~Recycling of the Old Energies and Moving Upward into the New of 2012~

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At the end of my 2nd reading yesterday (9/11) an image appeared that I cannot seem to shake, nor fully understand. The information coming thru was talking about the start of the New Year, 2012. Very specifically the first week in January. I have heard this time frame referenced before in both readings and massages and I suppose I thought it was a date for the client as opposed to the All. Today, I am consumed with the All (of it).


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by Predrag Bracanovich on Monday, September 12, 2011 at 8:31am

God asked me once: Are you follower or a leader?..... and He grinned at me, and He winked and He raise his eyebrow.....


"Well.... " I replayed: ... "This is quite heavy philosophical question; so let me be 'smarter' than You, dear God...." [Smiling with mischief, and knowing the answer already, that will be funny and true.... Not only for Him, but for me as well...]


"I AM simply follower of Yours, and leader of my own intuition, my own recognition of god within.... So, I am follower and leader at the same time.... and as we know same time will stop to exist soon, I AM follower and leader of NOW..." [Start thinking how I did it again, outsmarted God....]


And of course, as He feels every and each of my thoughts, He start making very 'worried' face, frowned His eyebrows, and followed with another question:


~Getting Out of What You Think You Know and USING the NEW Energy!~

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Energetically, we indeed are in a new landscape. Both within our planet and outer atmospheres and most especially within our physical and extended (energetic) bodies. The activation is now underway. That is to say, it is now available to anyone willing, wait... DIVINEly WILLing to to use it. To (start to) fully use this new, incredibly enhanced energy that is now streaming into our newly activated light bodies, requires ABSOLUTE consciousness of it's Being!

I cannot tell you how grateful I am for the sheer amount of phone readings I have been doing lately. It is really allowing me to get out of my own way... or better stated, stop doing what I think I know and what has worked in the past, even yesterday. Of course, I have seen over the decade my own readings change and evolve as the energies of earth change and evolve. I suppose I never realized how much it was all leading up to this very moment in time.


Lia's picture

  SaLuSa  9~11~11


It is a case of biding your time, as you perceive matters moving along at a quick pace that is surprising in view of where you just a year ago. Whilst you had been hoping for the elusive announcement of Disclosure, other factors necessary to completion were also receiving a lot of attention from us. The result is that once we can get started, you will find yourselves on a bit of a roller coaster ride. However, it will be an enjoyable experience and carry you forward on a wave of joy. Life cannot go on much longer as it is now, but if enlightened you know what to expect, and it should keep you in high spirits.

Light is Spirit

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I've noticed two types of unconsciousness. The unconsciousness that doesn't realize its unconscious and acts like it is conscious. This is the manic state. And the unconsciousness that realizes its unconscious and reacts with more unconsciousness. The is the depressed state. Every being that isn't in touch with their True Self falls into one of these categories. Duality rules with confusion in illusion, while in Reality you certainly can't experience anything as only having two sides.

Everything in Reality is relative, which means we're all Family. Unconsciousness sees opposites in hot and cold, yet the terms themselves have little meaning without any context. Very very hot on Earth is very very cold on the Sun. Warm for an Inuit is chilly for someone in Miami. Even darkness and light are relative. There are places with very little light, but true darkness, absence of any light, simply doesn't exist. It's a mental concept. In this realm of relativity, there exists no place of absolute light either. This realm wouldn't be this realm anymore if that happened.

The Light that makes up this realm comes from Spirit, and is Spirit, yet in this realm the Light appears as varying intesities of light. That's what the hologram you are currently experiencing is made up of, and it's purpose is nothing more than to be able to experience the Light as endless forms. It's a dance of energy that is absolutely gorgeous for those who have eyes to see. Those in unconsciousness miss the beauty, and get caught up in the program of a mind which reacts with fear and pain to an experience that, in its essence, contains neither fear nor pain.

SAUL - The moment of awakening is divinely orchestrated to be intensely exciting and exhilarating - 09/11/2011

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The moment of awakening is divinely orchestrated to be intensely exciting and exhilarating

09/11/2011 by John Smallman



You have been hoping and praying to awaken from your illusory dream for a very long time, and now that moment is almost upon you. The intensity of your desire to do God’s Will, and yours, and awaken, has become very palpable. It is now very much stronger than your eons-old attachment to the illusion and is moving you very positively toward wakefulness. To be awake, alert, and aware in perfect peace, experiencing eternal Love and joy is your natural state, but the distractions of the illusion have been so confusing and yet seductive that you became lost there with practically no remembrance of that natural state. You only had a deep-felt sense that something was extremely amiss: what were you doing in the world? And why was life such a painful struggle for survival which in the end always failed? It was a complex and unsettling problem to which no satisfactory answer seemed possible.


JESUS - A glorious and triumphant celebration will envelop all of God’s Creation - September 11, 2011

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A glorious and triumphant celebration will envelop all of God’s Creation

September 11, 2011 by John Smallman



We are riding on the crest of a gigantic wave of Love that is sweeping across the planet and enveloping all in its divine energy. The purpose is to fully open the hearts of every human so that each may respond by sharing and extending the love within them with all others. This is happening now, even though many remain in conflict all across the planet. Needless to say, because it is our Father’s Will, our love joined with His will prevail and all hearts will open fully. This wave of Love is so vast that its purpose will be achieved easily and rapidly because the moment for your return to full consciousness, where you are one with us and with our divine Father, is almost upon us. As it arrives, a glorious and triumphant celebration will envelop all of God’s Creation in the brilliant Light of divine Love. Creation is Light and is Love and is where all sentient beings – all of God’s progeny – have their eternal existence.


~Innovation Requires Courage~

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~Innovation Requires Courage~



.....Lets face it...

If we are to Proceed with ANY form of Humility and Contrite......

Then we Must LOOK within Ourselves to

the Deepest Part of our Inner Good....


Innovation Requires Change.....

The Ability to Shift our Thinking....

Ambiguous Flexibility of Mind and Heart...

To Surrender the Ego to the Soul.....

For the Greater Good of Our Brothers and Sisters....

To Rise as a Phoenix Above the Ashes...


Innovation Requires Strength.......


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