hardly express.

But I hereby decree it is all over NOW and forever!


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