Sekhmet ~ Solstice Celebration Exercise

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Sekhmet ~ Solstice Celebration Exercise
Ascension Energy Tools Teleconference 12-20-11


"Well Greetings Everybody! I trust you can all hear. Now we have a special focus. We shall be shining our Lights as we call in more, and why not? You know, Beloved Ones, this is the time of year when it is so much focused upon the giving of gifts, and we want to put some balance into that, and we want to talk about receiving, because you know it is really wondrous indeed to receive when you receive from the perspective of higher dimensionality, higher vibration - when you receive Love, and the Light of Love into your hearts, and into your beings, and it has become automatic, you might say, for you to just simply bring it in, and then beam it out.


Kryon ~ through David Brown "Humanity is evolving"

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Kryon ~ through David Brown
12 December 2011 at San Jose, Costa Rica
"Humanity is evolving"


Greetings dear ones, for I AM Kryon of Magnetic Service.

It’s wonderful to be with you all this night, this very night, for there is much love and much change in the air.



You are on a journey to return to your essence, and the essence of a human being is love. You’re here to fall in love with yourselves and the universe is moving into a place where you can fall in love with yourselves again, where the love can flow, an endless flow of love where men and women can love each other again, where men can love men, and women can love women. There are many, many changes coming. The old world is beginning to dissolve, and this will happen much more quickly now. For those of you that do a lot of inner work you will be beginning to feel a difference, you will feel the shift happening to you and you will be beginning to get those feelings of freedom, freedom and love.


~Welcome Predrag~AnaShyNa as Part of The Galactic Free Press Staff~ Here is Predrag's [AnaShyNa] Bio:

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~Welcome Predrag~AnaShyNa as Part of The Galactic Free Press Staff~


Here is Predrag's [AnaShyNa] Bio:



I love you My Dear Mother God and Father God. I am so grateful for this opportunity to share and Be Here with You.

Dear Friends of Light, Dear Brothers and Sisters,

This yellow ribbon is my constant reminder for cancer I diminished from my body [it was only me], and experienced that only by helping others to overcome fear of self doubt is only way to acknowledging that you are sole creator of any and all illnesses, is it from this life or from previous ones.

I had surgery to remove lymph node on my neck, which was only temporary solution, but later when this reappear on 6 different spots through this body, i took healing in my own hands, with faith in Father God, our Ultimate Creator.

Message from the Galactic Federation 12/30/11

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The universe is full of magick and adventure which, if you have not discovered for yourself already, will be at your fingertips as you ascend into the higher realms of possibility. 3D Earth has also possessed her share of magick and secrets, but these aspects of your experience have been quite limited. Soon to be unlimited are your new powers and your new experiences throughout the vastness of space. You will explore unknown and uncharted corridors and meet new races and species of beings. You will discover countless new varieties of life; intelligent, animal, aquatic, and you will also find all beings possess greater intelligence than you might have previously imagined. Such are the many varieties of the animal kingdom of your planet Earth. The reality of the advanced levels of consciousness of some of your species has been purposely kept from you, as well as even the existence of some of your intelligent life on your planet, although many of you have done your own research and have come to the conclusion, without the necessity to be told what is and what is not by your so-called leaders, of what is myth and what is based on fact.


~Surrendering to the Light~

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~Surrendering to the Light~


~Galactic Love Reporters _ ^ _ Rysa Perisanna~



~ I surrender to the White Light and to the Golden Love of the universe that is coming forth. I surrender to the truth of the new age that has spoken to my heart and guides my soul. I surrender to you who are my other twin who knows my spirit and guides my life. It is time that we come into power as the guard has changed and there is no guard upon the lighted pathway. We are free to become real. We are found in the light. The darkness is past. We are immortal.


~ All is that is and we are given the truth that we are One and in being One we are with a unity of spirit to bring peace and happiness to the Family of Light which we are.  You have walked through the darkness and walked through the unreal and now you are moving from death to light.



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