~Steve Rother and the Group~ ~ Re~minders from Home ~ Play a New Game~

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~ Re~minders from Home ~


From Steve:

The group has tried on several occasions to pretend to be human. The most difficult part for them is telling a joke. They understand the laughter, as it is the language of angels. But let’s just say that their delivery really needs a little work. Pretending to be human is harder than it looks sometimes.

The group gave me no warning about what was coming in this channel. I even made a comment just before starting that I had no idea where it was going. Then I said it was OK, because at the very least I knew the first three words were “Greetings from Home.” Everyone in the room laughed.

Have a great month and brace yourself… here we go!
Big hugs,



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poem by AnaShyNa Love Reporter Predrag


Do you feel is there anything wrong with this question?


I BELIVE there is nothing wrong to this question. Only difference is in the answers you are going to give to your self.


If you have even a slight doubt that you can't take this responsibility in your hands, this is giving you great answer who you really are. If you do not even dare to answer this question, you probably think about yourself following:

ï‚· THAT you are not fully entitled to take this title of Godlikeness even for a couple of moments of your life;

THAT you rather give others your life to make any and all decisions "necessary" for You;


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Dear Ones,

It is our joy to communicate with you again. By the Grace of Divinity your time has come where you are being given the gift  to return to your true Self which has been laying dormant in most of you, dear  souls, for thousands of years.
You have no perception – and you cannot have it, we tell you! – how much your returning to your own truth spreads as deepest and enlivening joy through the ethers and the whole universe!
Your awakening removes many densities in your galaxy laid upon countless civilizations and forms of existence! Each one of you who is willing to take the leap to your own awakening is therefore supported in many ways by those who are already awakened and who are able to guide you because they have been already going through what you are now experiencing.
Having said this, we want you to understand that your awakening, personally and collectively, is not an isolated  event.

~A Very Important Message !!! ~ OPENING THE PORTAL ~

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A Very Important Message !!!

by Dr. Georgi Stankov, October 16, 2011

I have the pleasure to publish today a very important technical instruction from the Arcturians to all members of the PAT and first ascension candidates as to how to proceed at the time of going through the portal when the call for Ascension of your higher self has reached you. This has been the chief topic of your emails to me in the last two weeks, and I must admit that I was at pain most of the time to answer all your questions in a satisfactory manner.

Now we have a straightforward instruction from a competent place - from The Arcturians, who are responsible for the coming Shift at the stargate 11.11.11, as this event is an alignment of earth with the central Arcturian sun. I have already explained this pivotal event in my article " What is the Role of PAT at the Stargate 11,11,11". 

~WE are the Lightworkers~

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~WE are the Lightworkers~




We are working to help heal this world and all of the darkness that has been present for so long. We are the Lightworkers, the healers of this planetary sphere. Some of us do not realize or remember fully our origins, but we still go about our daily lives while learning more about spirituality. Many of us will browse channeled messages to feel the connection of our ascended brethren; a connection that is very warm and familiar to us. Little do we know it, but our mere presence on this world is anchoring the Divine Christed Love and Light we originally incarnated on this world with.

SaLuSa 17~October~2011

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  SaLuSa  17~October~2011

Not a day goes by without further developments being achieved by our allies, and that is hastening the time when some positive moves can be made to bring a stop to the activities of the dark Ones. Already they are being weakened by losing control of their command bases, and we will continue to assist our allies until the threat to you no longer exists. Various teams are responsible for dealing with the different challenges that face you, and be assured all is well and proceeding to plan. Defeat is not a word that the dark Ones contemplate as they considered themselves invincible. However, they are having to face up to the inevitable loss of power and subsequent collapse. We offer them a way out and believe they will accept, when it becomes apparent that they cannot avoid the net that is closing in upon them.


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Greetings dear ones.

We see so many moving into a deeper sense of life and living. More and more light is pouring forth from your beloved earth. She is supporting you in all you do, for she also is moving quickly into a deeper resonance of Light and truth.

It is a powerful time right now on earth. Much is changing and much is going to change. The energies of the past are quickly fading and will soon disappear for many. Be not afraid of change dear ones, for at this point change is simply a term for newer and higher. There is nothing to fear. There will be still some events of change as Gaia moves old energy in her own process of ascension. Be not afraid and try very hard not to resort into old thinking . This can be difficult because your media simply pushes the fears of an old belief system on you with every newscast. Stay informed but do not glue yourselves to your televisions for what you get is always of the old energy--old solutions, and old ways if believing.


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