Lia's picture




LIGHT, ENERGY AND ESSENCE are all forms of light. Each has a different way of reproducing and each has a symbol for contemplating its structure. The symbol for light is a fountain. The symbol for energy is a ball or globe of light. The symbol for essence is similar to the double helix of the DNA; an intertwining of two, twisted strands.


ESSENCE ARE COLOURS of light surrounding the core, divine, white light in the heart core area that is called 'The Smallest Molecule of Light'. Each essence represents talents, gifts, skills or abilities gathered over the journey of collective lifetimes of each individual. If the divine, core white light is where we are all truly one with each other in our divinity, then essence configuration is the unique ‘vibrational signature’ that differentiates us as individuals. Essence configuration is what Christians call ‘soul’.(1)

QUESTION; “What happened in your view, to start the Golden Age, and what is the Golden Age?”

YE & JAN, EARTH HEALING circa 1995 - 1996

~Space Weather Update~ Two CMEs toward Earth in less than 24 hours.

Lia's picture

~Space Weather Update~ Two CMEs toward Earth in less than 24 hours.


MORE SUNSET PLANETS: On Dec. 27th, for the second night in a row, Venus and the crescent Moon are lining up in the western sky for a beautiful sunset conjunction. Go outside when the sun goes down and enjoy the show. (Scroll past the CME for scenes from Dec. 26th.)


CMEs TARGET EARTH, MARS: The odds of a geomagnetic storm on Dec. 28th are improving with the launch of two CMEs toward Earth in less than 24 hours. NASA's STEREO-B spacecraft photographed this one on Dec. 26th:


Message from Mother Mary and Yeshua: 12.26.11

AnaShyNa's picture

Message from Mother Mary and Yeshua: 12.26.11
Love Reporter Fran Zepeda



My dear ones, there is so much in your hearts. You are beginning to fathom the depths and essence of your being and it is a deep cavern of love. You are shedding the fear of many lifetimes. The cleansing that is taking place in the hearts of many is making room for vast amounts of love to harbor there. We wish for all of you to nurture that love in your hearts with every breath that you take. There is no limit to how much light and love you have the capacity to hold in your hearts!

Dear ones, we are by your sides and in your hearts. We Are your hearts, for we are One. Open your hearts more with each moment and with each encounter you have with others, for this is the path to Oneness. When you can really see and feel what the other is seeing and feeling and knowing, then you will truly know the meaning and essence of Compassion. We beseech you to make this a focus of your attention and to strive to put into practice the art of really listening to others’ hearts. With each day, you will grow in love and understanding of each other and the chasm of separation will no longer remain.



AnaShyNa's picture

Bringing in the Golden Age with Love and Oneness. Sharing the Winter Solstice with the world from Hopi Land. Enjoy:)

Mothership and Portal Sighting ~ Dec 26, 2011 We are Here~

Lia's picture

On Dec 22, 2011 – Russian sighting of a portal (stargate) opening up. On Dec 25, 2011 – Mexico City sighting of a huge mothership morphing into numerous smaller ships. It is believed the mothership traversed through the portal on Dec 22, 2011 from the other end of the galaxy.


Uploaded by jcattera on 26 Dec 2011

Don’t believe the reports of a Russian rocket. Ask yourselves how could a Russian rocket possibly be seen from Mexico?

Try to pay particular attention starting at 43 seconds. It’s amazing coverage of a mothership morphing into smaller ships. We’ve seen this sort of phenomena before, but not as clear as this shows. If you use 720p HD, you can clearly see the spheres that morph and spread out.

On Dec 22, 2011 – Russian sighting of a portal (stargate) opening up.
On Dec 25, 2011 – Mexico City sighting of a huge mothership morphing into numerous smaller ships. It is believed the mothership traversed through the portal on Dec 22, 2011 from the other end of the galaxy.


Well, it appears they have arrived. The official Mayan calendar ends on Dec 24, 2011, and their timing couldn't be any more perfect. 




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