~The Week Ahead: The Worldshift Came From Within~

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~The Week Ahead: The Worldshift Came From Within~

a message from Rev. Angela Peregoff
Monday, 26 December, 2011



"There is a formula that goes like this: "Peace of Mind" comes when persons or a society are "centered." Centered-ness comes from certainty. Certainty comes from only one place: the recognition of patterns. So when a person or society has recognized a pattern as great as all of Creation, there is great certainty and centeredness and there is great Peace of Mind." - Ian Xel Lungold


~The Galactic Free Press Answers Questions~ ~What does being Pure Mean To Your Body Hologram of Energy? ~

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~The Galactic Free Press Answers Questions~
~What does being Pure Mean To Your Body Hologram of Energy? ~
 We Understand that The ego~mind told you pure meant following all their rules and beliefs, and if not they said you "sinned", and then you were not pure..In Love there are no rules or beliefs, SO in Truth Being Pure means Being the Love you are In Every Moment, Being in the Present Moment of Now, out of the program. This is Being in Spirit, Love Being Creation.
Love=the REAL YOU, is Being the Unique God Spark Expression, that is Equal to the all, and is not the same as anyone or anything else. This is each Atoms Uniqueness. You are Atoms of Energy, ALL made of Love, Which means you are One with Everything, Uniquely So. Love is the Love Called God Everywhere Present, this means that this energy is vibrating through every Atom in your Body Hologram.

~Special Request From the Press~ ~All attempts to stop us Failed~

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~Special Request From the Press~



~All attempts to stop us Failed~




~ We do understand that many of our Readers, have little funds to share and are also needing relief. We only ask those that Can share, share with us. Even if that is a simple 5$ or 10$. When Everyone shares we make our Funding Goals. AS of January 26th, 2012. We are Currently 808.44$ Short for this Month. These Funds support the Press, so that we can be here everyday with all of You. Without Funding right now, this would be impossible. This is exactly what the dark cabal have attempted to do to us for the last 4 years, to try to make it impossible for us to Be here for you. Obviously this did not succeed. And We Thank you and Honor Each of You for Month after month for Continuing to Make this So.


~Some of the First Contact Team Stories~

Message from the Galactic Federation 12/26/11

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You can be heroes in your fight against the agents of the dark. There is a war at hand, there is no doubt of this. Removing these dark ones is a job we are well equipped for, but we need your assistance in finalizing the campaign set into motion long ago in your time. We push on in our front and move those still willing to fight for those who stand nowhere near the front lines. This has been their way for eons. They declare war, and then send someone else's children to the front lines to lose their lives for their own gain. There has never been a shortage of men and women willing to do their deeds. Without these fighting forces none of these actions we are taking would be necessary. For millennia, the citizenry has been tricked, conned, coerced, and forced to bare weapons against each other in the name of profit and power for the few. This game ends now; it has been decreed by your Creator. No more will this be allowed to transpire here. The light is winning the battle, the end of this struggle draws nearer every day. Soon, humanity will receive your true freedom, a light you have not seen in many eons. This day will come. There is no doubt of this now.


~What Do We Do Now?~

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~ Galactic Love Reporter ANgeleka Stargate~



~What Do We Do Now?~



As it is obvious that some ancient prophecies are being fulfilled, and our planet  and our HUmanity are going through many changes, we ask ourselves...


  ~What Do We Do Now?~



Call it The Shift or call it Evolution, there are many activities that affect us that are out of our apparent  "control".

~The New Reality For Humanity~

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~The New Reality For Humanity~




~ Galactic LOVE REPORTER Elizabeth Cusova~


Dearest Beloved Ones,


A new reality is establishing itself on the Earth which is timeless by its nature and yet physically manifest within form. This new time is creating a radical shift in consciousness for many people, and for some the abrupt changes are creating fear and disorientation.


God's light is now manifest within physical form, and as a result the sacred Oneness of all things is revealing itself. For some this awakening is accelerating the process of purification, and for others, this new time is bringing relief as long awaited energies of light are now available to create that which your soul has most longed for.

Allendale to Tots ~ A Frank Discussion with the Lad~ Heating Up Again~

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Allendale to Tots ~ A Frank Discussion with the Lad




December 26, 2011

[Hi Allendale.] Hi Tots, I like your ability to give information out rather love-filled. [? I’m not following.] I am very direct for I need to be in my position. You are angelic, as is Hobad, and you wrap or code your messages with great love. [I understand now. Well, I admire how frank you are! So we are a good balance.] Aye lassie, that we are.


[What do you have for me today?] Developments with David & Ben are heating up again. They are manifesting more information to share in the form of articles and interviews. This upsets the cabal as it gives hope to the masses. 


~Light is Spirit~

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~Galactic Love Reporter, First Contact Team Member and Galactic Free Press Staff Member Will Harader~



~Light is Spirit~




I've noticed two types of unconsciousness. The unconsciousness that doesn't realize its unconscious and acts like it is conscious. This is the manic state. And the unconsciousness that realizes its unconscious and reacts with more unconsciousness. The is the depressed state. Every being that isn't in touch with their True Self falls into one of these categories. Duality rules with confusion in illusion, while in Reality you certainly can't experience anything as only having two sides.


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