~~I Asked, and I Received!~

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IAM Micha-EL

~I Asked, and I Received!~






~Galactic Love Reporter IAM Micha~EL ~


Yesterday I posted sum thoughts and  2 day I have sum good news.. IAM a serious musician and have completed my first start 2 finish debut album, Starseed Nation 2012. Its dedicated 2 all of us brave souls on Earth.. All 144,000 souls or soul groups. I remember alot of my pasts here on Earth, and everyday I get closer 2 the 5th Dimension or Heaven., or my true ancestry.. IAM from Andromeda, a weird place of multi chanting species. Although IAM a humanoid, there are many that arent. And they are the coolest rarest things in the cosmos.. At least on Andromeda and in most other galactic neighborhoods.

~11~11~11~ 3rd Density Ascension~

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~11~11~11 3rd Density Ascension~


~Galactic Love Reporter Joe~



As we approach stargate 11-11-11 it seems there is more disinformation than ever on the internet and more confusion in general. This posting is meant to clarify some things as simply as possible for those that are ready to hear them. This message is meant to be shared freely with as many people as possible because the information is so important. Feel free to share it and distribute it.
This is my own understandings of what is happening and about to occur through my own personal experiences. This represents a look at the ascension process through the eyes of those physically on earth if you will.

The purpose of this grand cycle was perhaps the most ambitious ever. Mother Earth, Gaia, proposed to make a mass ascension bringing all living beings on and within her along with. Essentially this meant the full ascension of an entire eco-system, not the ascension of individuals. This is why her ascension has been so difficult and why so many life forms are involved in helping her. None will be left behind although they may choose to leave after it is done.

Laura ~ 5 Nov 2011~ Disclosure White House Response

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Laura ~ 5 Nov 2011~ Disclosure White House Response


Youtube :




We wish you well on this glorious day. Although it has come to our attention, that the White House response to your petition has been a serious disappointment to many of you. This matter will need to be pursued until you get satisfaction to your enquiry. The fact that Earth had contact with many extraterrestrial civilisations is almost common knowledge on your planet now. The disappointment is due to the fact the cabal still holds the reins in all that concerns us. There is nothing for the cabal to gain by admitting our existence, and at the same time admitting their perpetual lies and covered secret projects. All of which has taken place without your knowledge, although you have financed these entire secret projects yourselves.


~Sacred irReverence ~ God, Ritual and My Big Toe ~ This is Brilliant~

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~Sacred irReverence ~ God, Ritual and My Big Toe ~ November 5, 2011


 ~Galactic Love Reporter Rachael Ehrlund~


My God

my elixir
my teacher
my providence
my every inspiration

my ability
my blunder
my opportunity
my kindred spirit

my satisfaction
my liege
my beloved
my immortality

my hope
my dreams
my king- my queen
my secret remedy

my life
my breathe
my amour
my true solace

My God
lives in me.


Vatican "Stunned by Irish Embassy Closure! Yahoo! This Calls For Celebration! This is the Catalyst that The People of GREECE need right Now!

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~Vatican stunned by Irish embassy closure~



Vatican "Stunned by Irish Embassy Closure! Yahoo! This Calls For Celebration! This is the Catalyst that The People of GREECE need right Now!

~700 Million Wayseers worldwide, here to resurrect what society denied.~

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The New Beginning Is Near....By Garrett John LaPorto..Author of the "Wayseer's Manifesto"


~700 Million Wayseers worldwide, here to resurrect what society denied~




This week, on the eve of 11/1/11, we reached 7 billion human souls living on this planet. Approximately 700 Million of those souls are Wayseers - like you. 700 Million Wayseers worldwide, here to resurrect what society denied.

"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant.
We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift."
~ Albert Einstein

PRG Update ~November 5, 2011 ~The Disclosure Petition~

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PRG Update ~November 5, 2011
~The Disclosure Petition~

Disclosure Petition Response

The White House has responded to the Disclosure Petition.  The final signature count was 12,078.   As expected it was written by a low level staffer from the Office of Science and Technology Policy - a research assistant.   The response was unacceptable.   The response page (link above) includes a Feedback option.   Much feedback is expected.

PRG will address the White House response on Monday, November 7 via an international press release and op-ed submissions to various newspapers.

In a short while PRG will begin to pre-promote a new petition relevant to the Disclosure process.   This petition will then be submitted to We the People and an effort will be made to garnish the 25,000 signatures in 30 days (the new threshold) required for another formal response.    Those who have signed previously will not have to register again to sign the next petition.

PRG will continue to keep the Disclosure issue front and center within this attempt at participatory democracy by the Obama administration.



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