~GALACTIC LOVE REPORTER Suzan Caroll WITH AN UPDATE FROM The Arcturians: The Process of Ascension 7~9~11
We are the Arcturians.
We enter the consciousness of our awakened grounded ones now because we wish to prepare you for what is soon to come about in your reality. We would like to communicate with every one of our grounded ones, but, unfortunately, there are still many who cannot—yet—embrace the unknown in the fashion. Nonetheless, we wish to tell all who can receive this message that the time is NOW. You may say, “The time for what?” Our answer is, “It is the time for which you have awaited.” Your process of ascension is moving into a new frequency because your Solar System has moved into a new area of space.
Within this region of “outer space,” which is simultaneously “inner space,” you must keep careful watch upon ALL your thoughts and emotions because your powers of instant manifestation are quickly returning.