~John Smallman With a Love Message from Jesus~
~You can change your moods to bring you peace and contentment~
June 26, 2011
Many of you are feeling disturbed and upset as you see the seemingly increasing worldwide pain and suffering, but truly there is much good news as well that is far less widely reported. God’s plan for humanity’s awakening is progressing just as He intends and is precisely on schedule. How could it not be? It is only humanity that is anxious and even skeptical about the outcome, and that is because the unreal state in which you appear to have your existence does not make sense; it only makes confusion. It is just as well that you intend to awaken, allowing it to dissolve.
As you await your awakening in eager anticipation, pay close attention to your moods. Notice that they can swing quite rapidly from excited expectation to anxious skepticism. Notice your awareness of your moods, and notice that they are not you, they are just energy flows that you experience. You have the ability to extricate yourselves from them if you choose to do so, but you are so accustomed to accepting them as something imposed on you, and over which you think you have no control, that you rarely do. This is patently not the case. You have all experienced sudden and extreme mood swings apparently caused by events outside yourselves. You do have the ability to alter your moods – without drugs or alcohol – but you mostly accept them as inevitable and unalterable.