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~ Peggy Black and the 'team'[Hathors]



We are here. Once again we are here to remind you of who you are. We acknowledge you for your courage as you welcome more and more light awareness to unfold in your life. We are aware that you are being flooded with information, options, projections regarding upcoming events and timelines. Much of this information is generating fear, fear of the possible disasters that could occur, the end of times, the collapse of your reality as you know it.


We acknowledge the great changes occurring; however, we invite you to hold the intention, the vision and the focus of the events unfolding with incredible ease and grace. We remind you of who you are; remember you are beings of Light, consciousness in physical form, you are multidimensional beings of great understanding, courage and love.


You are here at this time of evolution, this time of wondrous transformation as a conscious vehicle anchoring a new reality for the coming ages. In this field of all possibilities, there are always multi-realities that are available to manifest.

~The Worlds Bridge is the Souls Journey through the Forces of Armegeddon to the Garden of Peace~

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~The Worlds Bridge is the Souls Journey through the Forces of Armegeddon to the Garden of Peace~


We make that connection to the Infinite Oneness and the Divine plan for Earth.
A lot of pain in my head this morning.
It is vital that we begin to actualize the Living Hologram of the New Earth. To actualize it is to see beyond the probable reality and focus ourselves through the Infinite Now on the part of the holographic Earth that is manifesting in Creation, a new dimension of light and a new potential for the expression of Harmonic Oneness with truth as the foundation for righteousness and depth of meaning expressed between the energy fields of the psyche, before words are spoken.

The energy must flow now from the Living Earth to nourish and restore the vibrancy of consciousness. The Apocalyptic forces are demanding a resolution. They are expressing the velocity of negativity through the drama dynamics of human conflict. The infinity vibration is the energy pattern that links the past with the now and the future and through the infinity flow of Infinite Oneness in the infinity pattern, the elements of anti life energy and the elements of life given by creative union, will flow through the infinite center of the center of infinity, the absolute now.

~Every Moment a Lesson~

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~Every Moment a Lesson~

2011 December 26
~Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Steve Beckow~

Well, I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. I had an interesting one.

On Christmas Eve, I slipped and fell running for the bus. And I landed on a metallic part of the pavement, probably dislocating some ribs.

After a spell in the hospital, I’m back home rather like a turtle on its back, having difficulty moving overly much and certainly having difficulty rising from my bed.

(I might add that the hospital stay cost me nothing. So much for “socialist” universal medicare.)


But every circumstance is one in which to learn and I use every circumstance as such. So this day I’m learning about pain.

~An Hour with an Angel: Archangel Michael Answers Your Questions~

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~An Hour with an Angel: Archangel Michael Answers Your Questions~



2011 December 25
 Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Steve Beckow

Questions have been asked about why events promised for the end of the year have not materialized. Of course we haven’t reached the end of the year, but nonetheless I’ll be asking Archangel Michael again to go over his statements on the subject.


I will also ask him if the Japanese people stand in peril of a nuclear bomb being exploded to cause a second catastrophe, as Ben Fulford has alleged. You know that I think there is no chance of any such thing. I’m only asking AAM to quiet fears in the face of questions, not to raise them.

As well, if we have time, I’ll be asking him to discuss with us the two matters of the “Divine Plan” for the end times and “divine deadlines.”


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 Love from the Galactic Federation of Light, The Kingdom~Company of Heaven, from Galactic Central. WE are Your Family of Light, From the Stars, The Elohim, The Celestial. WE are from one of the 24 Ships, that Sent Crew into the Physical Manifest to assist Humanity through the Transformation into a Galactic Blue Star Nation.


Our Ship is the Flag Ship, The Eye of Ra, the Heart of Light. WE are the Ground Crew "Medical" Team for First Contact. WE are Highly Trained in Human Consciousness and Human Development. Our Responsibility is to Provide you with the Highest Truths, to assist you in remembering Who you Truly are, as well as to assist you out of the illusion, and into True Reality.


~ E.T Contact Human Evolution has begun begun~

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~The Following words were Posted with the Video, We Know our Readers Here at the Press Welcome this Video with OPen Arms and Warm Hugs.. We are Here~Love Mother and Father God and The Entire Galactic Free Press~




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~Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Will Harader~



The illuminati get to keep their game going for as long as people live in fear. They want people to fight, to be in conflict, to resist, and all the other fear-based lines of thinking. If you want to fight the illuminati, you're just helping them out. That system is based around resistance, you only help keep it in place if you create more conflict.


Simply stop feeding your energy into fear and the systems of corruption will collapse into the illusions they have always been. Focus your energy upon yourself, your family, and your community. Bring positive change to your environment and let it express your most loving understandings about yourself. Share love with everybody, don’t hold it back. Help your neighbor out, hug somebody, and more than anything, stop being afraid.


~Ben Fulford Update: Major Realignment of Power Taking Place in Asia~

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~Ben Fulford Update: Major Realignment of Power Taking Place in Asia~


December 26, 2011

There has been a major change in the power balance in Asia during the past week or so following the death of North Korean leader Kim Jong Il, according to Asian intelligence sources. The biggest changes are happening in Japan where a series of arrests of bureaucrats, police officials and politicians has begun. One prominent casualty has been former Japanese Finance and Economy Minister Heizo Takenaka who has been arrested and is undergoing “vigorous questioning,” according to Japanese military intelligence sources. Takenaka is apparently singing like a canary, the sources said. If this information from highly placed sources is correct, Takenaka will be explaining why he handed over control of Japan’s commercial banks to foreign oligarchs, including the Rockefeller and Bush clans. The situation in the Korean peninsula is also now headed for the biggest change since the Korean war in the 1950’s the sources say.

~All I want for Christmas is a Global Evolution~

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~All I want for Christmas is a Global Evolution~


December 24, 2011 by Galactic Love Reporter Velcrow Ripper


Occupy Christmas! With what? How about by giving that which never costs, that which can never have a price tag: Love. The more we give love, the more we receive love. Love is the economic growth we need, not the planet destroying growth of Gross Domestic Product.  Love grows best when given freely. Love is at the heart of global evolution. Love is the expression of our profound interdependence.


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