~You Walk the Path to Bliss~

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~You Walk the Path to Bliss~

August 27, 2011


Your Father

It is a new thing indeed for humanity to begin to learn of their divinity. You have been taught and have accepted for millenia and longer that you are insignificant in the grand scheme of things. How surprising for you to learn that you are the creators of the grand scheme of things!

Topsy turvy is how it seems to you before you begin to deeply resonate with the truth of the matter, which is that you were never small and insignificant, are instead large and potent and simply pretending otherwise. This is how you made the game of Life so interesting, challenging and effective. Now the game is coming to its inevitable conclusion, and you are looking back over the moves, strategies, and driving forces that were within it. Soon that period will be completed too, and you will all quietly turn your backs on the past and move forward into your destiny.

SaLuSa 9~9~11

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  SaLuSa  9~9~11


We would remind you of how powerful you are as individuals, and how you have more influence on what conditions are around you than you might think. That is why we often remind you of the need to be focussed upon all that is positive. In a time when there are many dire predictions going around, you can offset them by concentrating on all that is positive such as the many beneficial changes that are about to manifest.

Sananda on the Ascension Process ~ Part 10

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Sananda on the Ascension Process ~ Part 10

2011 September 8
by Steve Beckow

I continue with some passages of material attributed to Sananda from Eric Klein’s The Crystal Stair (1990) to give us yet another historical view of how Ascension has been discussed for quite some time.

I’ve said earlier that Imperator, Beinsa Douno, Silver Birch and others were discussing it back in the late Nineteenth and early Twentieth Centuries. I’m sure there are many more who were as well. A 1990 discussion is almost current, but still twenty years back. But most of what Sananda says is almost identical to what’s being said now; a few things are not. Let’s listen in on more of the things he says.

(Continued from Part 9.)

~Nourishing Your Power~

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~Nourishing Your Power~





I have been merging with nature consciously since I was a small child. I didn't think of it as anything unusual. I will say though, I was well aware that the experience definitely had a certain charge! A kind of magical, secret power...I knew there was something awesome about these moments in life and being a person aware of living this way even as a child I knew this. I also knew it was something to do by myself and often.

I used to go and sit outside on the front porch during a rain or even thunderstorm. There was a little notch at the corner of the house created where the huge picture window frame jutted out and the surrounding brick was set back at the corner. Just the right size for someone small enough to sit and not be seen from either direction. I loved to sit there and become one with everything. I love that I grew up in a household where I had lots of freedom to explore the outdoors and be. No one interrupted me or worried about where I was. I felt confident, connected, elated and entirely safe. As I dissolved in my secret space, I would feel an incredible bliss arise. I felt huge and spacious. Elated and expansive. I felt like ME.

Radnor lake nashville


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