~Walking the Road to Shambhala~

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I am someone who almost never remembers a dream. In any given year I am happy to remember 3-5 dreams at all. This week, the dreams keep coming and coming and coming. I know this one from last night was literally an all nighter because I had woken up several times during the night, each time I was doing the same thing... hooking people up to their funnel clouds. lol

There is a massive tornadic energy happening now within the cylinder of Light. Literally the eye of the hurricane and all night, light (in my dreamtime) I was participating with it. It was forming singular funnel clouds... like spawning tornadoes. EAch funnel cloud belonged to someone on earth. I was running around... as if doing a reading on the people I was connecting to... and after the initial connection they either got the funnel cloud attached to their solar plexus.... or not.

Hilarion's Weekly Message ~ November 6~13, 2011

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Beloved Ones,

You are moving into a higher than ever energy week and staying grounded during this time is very important. Touching base with the tree family and being out in Nature will be very beneficial to you. Also, soaking in a tub of warm water with Epsom salt or sea salt will help keep your auric field in good repair. And of course, the most important element during this time is to keep your thoughts and intentions on your highest vision of yourself and your World, for what you focus upon will create the New Earth First Light manifesting on Earth. Be present and accounted for as one who co-created this into manifestation.

~Walking from Light into More Light, Listening to the Inner Voice~

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~Walking from Light into More Light, Listening to the Inner Voice~

2011 November 6
Posted by Love Reporter Steve Beckow

My pledge to myself as a lightworker is to walk from light into more light, from brightness into more brightness. Different people take on different tasks. This is the task I choose to take on.

Moving from light into more light may seem a rather obvious and meaningless statement to make, but for me it has tremendous meaning. We’ll be encountering a vast amount of newness in the year ahead and we’ll need to develop ways of adjusting to so much change. By focusing on moving from light into more light, I commit myself to focusing on how to release myself from what no longer works and how to embrace the novel and unexpected.

~Laura : Message from My Higher Self: The First Contact~

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Laura : Message from My Higher Self: The First Contact


Laura from Her Higher Self, Nov. 6, 2011




Today is yet another sunny day for you dear beloved friend called Laura. You are my expression in physical form and your efforts to connect with me daily touch me very much. You know how to best quiet your emotions and your mind in order to have access to the light of information and love that I can provide for my incarnated self. When you close your eyes and sit in a quiet place, you can connect with me and I transfer my light, I cover you in my love for you and we are one again for this brief moment during the day.

Seek to renew contact with me throughout the day, if only for a minute or two. Do it as many times as you remember. This will help you in your journey of search for the light. In a way this is similar to the process of First Contact that you seek. I am your first point of contact with the higher realms. I shall lead you into deepening your trust in me and in our extraterrestrial friends. Your connection with them is an ancient one, in fact, as you already know it, you incarnated here in order to be an open channel of communication for your star brothers. You incarnated here in order to bridge the higher dimensions with duality. Duality, which you still struggle to understand.

~11~6~11~~In God’s Reality, pain and suffering cannot exist~

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~In God’s Reality, pain and suffering cannot exist~


11~06~2011 by Galactic Love Reporter  John Smallman




The waiting is almost over as you prepare to terminate your support for the illusion and allow it to dissolve into nothingness. It was but a brief idea with which you played for a moment and is soon to be forgotten; and yet while you have entertained the idea of it, it seems to have lasted for eons, and that is what you have been experiencing. Be glad that you have chosen to awaken and withdraw your support from it. By ceasing to play games driven by fear and anxiety, you open your hearts to the divine Love field that has always been there for you and you realize that Love is everything and contains everything. You could compare It to the air that you breathe (as you occupy your bodily forms), in that It is all pervasive, but Its vastness is far beyond anything you can conceive of, and It could never be contaminated in any way because It is the perfect divine and limitless environment in which all of creation has its existence.

~The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild ~

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 November 4, 2011

The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild ~ November 4, 2011

Blossom: Hello there! I am in an excellent space this morning and looking forward to this chat with you. Leaving all subject matter up to you of course. Fire away ... 
Federation of Light (FoL): You are awaiting the first words to come for you can FEEL us with you ... We are aware of the FEELING that is within you and surrounding you. We are enjoying 'merging' with that and allowing the energies to settle.

Blossom: I am laughing ... as I did say to you in my mind 'Is 9am' ok?' ... and it's only 8.59am as I write this !!! ... tick tick tick .... and ... we're off!!

FoL: In Light of all that is transpiring in and around your Earth plane, we are considering the possibilities of discussing matters anew to those who are interested.

Blossom: Show me someone who is not?! I am all ears!


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~UPDATE FROM MATTHEW WARD~ Energy surge 11~11~11;

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~Messages from Matthew~



Matthew Ward ~ November 5, 2011

Energy surge 11~11~11; Illuminati activities will wind down; fear; origin and purpose of free will and karma; how negativity began; Creator's amendments to Its law of free will; importance of balance; God's explanation; goal of all souls; first, second density life forms; model communities

1. With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Along with you, we have been observing the steady progress of the light as the Occupy movement spread in the United States and on to other countries, and the spirit of freedom that inspired "Arab spring" continues. Even people who do not know that these major developments are due to the higher frequencies along Earth's ascension pathway do realize that your world is significantly and rapidly changing.


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