~Space Weather Update~The Sun Has Awakened~ M~Class Solar Flare Earth Directed~ Incoming~

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NIGHT AFTER CHRISTMAS SKY SHOW: When the sun goes down tonight, step outside and look west. Venus and the crescent Moon have gathered together for a lovely night-after-Christmas conjunction in the sunset sky. Science@NASA has the full story.


CME TARGETS MARS, EARTH: New sunspot 1387 erupted during the late hours of Christmas Day, producing an M4-class flare and hurling a CME toward Earth and Mars. Click to view an animated forecast track prepared by analysts at the Goddard Space Weather Lab:



~Mother Mary ~ Lighting the World with Love

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~Mother Mary ~

Lighting the World with Love



Ashtar Teleconference 12~13~11


"Greetings Beloved Family, I Am Mother Mary, and I have asked to come forward to greet you and to bring you Love, that together we may bring Love to this World, which, even though it is lighting so much brighter now, is still much in need. And I stand with my Family of Kumara – Sananda, Sanat Kumara, Ashtar, and all of the 144,000 who came when it seemed as though there would be no Light on Planet Earth, and that was eons ago.


"And we have kept the promise, Beloved Ones, and so have you. You promised to return to the Light and you are. And we are here with you with such Joy, and we are here to say, 'Let us begin in this moment to be all that we came here to be, all that we could possibly be and then more, because, we are talking about Love!'


~ Allendale and the Internet Dark Agents~

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~ Allendale and the Internet Dark Agents

Posted on ~


December 25, 2011

Happy Christmas Day to all of you. We are so happy to have this connection with you. Just wanted to give you a quick reminder of not allowing fear, doubt and “nay sayers” to install any sinister allegations against the Galactic Federation of Light. There is a war, as I have told you before. This war goes on at many levels, dimensions, inside of you also.


Of course, the places you expect the least to find the struggle between light and dark is often the places you are spending much time in. I could point out at various comments and forums of course. As we all know, the cabal plays dirty. So, stay clear from letting yourselves intimidated by accusative comments from people with ill intentions, hanging around the internet for sinister reasons, such as creating fear around you, division and separation, and turning those new comers to our messages against us.


~The Miracle of Planetary Ascension has begun!~

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~The Miracle of Planetary Ascension has begun!~



Slowly we awaken to the dawning Light
Together we remember to release our fright


As fear is drained from the heart and mind
We find the world is sweet and kind


Like children we all look around
To explore the new world we have found


We wonder if our hearts were right
Could we now live in love and light?


We choose THIS world, we really do
And the darkness is forever through


We want the unity, peace and love
And accept the power of the Golden Dove



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Good morning dear Gods, my lovely Mother and Father God.... Love you this morning more than last night....

What is following is my last night dream of global awakening and global awareness where we are heading as Humanity:

"We were talking allot, allot during my dreaming last night, and it felt like hours of genuine and loving conversations, multiple conversations with different light beings, Angles, Masters, Half lion/Half Humans, Birds [or just a beautiful energy ball with wings in beautiful colors], and among them Mother God and Father God, all sitting or rather standing around vast and long table, and when I looked up, instead ceiling I saw only stars, and our Mother Earth in truly beautiful glow of blue and green....

Andromedan Star~mother-ship: Athabantian~ Let Your Light Shine

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 ~Through Galactic Love Reporter Mark Kimmel~


Andromedan Star-/mother-ship: Athabantian Let Your Light Shine


Greetings from the starship Athabantian, today we bring you a message of timely importance. Those of you who have read and absorbed our messages of the last few years will soon see the fulfillment of your waiting. Over the next eighteen months you will experience the emergence of the new Earth. As a lightworker, as a wayshower, this is the moment for which you have been waiting.


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