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~through Galactic Love Reporter Liora~


Manifesting in Unity Consciousness

Dear Ones

You asked “why do I seem to still manifest experiences of the same lessons. I thought I had raised my vibration enough to have different relating experiences now?”

Beloveds, as you are awakening deeper and embodying more Light, you will have initiations to show you where you have shifted through your frequency of limited patterning.

These patterns are directly linked to your Energetic Core Issue/Soul Signature which keeps your vibration embedded into a limited consciousness of the third dimension.

This vibrational entrainment of frequency has a “tone” of powerlessness and lack, due to the unconscious individual Core belief, of being flawed and worthless.

Sekhmet: "We Shall Be Empowering Your Manifestations!"

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Free Call September 27, 2011

Sekhmet Continues Her "Yes I Can! 101" Series


Sekhmet: "We Shall Be
Empowering Your Manifestations!"
"Greetings, Beloved Family! Well, things are definitely splatting against the fan, as we have foretold. And, while we can continue to assure you that we are well aware of your desire to get the unravelings all done, indeed to have accomplished this by now, we can also say that it is happening at faster than light speed! Now, to accelerate even more the Announcements and all that go with them, we shall once again gather* to do an Exercise of Empowerment!

~Ascension, Choice, and Mission~ 2011 September 26 by Love Reporter Steve Beckow

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~Ascension, Choice, and Mission~

2011 September 26
by Love Reporter Steve Beckow

In my meditation retreat over the weekend, one thing I got to see clearly was the lack of seriousness I was showing around Ascension. I cited this passage from Archangel Michael in an earlier article as capturing what I saw.

“One of the challenges you face increasingly in these coming days, is to take yourself and your awakening seriously. …

“You are increasingly called to bring your lifestyle into greater alignment with your vibration and your knowing. Each of you are growing in your capacity to claim what you know and this creates a sacredness to your experience. This appreciation of what is taking place is made by possible by embracing and trusting in the reality of the planetary ascension process, and it brings the element of the sacred to your lives and into your energy field.” (1)

~Libra New Moon,September 27, ~ ASTROLOGER BARBRA HAND CLOW~

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view chart for Libra New Moon,September 27, 2011,7:08 AM EDT, Washington, DC


The time for balance, harmony, and justice arrives with the New Moon in Libra, a dynamic that is intensified by its arrival soon after the Fall Equinox. This year's strong bond between the Fall Equinox and the New Moon draws my attention to the influence of the Super Galactic Center (SGC) on our world. The Fall Equinox always activates the SGC energy zone, since it is located at 2 Libra from Earth's perspective. When fall arrives, the Sun moves into Libra and aspects this zone, which draws our minds out through the center of the Milky Way Galaxy and into the SGC vortex. This reading is intriguing because the SGC is unusually activated by the transits of Mercury and the New Moon to the SGC.

~Timelines ~ Energetic Synthesis~

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~Timelines ~ Energetic Synthesis~

A direct transmission to Starseeds and Indigos about our intrinsic role and genetic purpose on the planet as a Consciousness Shifter. It is our group function and role to override negative agendas being promoted through "Alien Software" using fear, destruction and manipulation. This "alien software" is promoting fear and chaos to create massive confusion in the human population in order to attempt to manifest the negative alien timeline. Align to your inner core spirit, become inner and self directed to discover the Sovereignty and Freedom inherent with your direct relationship to God Source. As a Starseed embodies clarity with its own inner core spirit, the spirit is God Technology returning to the earth. That God Technology is accessed in your body as you develop pure witness and observer consciousness without the judgment of negative ego. The Eternal God Spirit is self organizing, self harmonizing and will bring high frequency to stabilize the environment through your awareness held within the inherent capacity of your Starseed DNA. Focus on your inner reality and declare your intention.

Starseeds : Make your Daily Declaration of Intention to resolve the authority problem between your Ego And God Source.

"My declaration of intention is to serve my Source. I commit to serve my highest power, fully completely and totally. I am God, I am Sovereign, I am Free!"


~FIRE THE GRID~ 9~27~11

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Blessings Dear Light Servers,



Our beautiful planet has entered once again into the zone, as we swirl around the Sun, where the day equals the night and all aspects of light and dark spiral into Zero Point for a short window of time.

This little glimpse of eternity is followed by powerful New Moon energies so that, within the recess of the dark womb of all that is possible, we feel the quickening of our Spirit as our DNA is activated and brought into harmonious balance according to our divine blueprints. The energy forcefield, referred to as Comet El Enin, is now situating between the Earth and the Sun, further adds to the cellular upgrades of Light that are ours to behold.

As we Fire the Grid throughout the day, we blaze our own unique vibration to blend with the frequencies of all Children of the Sun and the combined harmony of our heart’s love can move mountains, part the sea and open stargate portals to a glorious New World!


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"27th September the Sun may emit a very large solar flare.. we are seeing signs this could take place as we have had two x type flares one on the 22nd and the other yesterday on the 24th Sep,."

Obama and top NASA staff as well as other elite nwo leaders will allegedly be @ Denver on the 27th most likely hiding underground..


CHILDREN OF THE SUN~~~The Planetary Crystalline Grid~

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Children of the Sun

The Planetary Crystalline Grid

The Grid is part of our NEW consciousness matrix! It is a manifestation of our evolutionary process and the patterned growth of universal consciousness. We are all co-creators of this crystal matrix of diamond light energy. It is a self operating and self sustaining system of communication and energy transfer. It is strengthened as more and more people connect into it. It’s potential is infinite. 

This is a worldwide Call for Unification in our efforts to co-create a planetary civilization of light and galactic society The time has come for us to truly clarify and embody the concept of unification in order to synchronize our heart-mind intent into one giant network of divine intent. By understanding that we all are on the same mission with our individual focus and roles, we work towards a conscious transformation of our individual efforts into one collective and very influential energy matrix.

unityearthOur unification on the planetary Crystalline Grid allows us to continuously receive and exchange information in absolute knowing which is essential to accelerating our evolution as a species and in alignment with the Greater Plan. As each of us enlists our services with the unified collective, we reinforce this planetary network of light while fostering the creation of the inter-galactic bridge.


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