I don't think I will ever really understand why we, as lightworkers, or consciously aware Beings feel the need to send healing energy to an event designed to enhance the energy on earth.
I remember being in Rupert Idaho in 2004 and a major healing event was being planned near where I was. I forget the name but it was a massive circle of people coming together starting at the Grand Titans and spreading out in a 600 mile circle to all join in prayer and heal the earth.
I was all set to be a part of that healing circle, just to be an active part of something on this path (especially then) filled me to no end. Before I left to make my 2 hour car journey to the nearest circle of people, I went into meditation to ask mother earth what she needed (how often do we really do that). She was quite clear to tell me she was not sick, she was pregnant. She also explained that the energies we send for healing actually slows down her progress.