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This Week, Sept. 17-22, 2011

Angela Peregoff, Sept. 17, 2011

If you are looking for an advanced warning system as to upcoming interdimensional happenings, the bottom line is that things are going to get somewhat rough during the second half of this week and for much of the remainder of September. The human DNA chain continues to be stretched and pulled [like taffy] magnetically in order that you become quantumly and multidimensionally awake. As this occurs expect some flack and additional needling by the Universe due to activations that have been sealed within your genetics for nearly 11,000 years.

Power Path: Fall Equinox~New Moon Update 9~23~11

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Dear Friends,

The Fall Equinox is Friday, September 23 at 3:05AM Mountain Daylight Time. Think of this as the beginning of a new year and of a new time frame. This gives you an opportunity to redesign your intentions especially if what you have been manifesting is not what you want. Allow trends in your life to show up to teach you what not to repeat. Allow great and surprising gifts to show up as well.

The influences around this equinox are powerful and carry a force that supports major change and transition. Anyone who chooses this time frame to transition in either birth or death will take advantage of the extra boost. It is also a good time to use this force symbolically. Anything you choose to terminate, change or begin during this time will have the extra support of the equinox as well as the new moon.

The Pleiadian High Council and SanJAsKa: "Staying Centered in your Ocean of Emotion"

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Many events are soon to come to fruition that will see you all Living the majestic and free Lives you all so dearly deserve. Every last one of you is bringing these manifestations into being, and the effort that has already been put in by you all has been nothing short of miraculous. Humanity is entering an advanced stage in it's awareness, so much so that those enlightened are beginning to manifest miracles every day. We have told you before of some of the miracles you are manifesting, and this is only the beginning. Dearest souls of planet Earth, we wish you to know that you are to be perceiving us so very soon. You have for so long wondered what we are like, how our energy will feel, and how we will communicate to you once we arrive. We can say that you will instantly feel our energy upon seeing us, and our nature is of such uplifment that you will have no doubt that we are of a peaceful intent. Indeed the dark hath played upon your deepest fears of 'evil alien invaders' but we can promise you that we are not such invaders. Such darker entites were allowed in your governments when we were not, and for the most part the influence of the 'evil aliens' has seeped down into your mainstream culture.

Emissaries to Earth: Bring Forth Your Light

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Message from the Archangel Michael
Telepathic Transmission - 17 September 2011 (posted on 22 September 2011)



The Golden Dome of Light that exists as your multidimensional Stargate, is coming online. What this means is that each of you have access to greater amplifying capabilities of your own internal harmonics.  This is important for it is your own harmonics which broadcast and magnetize across dimensions, that which has harmonic resonance with you.  It’s how you create the experience of manifestation—the physical convergence of your experience with desires you have within your heart.  The increased amplification of your inner light temple.

I invite you to relate to your own sacred energy system as a temple—for you One with All-That-Is, with God, with Source Creation; sacred and holy.  Your energy system is the dwelling place of your consciousness, your awareness and also the means by which you are able to exist as a multidimensional energy systems capable of both interfacing locally and non-locally, meaning—with the whole vastness of being. 

~The Disclosure Petition~

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~The Disclosure Petition~




The Disclosure Petition is now active on the White House website at the above link.  The wording of the petition is as follows:
"We, the undersigned, strongly urge the President of the United States to formally acknowledge an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race and immediately release into the public domain all files from all agencies and military services relevant to this phenomenon."

[Note to all those outside the US: a US Zip Code is required for registering.]

Should this petition receive a significant number of signatures it will draw media attention which will generate more signatures.   It can become a direct referendum on the matter of Disclosure if the link to the petition can be taken viral on the Internet.

~The Borning of a Rising New Consciousness Asthar Sheran~

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~The Borning of a Rising New Consciousness
Asthar Sheran

Beloved Sons of Light, I am Ashtar Sheran and I come hereby to speak to the inner vibrations of your being.
Pay attention to your inner work and break the bounces of dependency of any technical procedure regarding the pathway for your Ascension been used or taught by you.
The teaching is worth just when used in practice.
By practicing you have the expansion of your consciousness and vision, thus allowing each Lightworker to give the next step, to the next stage.
If you pay attention, you can see that a spiritual trade has been created, with the excuse of keeping your material stability, keeping the monetary value at first place.
The Source said not to be allowed by the divine law to put any kind of obstacles, mainly monetary, that makes hard to others to reach the effusion of energies, and the transmission of teachings.
In order that everybody, without exception, could follow their lives as sons free from preconceptions and frontiers.
Beware of the power of an idea, a concept: Will it be good or bad?
Have you already stopped to think if you might be creating traps with the concepts, teachings and ideas about the Light?
Where are the connections and the filters?

~Stairway to Heaven~

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~Stairway to Heaven~

by Owen Waters

Artwork courtesy of JimWarren.com

There is a stairway to heaven. It leads through the heavenly realms of the afterlife and continues even further, all the way to the ultimate state of consciousness from which the universe sprang into existence.

Infinite Being, the ultimate source of all things, created a universe of infinite diversity, of infinite parts of the whole. As humanity, we are the adventurers who projected ourselves into physical experience in order to bring deeper focus into our experience. Our purpose in the physical realm of consciousness is to gain a sharply-defined sense of identity and to grow from there.  

The long-term mission of each and every one of us is to gain expanded awareness through life’s experiences until we eventually return to the one God, no longer as curious seekers, but as self-realized, conscious gods.


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How is your practice of going within going? Is it as present in your daily life as you would like it to be? Is the practice "easy" or does it seem to constantly slip away from your fingers so to speak?

Inner work does require time, and well... work. We prefer the term "commitment". But as always, it is up to you, for you are the master of your own life. You shape it through your thoughts, words and actions.

There are as many ways of going within as there are people on this planet. You simply need to fin the one(s) that work(s) for you and commit to it - for yourself.

You see, nobody else will do it for you. The world as it is shaped by your society has little use for this kind of stuff, but the world as it is becoming does. Well, everything will be easier to understand, to accept, will make more sense if you take the time to go within.

~Your Physical Being is Now Catching Up to Your Spiritual Self~

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~Your Physical Being is Now Catching Up to Your Spiritual Self~


Posted: 20 Sep 2011 02:15 PM PDT

Overview of 9/19/11 “Creation Energies” Brenda’s channeled, 15-minute, free show on www.BlogTalkRadio.com: Your physical body is catching up to your spiritual being so you may feel “fuzzy” mentally and even much like you did at puberty – “I’m 13 and I want to drive a car, go on a date, drink, have babies and get married.” Many ideas but not a lot of energy to activate them.

Special Event: Brenda and Beverly J. Thompson will be channeling/presenting live “2011/2012: We’re in the Thick of It” Saturday, September 24th at 4 pm at The Festival of Healing and Spiritual Awareness; Greenville Shrine Club; 119 Beverly Road; Greenville, SC. For more information e-mail: janthemother@aol.com

Dear Ones,

This week is extremely important in terms of where you are going and how you are going to get there.

~A Thousand Little Crucifixions~ ~Living on the Edge of Overwhelm~

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~A Thousand Little Crucifixions~

~Living on the Edge of Overwhelm~


Oceanna, Pleiadian priestess, through Hannah Beaconsfield, Sept. 21, 2011

We are Oceanna bringing you guidance from our Pleiadian world culture. Our energy resonates benign, nurturing support. In the broadest terms, we are mother energy.

We feel a strong urge to reach out to many of you first ascenders and succeeding waves of ascension pioneers. Some of you have been participating in this project for decades. The 1960s saw the beginnings of a major shift in consciousness. This shift was jump-started by experiments with mind-altering drugs. The generation of young people who tried these substances opened a door in the mass subconscious.


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