~The Ascension: The Merger~

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2011 - 2012 vibrational diagram
~ Artwork by: Nichole Lewis ~




~The Ascension: The Merger~



The one thing I know for sure about this sharing... it's gonna be a long one! I pray, I can make it a clear one. It so funny, I have sat here and stared at the screen now for close to an hour... detail after detail pouring forth in my consciousness and I am thinking, there is no way I can write all that... not and call it a blog, I would have to call it a book! And the light bulb went on. It's funny, ya do what you, because it is what you do and for no other reason. And then I laughed...

~USMC sniper vets ready to serve and protect the American people.~

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USMC sniper vets ready to serve and protect the American people.


U.S. Marine Corps vets who served as snipers in the 1st Gulf War, the Iraq War and the Afghan War are ready and willing to serve and protect the United States and its people from its domestic enemies.  USMC vet TG says, “There is no greater cause than to serve and protect the United States and my fellow Americans on U.S. soil.  I took an oath wherein I swore that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same;Today, our enemy is on U.S. soil.  They are the CIA, the Federal Reserve Bankers, the DHS, FEMA and members of the United States government who have pledged their allegiance to a New World Order government and they are determined to destroy my country in favor of this foreign controlled New World Order governmentTo me that is a declaration of war against the United States and all Americans.”

~Reality as a Reflection of Self ~ of Art and Puzzle Pieces~

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~Reality as a Reflection of Self ~ of Art and Puzzle Pieces~ October 28, 2011


I met myself in a dream last night
I was 5
I was alive

I remember smiling
At myself
We talked of things
I can’t recall
I held my hand
And it was small
And strong

We walked for hours
Or maybe moments
I stood still
And met my own gaze
I was amazed
I was beautiful

~Prayer of Oneness~ Dwell In the Midst of Infinite Abundance~

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Prayer of Oneness~ Dwell In the Midst of Infinite Abundance~




~Galactic Love Reporter Maureen Moss~

2011 October 28
Posted by BZ Riger

Prayer of Oneness~ Dwell In the Midst of Infinite Abundance


Mother~Father God within the temple of my being, you, The All~knowing Intelligence of this Universe, the Loving Intelligence that created Me and this Universe and this Planet, I offer this prayer to you.

~Composite Planet Lightbody~ END OF MAYAN CALENDAR

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October 28, 2011

~Composite Planet Lightbody~


We are still here, but have we grown up?
To answer that question,
it is best to ask our child within ...

THE CHILD WITHIN All that I have waited for, through the sorrow and the strife

Can it be that it is possible, that I will find it in THIS life? Somehow I never gave up, though I came right to the edge Can it be that NOW I'll find, that I am waiting on the ledge? It is here that I wait patiently, my hand upon my heart Can it be, at last, I found the life I've searched for from the start?


~What I think will happen on 11/11/11. Posted on October 25, 2011 by Satina

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What I think will happen on 11/11/11. Posted on October 25, 2011 by Satina




I believe that everyone in the world will, on November 11, 2011, or the 11/11/11, experience a super enormous BLAST of fifth-dimensional energy that will change the world forever and prepare everyone on it for Planetary Ascension. 

What will this look like, physically?  I believe all of those who are unawakened or have not released all of their attachments to the old way of living will have a Jerry McGuire-type moment of sudden awakening.  In the blink of an eye, they will suddenly realize, as their heart chakra is blasted wide open, that they cannot continue one more moment to do the destructive, fear-based things they’ve been doing.  Then they will, just like Jerry, be “Free-Falling.”  We, as the Servers and Lightworkers, will then be called into action to help these newly awakened souls find their footing in a world that no longer supplies ANY energy or support to anything except the transformation of Earth.

~Ashtar: We Are Co~creating the Changes!~

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~Ashtar: We Are Co~creating the Changes!~

Ashtar on the Road Teleconference 10~18~11




"Well Greetings, Beloved Family! It is so delightful that we are here again, to be together and to create some magic, some wondrously high-vibe manifestations of theempowerment that we have as One.Now we know that there are many, many exciting moments which are indeed beaming in upon the energies that are coming, even now, to Planet Earth.And we can only tell you that this is a bit of a preview of all that is to come, because there is so much shifting and changing, which is coming as we get closer, and as we arrive, first at the 10/28, and then the 11/11.



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