12~25~11 ~Focus on the inspiring events happening all over the world~

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~Focus on the inspiring events happening all over the world~




~Galactic Love Reporter John Smallman~



The speed at which you are progressing along the path to your awakening is accelerating as more and more people raise up the divine Light they are carrying so that others may see it and do likewise.  The momentum of humanity’s intent to awaken is now so great that, as divinely intended, awakening is inevitable and cannot be prevented or delayed.  It is your glorious destiny, and the moment at which it will occur is rapidly approaching.


~Ashtar: Holy Days Gifts of Love~

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~Ashtar: Holy Days Gifts of Love~
Ashtar Teleconference 12-13-11
~Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Susan Leland~
"Well, Greetings Beloved Family! It is so delightful that you have taken your time and your energies to be here with us, because we understand that this is the Holy Day Season, and this means that you all have extra busyness in your lives. You have gatherings, you have gifts, you have all kinds of energies swirling around you, and some of them are joyful indeed, and some of them, from where we have our perspective, are a bit frantic, we would say.


~T’was the Night Before Christmas~ By Steve Beckow~

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~T’was the Night Before Christmas~

2011 December 24
~Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Steve Beckow~

Here we are the night before the last Christmas we’ll experience in this setting, with these capabilities.

Next Christmas we’ll be in a setting so different, so unbelievable and yet so fulfilling that Christmas will be our experience year round.

This year we’ve watched the light bombard us and the energies rise on the planet, until the people of numerous countries said, “Enough is enough,” “the 99% must be heard,” and threw off their shackles.


~Transition Assistance~

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~Transition Assistance~

~Galactic Love Reporter Mark Kimmel~


Greeting from the starship Athabantian. I come to you this day representing all aboard this great vessel. We are here in service to you our, sisters and brothers of Earth.

Each of your days now brings you closer to that time of the great transformation. Make your final preparations, the most important of which are your attitude and your spiritual center. Find quiet time to discover who you really are. Get in touch with your essence, a great being of light having an experience in physical form. Know that you volunteered to come at this time and place, whether you are happy with your life here or not.


Andromedan Star~~mother~ship: Athabantian ~We are here~

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~Galactic Love Reporter Mark Kimmel~

Andromedan Star~~mother~ship: Athabantian


~We are here~



Greetings, we return this day to provide further insights into the current situation on your planet. As we have said before, and as others have disclosed, there are large numbers of your brothers and sisters from other star systems living among you. (Please note the use of the words, “we” and “us,” in the following message — a further demonstration of the way in which your star sisters and brothers experience the Oneness of all.)


Message from the Galactic Federation 12~24~11 ~We Have Made Great Strides in Rounding up the Last of the dark cabal

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Message from the Galactic Federation 12~24~11 ~We Have Made Great Strides in Rounding up the Last of the dark cabal~



Of course, the hidden language of the esoteric and Exo- political fields is hidden within our messages. These messages can act as keys to unlock hidden and dormant potential within the human vessel. Recognizing these keys is not always necessary to unlock this potential. What is necessary is taking in the energies of these themes with an open mind. Keeping an open mind is a primary prerequisite of learning any subject, and the Exo-political and esoteric fields are, of course, no different.


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