TAUK ~ A Message from Jeshua, 23 Dec 2011 ~ Christmas Message

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Dear souls, what is left of the remnants of the dark empire on planet Earth is now dissolving under your eyes. Do not be scared, for what is left will allow you to grow like a flower in the sunlight.


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~Humanity's Multi~Dimensional Newspaper, Sharing the Real Truth~ Through Being Truth and Love In Action~




~You are The StarShip~




~Everyone on this Planet was Chosen, Hand Picked, out of the GODZILLIONS of Beings in Existence, to Be Here for this Experience. All of Humanity were the Ones, Specifically Chosen for this Experience of Awakening from out of the dream of illusion.~



~Circle of Light~ Christ Mass~

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The Messages from God
through Yael and Doug Powell at
Circle of Light www.circleoflight.net



Christ Mass

December 22, 2011

Beloved ones, we now come to a time that is the pinnacle of your year. It is the opening of the veil. It is the moment of remembrance when all that you are is available and you can feel the glory of Love in all of its fullness, right here, in the center of your being.


It is the time for the celebration of the Christos, the pure heart of God, the resonance of Love and the Star of Light that is the matrix of Love’s eternity, radiant and perfect that comes to shine in all its splendor in the sky of your deepest being.


~St. Germain on Sustainable Living and the 12+1~

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~St. Germain on Sustainable Living and the 12+1~


~Galactic Love Reporter Kili Amma~




Dear ones, there are many shifts coming. Some that will be very uncomfortable and challenging. We don't like to emphasize the difficulties, but we do want you to be aware. The governments are shifting into a period of darkness, it is up to you to change this, through your thoughts, prayers, and actions. Now is the time to make the changes that are necessary in your ruing parties. This is the time for the way~showers to rise and start leading. The old ways are falling.


~ The manuscript of survival ~ part 64 ~2012, will Go down In The History Books~

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~ The manuscript of survival ~ part 64 ~2012, will Go down In The History Books~


~Galactic Love Reporter Aisha North~12~23~11





Tomorrow marks a very important day in your part of the world, and many have already started to feel the holiday spirit. We predict that many will feel it even stronger than before, as there are indeed intense celestial energies coming your way this very minute. These energies will serve to heighten the emotional benefit from these days, as thousands upon thousand gather together to celebrate with their loved ones. But again, they will also serve the heighten the tension in those already precariously balancing on the edge, so in additon to all of those harmonious gatherings, there will be more of those fraught with violence as the days go by and we approach the day that marks the beginning of your calendar year.


~ALL REALMS message for the Festive Season and Beyond 23rd dec~

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Greetings beloved ones we come through our channel at this time to give you messages of hope and peace to be spread out across the planet earth. For now is a time like no other in the entire history of the planet earth that you reside on. As the changes now begin to show themselves within your societies and across your planet there are still residual fears that are being brought to the surface. We guide for you to detach from these fears, see them for what they are, they are the old conditioning taught to you through the illusion to keep you in slavery. Detach and become the observer, watch what the teachings try to teach you and then pour love and compassion through them to dissolve them.


The Top 10 Things “Dead” People Want You to Know

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The Top 10 Things “Dead” People Want You to Know


2011 December 23

Steve: This is a very interesting item from Suzy Spooner because my own research also substantiates that these are precisely the first messages that those who make the transition want to send back. To demonstrate that, I’ll post below Suzy’s article some messages from the other side that substantiate her comment.



The Top 10 Things Dead People Want You to Know



The top 10 things dead people want to tell living people are:

1. They’re not ‘dead’.

~Integrating One's Heart~

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~Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member RC~



~Integrating One's Heart~


This is RC sharing my compassionate love and light with all life as I live my light through compassionate love for all life.


~Christmas Message Holds True~! A Christmas and New Year Message

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~Christmas Message Holds True~!


A Christmas and New Year Message from  Galactic Love Reporter Kamran Mofid*~ Thank You to CGCI~



This is the time of the year, when we need to stand back and ask:


“What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.”


Let us see where we stand. The clouds of destruction are gathering all over the world. The world today is facing a multitude of crises in politics, economics, finance, banking, energy, food, environment and education, amongst others, simultaneously, resulting in much uncertainty, fear and anxiety. Moreover, the rapid and unsustainable rise in consumerism and materialism, financed by debt has seriously destroyed the fabric of society, and has catastrophically weakened the ethical, moral and spiritual dimensions of our communities. It seems, there is little, but, “shop till you drop” left to bind us together. In short, the world is facing a crisis of values.



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