
Another Christmas Story & Mysteries Revealed

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Phillip Elton Collins, Conscious Channel, Teacher and author
Chapter XXXIV
When mankind, becoming kind,
Has fully awakened and gained further wisdom,
We may join in perfect cooperation
With the magnificent force of Mother Earth,
Creating heaven on Earth,
Being one again.
Greetings, beloved children on the surface of my body. We come to you this night with many messages to God-empower you in your process, in your journey, in the choice you have made to be here once again upon this planet we call Earth, upon our body to continue your incarnational cycles.

Thank you star family

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It's a time of celebration! Of high flying into ourselves. Gosh I'm a happy girl. I celebrate my birthday today and I celebrate along with many others around the world anything, everything and all there is. Let me tell you a story. I love to talk to myself. Especially when I'm in the car alone. I host my own show, out loud. I talk to my star family and tell them about my day, I'm so sure I am not the only one doing this. I thank them for all they have done for us. I tell them I can feel them  through my tears of joy and I get my signals from this. I am very close to them and we share everything. Even now, writing these words the tears are welling. I dream about them sometimes and I understand what it is I must do. Hold onto them, love them and all beings that come my way. We cannot begin to comprehend what they are doing for us. We undertsand they cannot interfere with us, we can do this by ourselves, our higher selves. When we place ourselves here to regain our heritage, we slowly learn from them as they show up in the skies and dreams and bit by bit wait patiently for the planet to wake up. I adore talking to them, rather like giving a star date into the captains log. Dreamers are everywhere. As a child I remember having what I called a nightmare for months that had me tearing through the house to my parents bed to sleep. I remember the confusion...being in a white room, hearing a voice over a loud speaker, another language, strange yet familiar, and very loud. Then lying on a table waiting for something.  The door opening and a being coming in and I wake up. Then after many months, it ceased. I remember being obsessed with the skies, the stars and everything that moved "up there". I marched to a different drummer. Look back on your lives and see how they have unfolded. What it means to you. It is for you. I understand myself, as daily it changes. I don't see a bad dream long ago. I see a piece of some puzzle and for us all.

Are You A Human Angel?

Silver's picture

GFP Commentary: We are all Human Angels


By: in5d Alternative News, 12/02/2013

Are You A Human Angel? |

Human Angels have certain characteristics that make them different from the rest of society. The following is an excerpt from the book, 'We are Human Angels.'


If since childhood you have wanted to change the world and have not stopped believing…


If you have always dreamed of relieving the sorrows of all living beings…


If you feel that you have a special talent to help others…


Blessings from the Angels: 11/28/13

Desert Gypsy's picture

Welcome To Gratitude: Happy Thanksgiving!




Angel Card Reading for the Highest Good of Humanity.

Gifts From God: The angels are bringing us Gifts from God. You are God. Open your arms and receive the love that is you!

Leadership:  It is time for you to assume your leadership power and lovingly guide others. Are you IN? Commitment brings peace. We are the ground crew. We are the ones we've been waiting for.

Hello from Heaven: Our angels and loved ones are gathered all around us.  The new age of miracles is dawning now with Comet ISON bringing in the new codes for us. Beings are gathered here from every atom of "all that is" to watch and enjoy this amazing miracle. We are so honored to be here with you!

Ann Albers ~ Message From The Angels

Silver's picture, By: Ann Albers, 09/07/2013

Take a deep breath. As you breathe in you breathe in the energy of all possibility in your life. Breathe out. Release limiting notions of what you can be, achieve, or have in your life. For with God all things are possible.


It is easy to feel trapped by life circumstances, but in all cases dear ones you, you have choice. You have the power to choose thoughts that are loving and positive, or thoughts that are conditioned and often negative. You have the power to perceive life as a a journey of opportunity for expanding love, or as a dance of survival. You have the choice to view people and situations in your life as obstacles, or opportunities for transformation.


Focus & Commitment

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A Message From Archangel Michael

  Channeled and Scribed by Jeff Fasano



                                            Focus and Commitment



From The Archangelic Realm of Michael this is Michael and We come to you now as you move deeper within the depth and breadth of you heart.       


The Angel News Network Weekly Message

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Teachings of Archangel Michael 
Channeled and Scribed by Jeff Fasano 

The Transition Period 

In Archangel Michael's 2013 outlook he told us that the middle four months of this year would be a period of transition. We are in that period right now. Recently we connected with Michael and he spoke to us about this transition as it relates to self love. He tells us the choices we are faced are based in our soul's devine plan and it's time to move into self-introspecion. He says, "No matter what you do to avoid your attachments, your wounding, the old habits, patterns and rituals and behaviors, the way shower and light worker now must face the old.” 

This message is a bit longer then most we post here but it is well worth reading it through. 

From the Archangelic realm of Michael this is Michael and We welcome you as you move deeper in the depth and breadth of your heart space to continue the self excursion, the self - empowerment as you move toward the greatness, the fruition of the powerfulness of self and love of self. You are realizing the greatest lesson you are learning is regarding love, love of self, love without attachments, love of the human condition, love on all levels. 

So We ask you, where is love in your life, receiving love and self love? It is about self love for that is the greatest and grandest lesson of all. You are opening up to self introspection, self love and now seeing the gifts and lessons of past relationships. Each of you is connected and you are learning to love. Love is the "bottom line". What We have been taking you through with our teachings is love, self love. 


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