~12 ~23~11~ Christmas Message From God To All ~ Suzanne Poulson Spooner

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 Galactic Love Reporter Suzanne Poulson Spooner ~12 ~23~11~ Christmas Message From God To All ~



My Dear Ones,

I Am. In those simple words are all you are.

May I share with you a story of love and hope. Once there was a baby born to a woman named Mary and a man named Joseph. In this time on Earth, there were many struggles & difficulties for the average human. Hope was lost for many and mere survival was their focus. Having food & shelter was sometimes the best one could hope for.


The vibration of Earth had been somewhat diminished. More than not, people lost their connection to universal love or their ability to remain connected to truth. In the birth of Jesus came a manifested love from God and Creator that took the form of Jesus. He requested a human life in the hope of teaching anyone who would listen, that love and connection was a divine right given to all men, women, children & creatures great & small. His mission was one of love & hope. Delight was in his pure heart for all mankind.

12~23~11~ Light Body Awesomeness!~

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As I posted recently, I was given a vision of the future earth where people can fly around in their light bodies and materialize into human form at will. The experience/vision was so incredible and awesome, I started doing research to see what was out there regarding light bodies and how they will work. I came across the article/channeling/interview below, which totally supports what I was shown in my dream. It describes how in the future we will be able to use our merkabahs to transport our human forms to anywhere we want. In other words, we can fly! The coolest part is that I've seen how this manifests itself, and it's so freaking cool I can't get over it. In my vision for those of you who didn't read my last post, it was night time and there appeared to be a bunch of very bright stars in the sky. One of the stars started flying toward me and just as it came upon me materialized into the form of a beautiful young woman with blonde hair. She landed gracefully as if it was no big deal and sat down and started meditating.


Why Are We Forced to Worship at the Feet of ‘Mythical’ Financial Markets Controlled by the Elite? Les Leopold, AlterNet

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Why Are We Forced to Worship at the Feet of ‘Mythical’ Financial Markets Controlled by the Elite? Les Leopold, AlterNet


2011 December 23
Commentary from Pat Donworth from the 2012 Scenerio~

“Not only were the new financial market gods bigger and more powerful than ever before, but the new high priests — our financial elites — earned millions of dollars, then hundreds of millions, and then billions as they collected modern-day tithes from all of us for tending to the financial gods.”

~Allendale to Anindzija ~ 58 Starships to Give a Direct Message to the Cabal ~

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~Allendale to Anindzija ~ 58 Starships to Give a Direct Message to the Cabal ~

Posted on


December 23, 2011

Good day to you! We have news, indeed! You have been busy clearing up some past lives and lessons for your selves. We are very glad here, that you have come to a deeper understanding of yourselves, of your past lives, and of your mission to planet Earth and of your roles and relationship with each other. This is a wonderful development, and there will be more to come in the coming weeks, if you know what I mean. However, no need to be alarmed, the new information will only be available to you once you have processed what you have been given so far. Data is like food, it needs time for digestion and understanding. It takes time to be able to see the bigger picture.



~Galactic Love Reporter Peggy Black and The Team~ ~Message 17 Collect Your Joy !~

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~Galactic Love Reporter Peggy Black and The Team~


~Message 17 Collect Your Joy !~


We would like you to sense and welcome joy. Let yourself examine the feeling of joy. When are you filled with joy? What are the conditions? What is the situation? We invite you to practice the awareness of joy-being in the vibration, the feeling, the emotion of joy. Your body chemistry will change when you bring an awareness of joy into your moments.


Over time, you will understand that joy is a natural state of being. It is a Vibrational way out of the mass consciousness grid. It is the ladder, the rope, the lifejacket. When you learn to feel, sense, experience joy as the dominant vibration in your life, you are free. When you hold a joy vibration more often than any other emotion, you are in a position of powerful creating. You are in the Divine flow.


~Mysterious Metal Ball from Space Falls in Namibia~

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~Mysterious Metal Ball from Space Falls in Namibia~ ~


This large metal ball was found in Namibian grasslands in November.


December 22nd, 2011

A large metal ball that fell from space into the Namibian grasslands last month is not alien, officials say, but that's about all they know for certain about the object.



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