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There is only one way to Ascension.... There is only your way.... There is the way that only you can find... No Masters, no Teachers can give you this answer....


They can give you an example, simple example, if not tainted with centuries of deceptions.... Like Jesus, like Buda, like many others not so widely know at this time....


If we use this analogy of tree and any animal, that they will Ascend with Gaia automatically and without question.... Not because they read every post on Internet, or they meditate daily....


~Archangel Michael ~ Equinox Arc: Amplify the Utopian Dream~

Lia's picture

Wednesday, 21 September, 2011  

Deep undercurrents are merging. Yesterday while outside, I saw a solar code repeatedly descending from the sun while relaxing outdoors with my dogs. It was y-shaped, and reminded me of two streams merging.

I feel the mirroring aspects of ourselves and the non-local coming into greater, uninhibited connection and flow.

I felt Helios speak to me--the sentience of the sun, for the first time. I realize the role Helios plays is like mine--a transmitter for the Great Central Sun--our Sun is a channel as well, opening to greater and greater life force too.

Later I tuned into Archangel Michael and asked for greater clarification about what's happening?

~This truly is a time of great expectations~

Lia's picture

~This truly is a time of great expectations ~




To awaken is to know God.  It is His Will that you do so, and as you are one with Him it is also your will.  Consequently, it is impossible for you not to do so.  Your intent to awaken is growing stronger each day as your desire to be awake intensifies and the moment for it to happen draws ever closer.

9~20~11~~Leaders of a New Humanity: the emergence~

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~Leaders of a New Humanity: the emergence~






“We are so delighted to be a part of something so magnificent, that which you call ascension, and what we call “homecoming”.  We say home-coming because each of you who is leading the planet to her destiny carries the activated vibration of home, of Source energy within…and though many of you have had to dim your light to fit into a world that was once unfit for such magnicifience, you are now emerging in the fullness of pure-heart radiance. Pray tell.”  -Seven Sisters of Pleiades

~The Art of Blessing and Upcoming Portals of Transformation~

Lia's picture



~The Art of Blessing and Upcoming Portals of Transformation~


Upcoming portals of transformation offer doorways to conscious expansion and quantum leaps in spiritual understanding. A simple but sometimes overlooked practice can bring greater access to these portals of transformation and allow each person to experience more fully the expanded energies now available on the earth plane.

Mastering the simple art of blessing can grant greater access to fifth-dimensional timelines where you are experiencing radiant health, limitless abundance, unconditional love, boundless creative energy and all your other highest and best visions.

Life’s Choices: Problems or Perfection


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