Mother Sekhmet (Egyptian Goddess)-channeled by Beth Trutwin. ..June 2011.
Our Galactic Heritage
"Greetings, Children of Ra. This is Mother Sekhmet.
The Awakening continues and there is more to understand.
As the Ships return, your memory of Who You Are will return. Continue to work on this question in your meditations.
Each one of you is Angelic AND Galactic AND Human.
We have been speaking on finding Your AVATAR. Your AVATAR is the part of you which is a hybrid human and galactic. Your Light Body is the part of you which is Angelic. You are Angelic/Galactic/Human.
There are Angelic lineages or bloodlines which connect groups of souls, or soul families to a particular Angelic archetypes. In your 5th Dimensional positronic-etheric-crystalline bodies you have physical DNA and etheric DNA.
The etheric DNA connects to your Angelic Lineage. The physical DNA connects to your Hybrid Human and Galactic Lineage. Your Galactic Heritage is the Extraterrestrial Seed Bloodline you are from such as Pleiadian, Sirian, Arcturian or Andromedan. The Hybrid Human may be one of hundreds of species, such as, sphinx-human, lion-human, horse-human, crocodile-human, hawk-human, ibis-human, jackal-human, frog-human, cobra-human, scarab-human, falcon-human, ram-human, eagle-human, baboon-human, bull-human, lizard-human, ape-human, wolf-human, and so many others.