Lia's picture

STRONG FLARE ACTIVITY CONTINUES: On Sept. 8th at 1546 UT, sunspot 1283 unleashed an M6-class solar flare. This continues the active region's 3-day trend of daily powerful eruptions. Yesterday's blast, an X1.8-class event, produced a bright flash of extreme UV radiation and hurled an inky-dark plume of plasma into space. Click to view the movie from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory:





Since Sept. 6th, sunspot 1283 has propelled at least three CMEs in the general direction of Earth. Glancing blows from the incoming clouds will commence sometime on Sept. 9th and continue through Sept. 11th, possibly sparking minor geomagnetic storms. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.

X-flares of Solar Cycle 24: There have been only a handful of X-flares since the beginning of new Solar Cycle 24. Here is a complete list so far, all in 2011: Feb. 15 (X2), March 9 (X1), Aug. 9 (X7), Sept. 6 (X2), Sept. 7 (X2). Before these five, the previous X-flare occured on Dec.14, 2006, (X1) during old Solar Cycle 23.

~High Council of Orion message for 9~8~11~

Lia's picture

Welcome beloved ones, once more we come to guide YOU through the veils of illusion to TRUTH. Many are now beginning to move towards TRUTH and we give much love and blessings to those who are now rejoicing in the “new”, for many have found the road to freedom that lives within each and every human BEing alive across the planet. For those who walk with illusion and are finding the struggle of the human life experience frustrating we guide YOU to go within. To find the silence that is within and ask the answers of the questions that YOUr mind has YOU in knots with. For the heart will answer the questions of the soul dear ones.

~Ascension and Dimensional Shifts~

Lia's picture

~Love Reporter Sapphire Stone~



~Ascension and Dimensional Shifts~


Mother Earth Has A Consciousness of Her Own, And Is A Living Being As You And I! The Divine Plan of The Creator, Which We All Follow, Knowingly or Unknowingly, Calls For
Mother Earth To Ascend From 3D - 5D And Beyond! Humanity Must Be
Willing To Ascend, or Increase Vibration To Move With Mother Earth!
This Means Keeping Our Physical Bodies Intact And Gradually Reversing
The Aging Process Back To Age 30! Those Not Ready To Ascend Will
Incarnate Back Into The 3rd Dimension On Another Planet, or Be
Physically Transported To Other Planets! They Cannot Return To The
Higher Dimensional Earth When That Happens, For Earth Will Be Turning
Into A Star! Others Who Have Chosen To Stay On The Karmic Wheel of
Life And Death, Will Be Dying By Disease, Accidents, Natural Earth
Changes, or Sicknesses!


~Matthew Ward: The Fate of Those Who Do Not Ascend (2010)~

Lia's picture

~Matthew Ward: The Fate of Those Who Do Not Ascend~ (2010)~





As we approach the tenth Anniversary of 9/11, we again encounter the subject of numerous people transitioning, the fate of those who reject the truth, and the ultimate fate of the dark ones who were behind 9/11, the campaign for global dominance, depopulation, etc.

Matthew Ward touched on these subjects in his messages of March 29 and August 13, 2010 and I’d like to repost those discussions here. His messages touch on a lot of areas that I know from our discussions offline are on some people’s minds.

Matthew also discusses how some Lightworkers will also choose to leave before Ascension. He emphasizes that we have no way to distinguish between a Lightworker and a darkworker and so should suspend our judgment if we wish to behave wisely.

~9~8~11~Moments in Time ~ Gaia's Daughter of Truth

Lia's picture

Note: This is a different message than the one originally intended. Because of the permeating energies, which seem to be bringing a lot of you down (lowering your vibrations), We feel this will be more helpful for you at this time.


Your life is filled with moments in time. Some grand. Some small. And your life becomes what you make of all of these moments. You could even say that these moments define you in a way, as they can change you forever (in either "direction") in a split second.

For instance, you can witness the most touching, exquisite moment that stirs you deep inside. Still, what you do/decide after the experience is what defines you/your life: Do you allow that moment in, so that it changes you, changes your life and everything that this implies or do you let that moment completely fade away once it is passed, barely remembering how it felt?

~GOLDRING~ ~ Path of Wayshowers ~

Lia's picture

Love Reporters Rysa ~Perisanna



i~ Path of Wayshowers ~



~ * ~ The download of this information is for you to learn the awakening to enlightenment. Wayshowers are feeling energy surges that tell them to be centered and hold to the Central Strand as closely as possible. The closer in alignment with the center the more joy and bliss is experienced. Be in alignment now as the intensity of the stream grows more and more powerful.


~ Experience a lift-off of your body as the Root Chakra gains more power from the Heart and Earth and its connection to the Sun and the Galactic center. Listen as the Teachers of Light speak from the collective soul of your being. It has always been time for awakening to Oneness and in Oneness you feel the river of bliss, joy and the life of heaven. The stream flows unhindered through your being. This is the time, now, and now it is here for you to awaken and feel the stream flow and ride the wave of Light into multi-Dimensional consciousness.


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