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~A message from Love Reporter  Sarah-Jane Grace~

Tuesday, 28 June, 2011 

As the planets continue their merry dance through the heavens it seems that many of us have become stuck knee deep in mud, the mud is a kind of cosmic sludge stirring up deep and profound emotions and feelings. This is a time of powerful and extreme mixed emotions. Each of us is likely to experience both ends of the emotional spectrum in the blink of an eye. Some of us will be unfortunate enough to experience both at the same time.

There can be no denying that we are going through change. It is all around us. It is perhaps the one constant in life. Change; endings and beginnings, beginnings and endings. The cycle continues with some intensity now as we are being challenged to face our fears, to embrace our gifts and to step into the unknown.

Acknowledging Our Cosmic Humanness with Lord Sananda and Great Cosmic Central Sun, The Divine Mother & Divine Father God

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~LOVE REPORTER Christine Meleriessee~

June 19th, 2011 ~ Acknowledging Our Cosmic Humanness with Lord Sananda and Great Cosmic Central Sun,
The Divine Mother & Divine Father God

Access the audio recording @ Cosmic Oneness Audio 2011

Good Evening,

This is Lord Sananda speaking; I come to you in this moment, with Great Pleasure.
Thank you, once again, for coming together for this call, this creation of
the Christ Consciousness, and the Essence of the Divine Mother and the Divine Father God
are bringing forth the frequencies to assist, and allowing you to fully integrate your I AM Presence.

~Wake up Call: Nancy June 27, 2011~

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Wake up Call: Nancy June 27, 11


I feel that we’re all finding something happening more and more……our friends, neighbors, and especially families, who we are being there for, are finding life to be a bit too much and it is increasingly difficult for us to be able to cope with it, because they are increasingly not able to cope.


I feel it represents the time on Maldek when we were in such a tailspin of relying on others, family, friends, and neighbors that we could not get out of the tailspin. So our world was destroyed because we didn’t stop and realize that we were the ones who had the power to get ourselves out of the mess we were in. We created it by not having our eyes open to what was going on, so it was for us to finally see and to un-create. We were in so deep that we couldn’t see it. 


So the beings and other masters stepped aside in their attempts to help us to see what we could do, to a certain degree in order for them to realize what they were not doing that they had the power to do. Yet a handful of them came back at the last of it in order to save the people. But it was too late because they didn’t leave the first time soon enough for the people to see what they could do, what they were relying on others to do.


~Angels on Earth~

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~LOVE REPORTER Blue Ray Pleiadian Lightworker Nelly~



~Angels on Earth~


Blessed are the Peace.makers ...
They are Angels of Respite on Earth.

Blessed are the Love.makers ...they are Angels of Compassion on Earth.

Blessed are the Joy.makers ...they are the Angels of Heaven on Earth.

Blessed are the Trust.makers ...they are the Angels of Comfort on Earth.

Blessed are the Wholeness.makers ...they are the Angels of Healing on Earth.

Blessed are the Balance.makers ...they are the Angels of Justice on Earth.

Blessed are the Friendship.makers ...they are the Angels of Happiness on Earth.

Blessed are the Trouble.makers ...they are the Angels of Integrity Testing on Earth.

~LOVE REPORTER DENISE LEFAY~~Kundalini Rising & The Rewiring Process~

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~Kundalini Rising & The Rewiring Process~


~This post is for the people who may not be familiar with how kundalini energy feels and also how the Rewiring process feels in the body. Many of you have  already lived through these stages so it’s old hat to you. There are however increasing numbers of people in 2011 being activated who are suddenly living with some very weird energies and sensations inside their bodies. This information is primarily for them but I hope you too will enjoy this recap.~



~Serapis Bey~Detachment

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Greetings dear ladies of light, future masters, and ascended masters gathered tonight. I thank you for your attention and attunement. It is obvious from your attendance that you are focused on the ascension of this planet. As you focus on the enlightenment of your own being you are in fact becoming one with the earth and becoming all that is. This is the evolutionary process that is truly life, as your soul knows it. That is the statement that I would like to make tonight.

As I introduce myself, I am Serapis Bey holder and keeper of the ascension flame in Luxor. Feel free to call upon my name and use the flame of ascension as you gather. For it is true, at this time the work of ascension continues and all masters are gathered to work on this project. I have been keeper of the flame since the beginning of your recall. This would be the time of Atlantis, as high priest and keeper of the physical ascension flame. This was a time before you had knowledge of your soul. I was then charged with the keeping of this flame, and I continue to hold this flame in higher realms.


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Welcome beloveds, once more we are here to guide and support you at this time of major flux across the planet. Many of you are now moving into a new way of BEing and living, this has resulted in much chaos around you and within you. We guide you to detach from the chaos and move into your hearts.

Many of you are struggling to logically deal with your life at this time and we guide you strongly to move from trying to make sense of your life to enjoying and creating your life experience. We guide you as we have previously guided you to move through the new energies and to move into your BEing. For many of you at this time it will be difficult for you to accept how to do this, it will be difficult for you to accept how much power and how much creation is within your BEing. We guide you strongly to move slowly through the initial period of creating so that you do not descend into fear of creation.

~There is a Universe Inside of You by Lord Melchizedek~

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~There is a Universe Inside of You by Lord Melchizedek~


Sacred School of Om Na and Wisdom of the Light


Channelled through Love Reporter Natalie Glasson 6~26~11

A warm welcome extends to you now from my soul; I am Lord Melchizedek and invite you to sit in my Universal Ashram on the inner planes with the Melchizedek Disciples. Hold the intention of connecting with our energy and know that as you read this you are being transported to my ashram so that we may speak and communicate in comfort and divine energies. Let us feed your body, soul and auric field with light of a high vibration and unconditional love. Let us shower you in the Creator's rainbow of light which activates all positive and pure intentions and energies from within your being. It is truly a great honour to communicate with you now and to feel your presence within my ashram of universal golden light vibrations.

~Compassion consciousness is gaining a great foothold upon all of humanity right now. ~

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~Compassion consciousness is gaining a great foothold upon all of Humanity right now.~


I am Mother Mary. It is such a great honor to be here today to speak to all of humanity and to deliver this wonderful message to you.


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