~The Door is Open to the New Earth=Heart~

Lia's picture



Brightest Blessings Be to You!
The Door is OPEN ~ a New space ~ NEW EARTH … venturing into, yet uncharted territories … we are each enabled … more importantly, empowered! Every breath … every smile … every tear … every expression has been catalystic to this Moment of NOW Presence!

~Space Weather Update Far Side Eruption~

Lia's picture

KEPLER DISCOVERS A MINIATURE SOLAR SYSTEM: NASA's Kepler spacecraft has discovered the tiniest solar system so far. It is a red dwarf star closely circled by three rocky planets smaller than Earth. Because red dwarfs are so abundant, this could be the most common type of planetary system in the Milky Way. Get the full story from Science@NASA.


FARSIDE ERUPTION: Today, Jan. 12th, between 10:00 and 1300 UT, NASA's STEREO-Behind spacecraft observed a significant eruption on the farside of the sun. Although the blast was eclipsed by the edge of the solar disk, it nevertheless produced a long-duration X-ray flare (C3-class) detectable from Earth. A movie from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory shows some of the debris flying over the NE limb:


The blast site is not far behind the eastern limb, and it is only ~two days away from rotating onto the Earthside of the sun. By this weekend, we'll get a direct look at the active region. Perhaps it will break the recent string of mostly quiet days and low solar activity. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.

COMPTE DE SAINT GERMAIN ~ Decrees and Emotions ~ 12.01.12 ~ by Aruna

AnaShyNa's picture


Decrees and Emotions

by Love Reporters Saint Germain and Aruna


My dear ones. Whatever you are feeling, any emotion, give it the ability to be completely felt. No matter how bad this sounds, no deaths have occurred as a consequence of an overly felt emotion. Breathe into the area of the body at the core of the feeling. This will aid the movement of energy, causing that blocked energy to clear. People who die in car accidents or other accidents that throw them out of control cannot draw a breath. No car accident deaths are due to emotional distress, only an attitude that blocks the ability to feel a contraction in the gut and open it with the breath.

Now is the time to free the contracted areas that are in the body's meridian network. Breathe deeply into all negative feelings that arise and do your best to keep on deep breathing through the disbursement of the blocked energy. Gifts of healing are in each deep breath you take.

Igniting Love ~

Best HBCU's picture

We each are made of Light and Love. Light is Love and Love is Light.



I envision the light in me glowing as love. I envision my angels standing beside me. Always, there are at least three. This envisioning, for me, is a "now" moment. I see the light moving, flowing. I feel the warmth of it. This light and love fills the hollow spaces inside of me that used to be filled with fear, anger, and emptiness. Within that light and love also flows a sense of joy.


This space inside of me is now my home. This is the place to which I return when I forget and then remember that this 3D life is an illusion. I remember that this light and love is pure energy and that it exists in all of us and everything. From my readings of The Celestine Prophecy and teachings about the Ankh, I learned to project this energy outward with the intention of bringing about Universal alignment. I still do this, but now I do it with the understanding that it is a one-sided operation.


Allendale & The Beings of Light to Tots & Spike ~ A Combined Channel ~ 1/11/12

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Allendale & The Beings of Light to Tots & Spike ~ A Combined Channel ~ 1/11/12



Note from the Channelers: As Tots sat to receive this message, Allendale introduced  a group energy to the conversation that calls itself The Beings of Light. Due to a prior commitment, Tots had to leave before the message was finished. Spike picked up the baton and carried out the rest of the conversation. This is something we haven’t done before but we found it to be very satisfying and interesting! We hope you enjoy this combined effort.



Allendale and Beings of Light 1/11/12

[Hello Allendale and Beings of Light...Do I have that correct?] Yes, it is correct, Tots. The Beings of Light are a unified force field of energy. They asked to be present at this channeling to relay this message. 



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