~How the Masters and Galactics Work with Us~ By Love Reporter Steve Beckow~

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~How the Masters and Galactics Work with Us~

By Love Reporter Steve Beckow~

I did feel a desire to comment on Jesus’ wonderful message today (June 26, 2011) through John Smallman. (1) There are so many messages like it coming out advising us on how to handle upsets. Why?

Well, first of all because change – and never have we gone through such rapid change – causes upset. And second because the rising energies raise to the surface whatever obstacles remain to embracing them and these obstacles are primarily the residue of our past upsets.


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~Posted on June 24, 2011 by Love Reporter Kauilapele~



Dear Friends,

You may wonder what is going on at the present moment in your time illusion structure. We are not belittling the time element, but we note that you are learning to live far beyond it. What we can also say is that there are many many many many many many many (that’s seven) “tourists” in your world at this time. These are tourists that have come by to observe this magnificent process on this magnificent planet, the process often called “Ascension”.

However, these “tourists” come here with the condition that, a) no interference in your affairs, and b) they must contribute the Highest Divine Light, which must be inputted by these ones while here. So these are only observers, in some ways. Although they participate with their input of the Highest Divine Light. Others from other regions are here with you in a more direct participatory way, and are sometimes above, sometimes within, your planet, sometimes they take Hue-man form that most recognize as such.

~LOVE REPORTER Meredith Murphy~ ~Message from Sirian Archangel Hermes~ ~6~26~11~

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~Message from Sirian Archangel Hermes~



Greetings my fellow beings of light!  I am honored to transmit to you through the openings to your plane of experience which now allow for our contact in expanded ways…wonderful indeed.

I wish to share with you some expanded perspectives about what is taking place within your cellular transformation to crystalline light, and how this is affecting the Earth, the galaxy and beyond, as well as what you may do with this altered state of being.

Incorporating infinite time into your new Lightbody is what is taking place right now for many of you living on the leading edge and currently focused on Earth.

~New Energies: Expanded Consciousness and Higher Light Quotient~

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Greetings and blessings. We are a collective consciousness of Guardians of the Golden Ray sharing wisdom at this time to assist you in reaching the next expansion of consciousness. Our energetic translator is one of us, choosing to serve her role from within the bodysuit at this magical time on your planet. These messages are accessed from the higher realms relative to Earth’s vibrational frequency. Let us begin with this sharing session.

Many are feeling a building of energy, from within. Another expansion is on the horizon for each of you in your journeys and these continue in waves going forward. You can sense this, wondering what’s next and what you can be “doing”.

~THE ARCTURIANS~ Be prepared and ready for change~

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Greetings dear ones from those of us who watch with great enthusiasm your journey into the higher frequencies. We see you awakening from your dreams of the old-that which has always been, and embracing new ways of understanding what life is about. Of course there are the many who choose to remain in what they have always known, but most are beginning to question and look for new answers to the issues they face.

Many are now beginning to intuitively feel the unreliability of those sources of information which heretofore have been considered true. We see you beginning to use your intuition. Each of you has guidance within your being which you experience as intuition. As you begin to trust these inner nudges, you will start to experience your life issues unfolding in new and higher ways because your Higher Self, and your guides are now a part of your choices. You see, it has been a matter of your own choice through ignorance, not to include these primary sources of guidance.

~Igniting your Passion for Life~

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~Igniting your Passion for Life~


Message from Goddess Pele
  Love Reporter : Julie Miller

Beautiful Children of Earth, it pleases me so to come forth and speak with you. It has been a long time since I delievered a message. I am Goddess Pele. I am the Hawaiian Goddess of the Volcano and I also assist in matter of passion and love. This one whom I am speaking through is effected by my volcano every month during her moon time. She should be used to it by now, we like to use her for certain examples of explanation. She usually becomes very warm when I am near. I do not wish her any humility. I have encouraged this one to include what she used to prepare herself for my visit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yteqrpzY2ZY

Being passionate about life is very important. With all the changes that are happening all over the globe its important to stay focused and in tune to your own environment. I don't mean environment of nature either. Your zest for life is what I am talkling about.

~6~26~11~Trusting who you Are~ Message from Archangel Raguel~

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 ~Trusting who you Are~

Message from Archangel Raguel

Hello Dearest children of the divine. I rarely come forth to deliver messages. I come to you normally in spirit. It has become apparent that it is necessary to come to you to speak of truth.

I am known as the Archangel of Justice and Fairness. I also am known as the Angel of Ice and Snow. This is how this one first identified me when I first came to her several months ago for the first time. Until then, she did not know of me. I am also one of the Archangels you look to when you are looking and wanting to know your own truth.


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