
New world order in a positive way

strongwings's picture



Please forgive the mistakes in the informations given down. if i am wrong at some point please correct me so i can correct my mistake.



New World Order (In a positive way)


Hello friends. I want to share with you all my newest realizations.



this morning i was once more watching Matias De Stefano's video.( if some of you don't know about him; short info: he is a young enlightened person who is on earth

for preparing humanity for the evolution in a positive way. he answers the biggest questions of the existence history) . I will try to explain what i realized by using one of his examples.


subject: Learning trough hard way or easy way

info: we are all on earth for evolving to oneness by getting wisdom trough our experiences.

Igniting Love ~

Best HBCU's picture

We each are made of Light and Love. Light is Love and Love is Light.



I envision the light in me glowing as love. I envision my angels standing beside me. Always, there are at least three. This envisioning, for me, is a "now" moment. I see the light moving, flowing. I feel the warmth of it. This light and love fills the hollow spaces inside of me that used to be filled with fear, anger, and emptiness. Within that light and love also flows a sense of joy.


This space inside of me is now my home. This is the place to which I return when I forget and then remember that this 3D life is an illusion. I remember that this light and love is pure energy and that it exists in all of us and everything. From my readings of The Celestine Prophecy and teachings about the Ankh, I learned to project this energy outward with the intention of bringing about Universal alignment. I still do this, but now I do it with the understanding that it is a one-sided operation.



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