Wild Sightings of “Starships Made of Souls” from Last Few Years~

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~Galactic Love Reporter Steve Beckow~



~Wild Sightings of “Starships Made of Souls” from Last Few Years~



Part of the transmission from FatherMother God about space ships was very timely for me to read after I had been gathering different UFO videos that showed some really wild sightings.

“Starships are made of Souls, Unified into Consciousness, kind of like Soul Housing. In fact they can appear to be just about anything, especially while you have been in the dream… In Reality a Starship is the Inner action between Love and Being Everywhere Present. So, the Starships are actually ourselves, our Soul Housing Unified. You can say that We are from the Future, However, WE are always in the Present Moment of Now.” ~ FatherMother God

Some of them are from this year, like the first one which was captured just a few days ago Oct 11, and others are from the last few years but what has been captured on video are truly amazing sights.


~Archangel Michael to Susan on How to Discuss Ascension with Friends, Relatives, and Children~

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~Archangel Michael to Susan on How to Discuss Ascension with Friends, Relatives, and Children~

with commentary from Galactic Love Reporter Steve Beckow~

In her recent reading with Archangel Michael, Susan asked him how we discuss Ascension with our unbelieving friends and relatives, and with our children.  Thanks to Susan for adding to our knowledge base.  Every additional discussion helps.

And thank you, Ellen, for taking the tape and transcribing it in barely half a day.  The audiofile is here so that you can listen to Archangel Michael speaking through Linda Dillon.

Linda, by the way, will be in Sedona the weekend of Oct. 28, holding her 15th Annual Council of Love Sedona Gathering. Details at http://counciloflove.com


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Greetings, this is Juliano. We are the Arcturians. We are on the cusp of 2012. In many ways, our estimate is that the energies of 2012 really are here now. In our estimation the date of October 1st marks the doorway into 2012. I can say that you as the starseeds are prepared for this energy and for this transformation. You have been preparing, and you will continue to prepare to receive what we call this galactic input of light, this galactic input of energy, this galactic light frequency that is transformative. This light frequency is transformative on all levels. I know that there is now on the Earth, especially among the starseeds, a greater awareness of the Earth’s relationship to the galaxy. It has taken a long time for mankind to come to the understanding that the galaxy and the Earth are interacting with each other.

10~17~11~~ Thoughts on the dawn of 7th Day~

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~ Thoughts on the dawn of 7th Day~






Let's begin by a quick analysis of where we are right now, October 17th, 2011. From the viewpoint of those of us, who have enjoyed a certain level of "normalcy" in our lives, things are anything but normal now! We can reason that, "no matter how hard we try to keep things stable, everything is still shaky", AND seems to be getting worse"! We can feel somewhat secure and try to take comfort, IF we planned for a rainy day, but what is going on in the world today, looks like a coming flood!

Unprecedented challenges face mankind like a car going downhill without brakes.. We can choose (even unconsciously) to feel fearful, hopeless and apathetic, defiantly shake at our fist and curse it all, thinking that "I'll never give up". These are valid reasonings when facing a chaotic world, but what happens when we hit the bottom of that hill? Are those our only choices? Absolutely not. There are choices we can make that make life under these circumstances delightfully pleasant.


MLK’s Daughter: My Father Would Have Supported The 99 Percent Movement

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~MLK’s Daughter: My Father Would Have Supported The 99 Percent Movement~



Speaking at the dedication ceremony for a new monument to her father, the Rev. Bernice King said Martin Luther King Jr. would have been heartened by the Occupy Wall Street protests and larger 99 Percent Movement. “I hear my father saying what we are seeing now all across the streets of America and the world is a freedom explosion,” she said, adding that we should move beyond or conception of King’s work as just about “racial justice” to include “economic justice”:

“We are being pulled from the familiar place and comfort place of “I have a dream” to focus on another aspect of Dr. King’s life. Perhaps, the postponement [of the original dedication] was a divine interuption to remind us of the King that moved us beyond the dream of racial justice to action and work of economic justice.

~The Real Love and The Real Truth~ ~THE LOVE STORY OF HUMANITY~

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~The Real Love and The Real Truth~




Long, Long ago, Love decided to experience Love in the physical manifest and the Divine plan was activated. Through the experience, the Greatest Love of all would meet eye to eye, with the Mirror of the Greatest Love of all. To do this, Love merged with the Unknowable, through this merger We were born as Conscious Co-Creation as Father~ Mother God, for the experience of Yin/ Yang, to again make a Whole. Each were sent to different sides of the entire spectrum. The challenge was then to remember This Greatest Love of ALL, in order to complete a circuit of energy to make everything ONE Again. The plan was written, to experience and to FEEL, to Answer the question "What does the Greatest Love of all FEEL like?" We Have Successfully accomplished this task, so that Now all Humanity must accomplish is to receive our Gift of Love, to Feel this Love from Within for Humanity is US and our Reflection of Perfect Love.


The 11~11~11 Awakening Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn Part 3 of Three of the 11~11~11 & Atlantis Series

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Master Crystals of Poseida



The 11~11~11 Awakening

Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn

Part 3 of Three of the 11~11~11 & Atlantis Series



The Crystals of Arkansas

And so now we skip forward 12,500 years, and we look at the role of the Atlantean colony you now call Arkansas. We tell you that there are Crystals and Crystal Caverns beneath the lands of Arkansas that are beyond your imagination. There are crystals beneath Arkansas that are amazing in their size and appearance. Some the size of 20 story buildings! Their energy is stunning, and their awakenings are affecting the planet in myriad ways.


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