HEAVEN #4065 ~ Life is Like a Shepherd ~ 11.01.12

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Heaven #4065

By Love Reporter  Gloria Wendroff

Life Is Like a Shepherd

Heavenletter #4065 Published on: January 11, 2012

God said:

You are being stretched. There is no doubt about that. Life is stretching. By hook or by crook, life is going to make you flexible. It is also going to make you solid and strong. Right now you are learning to bend to life and not fight it so adamantly. Resisting is fighting, and when you resist life, you try to push it back. That is like trying to stem the tide, beloveds.

January~This month, the Great Wheel turns.~

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I've been trying to make it home

Got to make it before too long

I can't take this very much longer, no

I'm stranded in the sleet and rain

Don't think I'm ever gonna make it home again

The mornin' sun is risin'

It's kissing the day

Oh, the wheel in the sky keeps on turnin'

I don't know where I'll be tomorrow...

This month, the Great Wheel turns. Slowly. Momentum is on the upswing. Slowly. Do you hear it? Do you hear the creaking of the Wheel as ancient bones begin to turn?


~The End Times~

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~The End Times~



Oneness ~ the Teachings
~ Received and transcribed by Rasha.


"The key to riding out the turbulence that may well manifest at the height of the vibrational shifts to come, will be your willingness to totally surrender to the process, fully aware that you may not yet understand what is, in fact, happening. The changes will be so profound and so far reaching that you will be challenged to maintain your mental and emotional equilibrium."


"... this unprecedented level of change will continue throughout what remains of this physical lifetime and well into next. For it will take quite some time for the dimensional shift to stabilize and for the reality in which you find yourself to once again be in a world where life could be considered quite predictable."


"The hallmark of these extraordinary times, in terms of your physical awareness, is the extremes of uncertainty that characterize virtually everything."



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January-07-2012 was an Extraordinary Day...Multiple Sightings of high altitude Glowing ORBs..Were caught on videotape over San Antonio,Texas...

Jan-07-2012 was a perfect day for Skywatching in San Antonio,Tx...This day began As i was sitting under my porch facing west..I notice a high altitude Glowing Orb traveling East..I crabbed my camera for a closer observation..Three Glowing Orbs could be observed..This first sighting lasted for several mins..The next few Hours was followed by these High altitude flying UFO ORBs..This video is a part of these Events As they Happend..

First Sighting took place at 12:13 am: Three Glowing Ufo Orbs filmed traveling East..
Second Sighting took place 1:34 pm: High altitude Glowing Orb traveling East..
Third Sighting took place at 2:08 pm: High altitude Glowing Orb traveling East..
Fourth Sighting took place at 4:54pm: High altitude Glowing Orb traveling East..
Fifth Sighting took place at 5:08pm: High altitude Glowing Orb traveling East..
These ORBs are clearly not aircrafts/ or weather ballons.

~Wes Annac ~ Trip to Earth, Part II ~The Meeting (A Short Story) ~ 10 January 2012

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 Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member~Wes Annac ~

Trip to Earth, Part II ~The Meeting (A Short Story) – 10 January 2012



This situation I found myself in required innate mental and emotional training and discipline. If I did not wish to give my position away, I had to maintain pure clarity of mind. I could not even let myself think or feel in any way that I was where I was, lest I wish for those who were also where I was to notice me. I could not be spotted, I could not be known about. With all of my training, with all of my mental discipline, with every fiber of my being I focused on being in my quarters, in my room, meditating or painting. I had to completely convince myself, therefore convincing others, that I was in my quarters, doing anything other than spying on the meeting my parents were having with the rest of the Sirian High Council about various situations unfolding on the planet Earth.



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