~When Will Ascension Happen? ~

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~When Will Ascension Happen?~ (Repost)

2011 October 28
Posted by Steve Beckow

Here is a discussion of various views on when the mass Ascension may take place. Archangel Michael has said that it is possible to ascend on Oct. 28, 2011 so I don’t think it matters which date you choose, as long as you’ve assimilated sufficient light. But, hey, I’m not the decision-maker! And I also won’t know who will have ascended on Oct. 28 and who not.

What is missing from this post is AAM’s suggestion that Ascension could happen earlier than Dec. 21, 2012, which he made in my interview with him of Aug. 1, 2011, in which he said:

“If anything, my beloved friend — and we keep telling you this — you are ahead of schedule. But do we want you to be wedded to a date? No. Do we say that the dates that have been given are accurate and significant? Yes.


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I personally don't pay much attention to dates given in channeled messages, many I don't connect with, some I do. One thing I know that is happening is things are on the move and much progress has been made. The energies the last couple years have been intense to say the least, this summer they went to another level, the clarity of intent and lack of many of the energies that used to hold us back is most welcome. The waves of Love have been wonderful and is unprecedented. There is most definitely is a major shift in progress, we are seeing it in the hearts of folk around the world, the air is abuzz with the anticipation.

IMHO anyone that continues to look outside their selves for someone to come out of the sky's and save them is missing the mark on whats going on, I don't understand why channeled messages would be giving exact dates, I believe that in many cases it is the channel's own own hopes and desires influencing the message. I can forgive them, for I only accept that which resonates within me, all else is a grain of sand on the beach of hopes and dreams.

~How It All Comes Together~We Are Only One Step Closer Now ~There is More Work To Do!~

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~How It All Comes Together~We Are Only One Step Closer Now

~There is More Work To Do!




Your Mission

Are you doing what you came to Earth to do?

Your Destiny is 90% in your hands. Within the framework of The Matrix you can learn to be the 90% influence, good or bad, on your life. No one is denied the opportunity to change their own life to their BEST life.. It is a matter of perspective. Have you learned to follow your joy? There is no reason not to be in complete joy every minute of every day.
As you decide to and act on integrating changes into your life you gain new abilities which will take you into Full On Joy as you work single-mindedly on your Mission. The problem is, without meditation, the world interrupts you with ego thoughts constantly during your waking hours. If you have not gotten to doing your Mission full time, it means you chose to keep yourself away from it by lack of action. No prayers can be answered for you until you integrate new practices and quiet your mind. Meditation is the ONLY thing which can take you there.

~AA GABRIEL ~ Weekly message ~

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October 27, 2011


AA GABRIEL ~ Weekly message ~ October 27, 2011


Beloved Ones,

I would like to have discourse on the quality of Love called Unity. This quality of Love encompasses the use of your divine and human faculties of discernment and inner knowing which combine together into a powerful grouping of thoughts, ideas, and concepts that are embraced by those of like mind and taken to a level wherein these groupings combine to create a unified field that effortlessly moves those thoughts, ideas and concepts to a whole new level. By doing this, a higher consciousness is accepted within this combined field to create a domino effect that then spreads out into ever greater and greater acceptance within the collective consciousness of Humanity.


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Greetings My Beloved Ones,

I greet you in Love and Light.

Beloveds, you are a radiant Spark of Divinity. Your Divine Spark lives within your Sacred Heart Center, and it connects you with All That Is.

Your radiant Spark of Divinity, or Divine Spark, is part of All That Is. Therefore, you are a part of All That Is. Many aeons ago before the All That Is separated into many Divine Sparks, you were all together in one great place and one great whole as the All That Is. When the All That Is wished to experience itself and to manifest, it burst forth many radiant Divine Sparks. You are one of those Divine Sparks. As such, you retain all of the qualities, characteristics and attributes of All That Is.

~Cyclic Engineering: Going offline in the game~

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Friday, 28 October, 2011  

Have you looked in the mirror lately? Is there an age progression occurring? Have you ever stopped to ask yourself why? Chances are that you have accepted this as a natural process just as most everyone has. Have you for a moment thought that perhaps there is foul play at work or that there might possibly be an alternative to this deterioration other than the next likely option of death. What if the game is at your expense? This entire process is so accepted and defended. This is an amazing game of deception of immeasurable magnitude. There is a difference between deterioration and getting older.


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