~The Internal Shift~

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~The Internal Shift~


These last few days have indeed been a very interesting experience for me (as I know they have been for you too.) I have been watching and reliving my own personal life review. Of course, from today looking back, this is a common theme when going thru a personal massive shift. How can you know where your going if you don't know what got you to here.

With that said, it has been like sitting in the center of a diamond and then it explodes all around you. Each fragment of the diamond showing itself to you in it's individuated fullness. For me, in this moment of time, of passage, the grande finale happened yesterday.

~White House Responds to Disclosure Petition: “No Evidence Yet” With Commentary~Thank You For Sharing~

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~White House Responds to Disclosure Petition: “No Evidence Yet”


Commentary from Steve Beckow

~Well, I’m sure this was not the response we hoped for, no doubt about that. There’s no doubt that the White House is not leading on this issue, at least not outwardly. That means it’s up to us.

I acknowledge how disappointed many people must feel. Thanks to everyone who signed the petition. And thanks to those who passed this reply along. Too many to list.~








~Japan earthquake & tsunami , earth changes & harvest~

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Jim: The question this evening comes from T in Taiwan. “Q’uo, we in Southeast Asia would appreciate your perspective on the recent earthquake and tsunami in Japan along with the subsequent nuclear crisis. How does this event fit into the context of harvest and planetary transition? What can we do to be of aid to those affected by the tragedy?”

(Carla channeling)

We are those known to you as the principle of Q’uo. We greet you in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator, in whose service we visit with you this evening. Thank you for calling us to your circle of seeking. It is a pleasure to share in this working.


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Shortly after 9-11 happened, I had just moved to Virginia Beach from North Carolina in August 2001. I was staying with a friend who was a "psychic" and no doubt she opened so many portals within me in staying with her.

I lived with her when 9-11 happened and started to get downloads in raltionship to healing the nations. Healing the entire world from this massive scar on earth... of course, I assumed it was all about manhanton and the twin towers... I surely didn't understand symbology back then. I took every directive literally and so tried to make it manifest.

~WE ARE the Perfect Storm... ~

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2011 - 2012 vibrational diagram


~WE ARE the Perfect Storm... ~



I woke up this morning with such an intense vision. I tried to ignore it and just stay asleep, but it was pretty insistent about me seeing it and understanding it consciously. The vision was of a cylinder of light with massive a massive hurricane cloud surrounding it at the very top of this solid white cylinder. It was blowing here and there in a field of wind.... adrift in the night sky. Not connected to earth and not connected to the sky. It was not straight up and down either... more like a 45 degree angel... every time I tried to ignore it and stay asleep it literally got in my face with both vision and energy.

~Darkest Before the Dawn~

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Darkest Before the Dawn

Posted by Galactic Love Reporter Steve Beckow



Who's winning?

I watch very little CNN these days. They make little pretense of covering the news of the world. In fact its coverage is more or less restricted to talking up the latest gimmicks and prospects of a very small group of mostly men, all vying for the increasingly inconsequential seat of the one who sits in the White House, presiding over a shrinking empire and a political machine that is rapidly falling apart.


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