~Earthquake Under Oklahoma Today ~ Bunker?~

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Earthquake Under Oklahoma Today ~ Bunker?

2011 November 5
Posted by Love Reporter  Steve Beckow

Kauila sends this news of an earthquake under Oklahoma and speculates that it may be the takeout of another deep underground bunker but we have no corroborative evidence yet. Ellie sent a personal note which I’ll post next. Ellie has sent some of the graphics.

It’s important to remember that, if this is an operation by the galactics and Earth allies, it will have been planned to occur without deaths. So there is no need to fear to the personnel inside the bunkers.

Magnitude 4.7 – OKLAHOMA

Saturday, November 5, 2011 at 07:12:45 UTC
Saturday, November 5, 2011 at 02:12:45 Local





~Fire The Grid I ~The Plan

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By: Samoiya Shelley Yates

Subject: Fire the Grid 11/11/11 (3:11 AM Pacific)

Fire the Grid I : The Plan



“Carve out your role and reach for the heavens
All you can be, what you have dreamed
Know that the sky will deliver.” - Bradfield



11~11~11: The Age of Crystalline Co~Creation

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~11~11~11: The Age of Crystalline Co~Creation~




Hello all,

Collectively we have made the step into a New Age as of October 28th 2011. We have now entered the age of collective "conscious" co-creation. Yes, we all have been co-creating the world to this point but most have been "un-consciously" aware of their true God Self Creator power and abilities. All that happens in the days, months and years ahead is simply the aligning and un-locking of the infinite potentials within the consciousness of humanity.

~Rare Albino Humming Bird~ and the Story~~

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~Rare Albino Humming Bird~


Fifteen-year-old photographer. Marlin Shank, was fortunate enough to capture several images of a rare albino ruby-throated hummingbird while in a park in Staunton, VA.


Hummingbird: Symbolizes devotion, permanence and eternity. Although the hummingbird is small in stature, it is extremely determined in its own territory.

~Healing Visualization for 11~11~11~Patricia Diane Cota~Robles ~

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~Healing Visualization for 11~11~11~Patricia Diane Cota~Robles ~




I AM sitting comfortably in my chair with my spine as straight as possible and my arms and legs uncrossed. This allows me to be an open conduit for the emerald green Flame of Healing Through the Infinite Power of Transmutation with its violet radiance.


~Mother Gaia’s Ascension: Existing as a 4th~5th~6th, and 7th Dimensional Biosphere~

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This is RC and I share my Light and Love with All.




Mother Gaia’s Ascension: Existing as a 4th~5th~6th, and 7th Dimensional Biosphere


Mother Gaia, since her commencement of existence, has existed in higher 4th, 5th, and 6th dimensional planes of reality. Mother Gaia has always been a Library of Life, for this is her divine state of being.

Until recently, Mother Gaia, had to experience 3rd Dimensional reality, and this diminish her divine status, to a certain degree, for thousands of years, in linear time. Mother Gaia, her own soul (Light) called upon greater Light to enter through her in order to ascend higher. Mother Gaia is now free of 3D realities, and has shifted into higher 4th, 5th, 6th, and now commencing her beginning stages of the residing in 7th dimension reality.

Through the pure Light of Omni-Universal Creator, with the divine assistance from many universes, and galactic and inter-galactic Light Families, from our Universe and many other Universes, Father Sun, Mother Gaia, and all planets here have been returned to their Divine states of being, a Light Solar System as a collective energy.

~Being Nonjudgmental is a KEY to ASCENDED LIVING, as LIGHT~

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This is RC, and I share my Light and Love with All.


~Being Nonjudgmental is a KEY to ASCENDED LIVING, as LIGHT~



One Light Being, experiencing 3D realities, where the extreme nature of the duality of polarity prevails that leans towards Darkness, is a LESSON entirely, as one learns, as Light, to traverse through Darkness while living as Light and expressing one self through this nature of dualistic polarization.

Through Darkness, one experiences individual as well as collective dualistic polarizations that stem from individual (DNA/Psychological), familial (DNA/family dynamics), societal, religious, cultural, political and thousands upon thousands of dualistic polarities that exist that one chooses as expressions of one self in 3D realities.

Many of our Galactic families, through channeled messages, guide us in detaching from illusions that one experiences. Through the messages, they have guided us by allowing us to understand that detaching from the illusions, therefore becoming impartial to any dualistic polarity is an essential component in our individual and collective ascension process.


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