~Earthkeeper Chronicles: Pre~11~11~11 Issue~

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Earthkeeper Chronicles: Pre~11~11~11 Issue

2011 October 30
Posted by Steve Beckow


  • Archangel Metatron Channel
  • 2012 – The Magnificent Year Ahead
  • – Crystallus Maximus -
  • Why MAX, the 13th Crystal Skull is in the Crystal Vortex for the 11-11-11
  • Major Astrological Events in 2012
  • Planetary Retrogrades in 2012
  • Lunar Chart for 2012


~We are arriving Home to Ourselves!~

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This has been an interesting week for sure. The readings have been both as diverse and they come and all with the very same similar theme... there is something energetically ginormous taking place on 11:11. I suppose we all have known that... but today, it feels even bigger. Maybe because I was jolted awake with images from a reading I had done a couple days ago. Let me share...

I read for a man (a rare treat these days) whose energy was so telling. His energy was literally split in two. On the initial connection his human body appeared but only from the solar plexus up. He had no form that i could see below his solar plexus. The fact that I could see his human form was surprising as very very few people show up these days looking human.... they look like light shows and light bodies... but his was so clear and so solid looking that if I didn't know better I could reach out and touch him.

~On to the 11~11~11 Stargate, the Great Wave of Love!~

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~On to the 11~11~11 Stargate, the Great Wave of Love!~



2011 October 30
Posted by Galactic Love Reporter Steve Beckow

We’ve now passed through the first of three important 2011 dates: Oct. 28, 2011. Our attention now goes to the second: Nov. 11, 2011, which Archangel Michael calls the second triple stargate and SaLuSa calls the “love wave.” (1) What do our sources say about the nature, impact, and opportunity of this important event?

What is the 11-11-11 Stargate?

Archangel Michael explains what we can expect on 11-11-11.

~Your awareness is in the process of becoming unshuttered~

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~Your awareness is in the process of becoming unshuttered~


October 30, 2011 by John Smallman

All are one. There is no separation because God and His creation, All That Exists, is an inseparable, indivisible entity in constant communication with Itself for all eternity. It is infinite Love, Wisdom, Knowledge, Intelligence, and Power that can express Itself in myriad ways. Its possible potentialities are infinite.

Within the illusion, you chose to imagine yourselves as separate, individual beings on linear life paths in time, and as time passed, you became utterly focused on your illusory realm and closed off all awareness of your true nature. Now, however, that awareness is in the process of becoming unshuttered and chinks of brilliant light from it are starting to flicker through, attracting your attention.

~The Fruits of Your Labor ~ Channeled Message from Archangel Gabriel~

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Greetings Dear Ones! How pleased and honored we are to be in your presence today. Such exciting times you are experiencing on your planet right now. We love seeing you gather together. We love that you are seeking. We love that your awareness is expanding and growing and we love that you are stepping into your purpose and embodying your highest selves more and more. It is such a sight to behold! We could not love you any more than we do in this now moment.

There are many masters gathered today for this transmission. The room is full of them, you see. And of course, for those who are experiencing the transmission at a later time, you are part of this energy as well because time and space is an illusion.
Allow yourselves to feel the energy, the combined energies, of support that is available to you now. Bask in it. You are worthy.

~You demonstrate what you believe~

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~You demonstrate what you believe~



Despite any doubts you may have, the moment for humanity’s awakening into full consciousness is getting ever closer, and it will not be delayed or prevented. As light- bearers your task is simply to do as you have been doing and hold the light on high so that all may see it. Many are looking for it, and as it is the divine intent that they find it, then they will.

~Laura : Message from the Future ~ 30 Oct 2011~

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Laura: Good evening Future, here is a question for you:

“What ideas~concepts or experiences are we very close to accessing that we haven’t yet, either individually, as a group or as humanity?”

Future: Your future is assured humans from planet Earth. You are great being of light on an eternal struggle for purification. Bright and pure shine of light is what your heart seeks. Knowledge of your future is what you will soon experience. I wished to answer your question, because it is my duty to do so. Bright is your love and bright is the way ahead of you dear Earth Humans. You wish to know much of the times ahead of you. Your curiosity and projection into the future is increasing. It is causing some concern in the time continuum.


~Pleiadian Council of Nine and SanJAsKa: You Are Responsible For Much Change~

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~Pleiadian Council of Nine and SanJAsKa: You Are Responsible For Much Change~


It is clear that your world has entered a stage where the old is departing, and the demand for true change by so many will be a massive force to bring the changes  we and you have wished to see come forth. We are as busy as ever, monitoring developments and waiting eagerly for the next big event that will signal disclosure and the enactment of the new world financial system. Control of your financial system is how the dark on your world were able to gain power and influence, which is why it is so important to shift the wealth and (the belief that is) economy back into the hands of the people, who truly deserve it and who can collectively run it quite peacefully. Abundance is to be granted to all, as you have all deserved abundance throughout your experiences but your karma has served to keep you in a certain state, a certain condition, which the dark on your world served to take advantage of by pumping out influences that support lower patterns and ways of Living. The propaganda that has been run by your dark extends out much further than many of you realize. It will be a difficult truth for you to learn that nearly everything that has to do with your media exist only to keep the majority of humanity in the lower vibrations through subtle and gradual conditioning of mind.

~Where From? Where To?~

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~Where From? Where To?~



Posted by Steve Beckow

People are awakening from the hypnotic trance that our planetary controllers have induced in us by various technological means and social strategies. Commentators like David Icke, David Wilcock, Monty Keen, Alex Jones, and Jesse Ventura lay out for us many of those means and strategies. Naomi Wolf and Carol Rosin describe them, as we see in videos earlier posted. (1)  When people awaken, they often go on to react and actively throw off their chains.

At some point they’ve symbolically and actually emerged from their sleeplike trance and gone beyond the reach of the cabal. They then begin a different phase of their emergence during which they actively work for the Light in some capacity. They leave behind them their worries and fears and start to build the life they’ve yearned for.


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